Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 256 The First Round Of The Second Round Begins!

Chapter 256 The first battle of the second round begins!

With the end of the last game of the first round, the playoffs for the second round of the playoffs are all released.

The second round of the Eastern Conference playoffs:

1. Cleveland Cavaliers~VS Toronto Raptors

2. Boston Celtics vs. Washington Wizards

Western Conference playoffs second round matchup table:

1. Los Angeles Clippers-VS Houston Rockets

2. Golden State Warriors VS San Antonio Spurs

With the release of the second round matchup, major media have also reported on it, and many experts and fans have made predictions about the situation in the second round.

In their view, the two teams in the West that will eventually advance to the semifinals will most likely be the Clippers and the Warriors.

The strength of these two teams is obviously stronger than their opponents.

In the East, the Cleveland Cavaliers have a high probability of reaching the conference finals. The only suspense is the Celtics and Wizards.

In comparison, the strength of the two teams is not very different, but the Celtics have a richer background, but the Wizards are very strong in the playoffs, so the outcome between them is the most difficult to guess.

Three days later, the second round of the NBA playoffs finally started!

The game between the Los Angeles Clippers and the Houston Rockets that fans are most looking forward to will also start tonight.

The Los Angeles Clippers will take on the Houston Rockets at the Staples Center.

In the past few days, both sides have made full preparations for the second round of competition.

Especially the Rockets, they have been training hard during this period, and it is said that they have achieved good results. Even James Harden didn't go to nightclubs for entertainment, just to face the number one team in the league with all his strength.

"Guys! Today is the first game of the series. I ask each of you to treat it with the most serious attitude and strive to win this game!"

At this moment, in the visiting team's locker room, Rockets coach Mike D'Antoni is encouraging his players.

The first game of the series is quite critical. Whoever wins can take the initiative.

But for the Rockets, in the case of an away game, it is no less difficult to beat the Clippers.

On the other side, the locker room of the home team.

"I heard that the Houston Rockets have worked hard for this series."

"They are not weak, so we must not be careless.

Doc Rivers is also reminding the Clippers players.

Zhou Yuan was changing his jersey when Paul came over.

"Is it really easy to get to the finals?"

Zhou Yuan was slightly taken aback, he saw some worry on Paul's face, which was completely different from his usual self.

"Maybe it's easy for you, but it seems like a curse to me. 17

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Yuan instantly understood what he meant.

Chris Paul can also be regarded as a tragic figure. He has the strength of the league's top point guard, but he has played on the court for more than a dozen seasons, but he hasn't even touched the floor of the conference finals.

The best result before is the second round of the playoffs, it is difficult to go further.

And Zhou Yuan is different. In his career, he has never missed the finals, and he has never even lost the championship.

In contrast, the gap between the two is very large.

Paul's career is much longer than Zhou Yuan's, but he still feels nervous to some extent at this time, and the hurdle buried in his heart seems to be difficult to overcome.

Zhou Yuan patted his arm lightly: "Believe me, I will let you touch the floor of the division finals, even the floor of the finals."

Hearing Zhou Yuan's words, Paul's heart calmed down a lot.

"Chris, trust Zhou Yuan, he will do what he says!"

Griffin on the side also came over.

Compared with Paul, his life is better. When he was in the Knicks, he had already mixed with Zhou Yuan to the championship.

After a while, players from both sides came out to prepare for pre-match warm-up.

The reporter, as always, conducted pre-match interviews with players from both sides.

"James, today is the first game of the second round. When you are about to face such a strong team, do you have anything to say?"

James Harden first glanced at Zhou Yuan in the distance, and then said seriously: "Tonight, I will use my foul-making skills to the extreme, and I will let that guy foul out!"

What Harden was referring to, of course, was Zhou Yuan.

Subsequently, the reporter interviewed Zhou Yuan again.

"Zhou Yuan, I interviewed James Harden just now. He said that he will send you off the field for six fouls during the game. Do you think he can do it?"

"Let me six off?"

"I don't know where that guy got his confidence. Confidence is a good thing, but too much confidence is conceit."

0 Seeking flowers……………

"If he's going to draw me six fouls, I don't mind giving him six blocks."

Zhou Yuan is not joking, as long as Harden dares to come in, the block will be ready for him at any time.

A few minutes later, the pre-match warm-up ended and the starting lineups of both sides played.

Rockets starters:

Point guard: Patrick Beverley

Score: James Harden

Small Forward: Trevor Ariza

Power Forward: Ryan Anderson

Center: Ke Lin Te Capela

Clippers starters:

Point guard: Chris Paul

Score: Redick

Small Forward: Brad Rake Griffin

Power Forward: Monte Reissl Harrell

Center: Zhou Yuan


The opening whistle blew, the game officially started, and the two sides made a mid-circle jump ball.

Zhou Yuan vs. Lin Te Capela

At the opening jump ball, Zhou Yuan leaped, the speed and height of the bounce all crushed the 'Cake King', and easily won the ball.

Alley City's exclusive opening was shocking. Zhou Yuan rushed into the penalty area and smashed the ball into the basket like a roc spreading its wings. Under him was Ryan Anderson, who was dunked.

Anderson wanted to block Zhou Yuan's route, but he was still a little slower after all, and could only be reduced to a background board.

"I love how it opens!"

"Zhou Yuan's style of play is really entertaining!"

In the commentary seat, Kenny Smith said excitedly that every time he watched Zhou Yuan's game, his anticipation would explode, and Zhou Yuan never let him down.

Under the basket, Anderson, who was dunked, felt a little uncomfortable. Although it was normal for Zhou Yuan to dunk others, it was still a shame to be dunked.

But Anderson didn't say much, he immediately ran towards the frontcourt and threw himself into the attack.

The Rockets sent the baseline ball and James Harden advanced with the ball.

Although he nominally plays the No. 2 position, the team's offense is handled by him.

James Harden observed the situation, and did not take the initiative to attack, but kept signaling his teammates to move.

After several penetrations, Anderson had a chance at the bottom corner, and Harden passed the ball without hesitation.

Anderson caught and shot when he was emptied.


A three-pointer from the bottom corner entered the frame for a long time. .

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