Chapter 257 The Enraged Mad Dog

When the ball was thrown in, Anderson immediately glanced at Zhou Yuan, his eyes full of provocation.

Zhou Yuan dunked him at the beginning of the game, and he responded with a three-pointer, showing his attitude tonight.

Looking back, the Clippers launched an offense.

Zhou Yuan fell into the low post to catch the ball and singled Capela one-on-one.

Although Cake Emperor's defense is not top-notch, his defensive attitude is very good, especially now against Zhou Yuan.

Capela was firmly behind Zhou Yuan, and he could clearly feel that he was exerting force to resist.

However, he is facing the best player in the league today, let alone one Capela, even two more may not be able to guard Zhou Yuan.

I saw Zhou Yuan's center of gravity sank, and under two consecutive thrusts, Capela immediately couldn't bear the force and retreated again and again. "Nine Four Three"

Zhou Yuan easily ran into the basket and dunked with both hands!

"Zhou Yuan once again showed his terrifying strength. It is really difficult for Capela to defend alone."

"If you want to limit Zhou Yuan, the Houston Rockets have to send more people."

In the next round, Zhou Yuan attacked again, and the Rockets still let Capela play single defense, the result can be imagined.

The 'Cake Emperor' was pushed away by Zhou Yuan again, and the scene was almost exactly the same as before.

The sound of exploding frames sounded, two more points!

However, the Rockets didn't play badly either, as James Harden hit a step-back 3 from a 45-degree angle to the left, one of his most-used offenses.

In the front row of the audience, Khloe Kardashian came to watch the game.

She kept screaming and cheering for Zhou Yuan, and this scene was also seen by Harden.

According to the correct historical track, there was also a relationship between Harden and Kardashian. Later, after the two separated, there was even a saying: leave Kardashian, Deng Ge competes with Jordan!

James Harden just likes a figure like Kohler Kardashian. It can be said that he has been envious for a long time, but unfortunately, now Kohler doesn't like him at all.

The ball returned to the Clippers again, and Zhou Yuan directly mentioned the outside line and played a pick-and-roll with Paul.

After the pick-and-roll, Zhou Yuan went straight down, wanting to catch the ball and dunk, but this time the Rockets' defense was very good. Ryan Anderson and Capela blocked the passing route, making it impossible for Paul to pass the ball.

Paul looked up at the time and decided to attack by himself, and it was 'Mad Dog' Beverly who was in charge of defending him.

Even though this guy is not tall, he is desperate to defend and bite. His defensive moves are still big, so many defenders in the league are disgusted with him, including Paul.

The continuous shaking did not shake off Beverly, and finally Paul chose to force a breakthrough.

Beverly didn't want Paul to succeed easily, and at the moment he started to press down, his knee was directly on Paul's calf.

Paul suffered pain in his calf and lost his balance instantly and fell to the ground.

The sideline referee blew his whistle and called Beverly a foul.

Paul got up from the floor and rubbed his calf. Fortunately, the blow was not heavy, so he didn't get hurt, only a little pain.

But Paul thought that Beverly did it on purpose, so he walked up to Beverly and said, "Aren't you in need of a beating?"

Beverly is not a good person either: "Stop beep beep, you are not a good bird, I must be you.

There was a lot of gunpowder between the two of them, as if they were going to fight if they disagreed.

Seeing this, the players on both sides hurriedly pulled the two apart.

The Clippers sent out a sideline ball. As soon as Paul received the ball, Beverly came up to press. His movement was very large, and he hit Paul's arm several times.

But the referee didn't blow the whistle, as if he wanted to deliberately relax the whistle-blowing scale to make the confrontation of this game more tough.

Seeing that the referee ignored him, Paul felt extremely angry and decided to teach Beverly a lesson.

Outside the three-point line, Paul signaled his teammates to pull away. He just wanted to do this "mad dog" one-on-one.

Continuous butterflies came out in actual combat, followed by a super-large change of direction and a breakthrough to the right.

Beverly did not lose his defensive position and followed directly.

Paul observed Beverly's footsteps, and the moment he lifted his foot, Paul suddenly stopped the brakes and changed direction again to cut to the left.

This change of direction was too sudden, and the change of rhythm was perfect. Even Beverly, who is known for his defensive ability, was caught off guard.

He tried to keep up, but he lost his balance, slipped, and sat down on the floor. 0

Paul glanced at the knocked Beverly, sneered at the corner of his mouth, and calmly made a jump shot in front of him!

"It's a beautiful shot, Patrick has done the best defense, but Chris is still better!"

Kenny Smith couldn't help but exclaimed, Paul's singles just now was at the textbook level, with gorgeous and well-used moves, he was indeed the number one point guard in the league.

"I thought how good your defense is? That's all you can do?"

The irritated Paul is also a very terrifying existence, not only scoring the ball, but also attacking the opponent's mentality with words.

Beverly became furious, but this time he didn't say much, but turned around and returned to the frontcourt.

People who didn't know thought he had confessed, but Beverly was not such a person, and he was planning a sinister plan in his heart.

In the next few rounds, the two sides played back and forth, and the score also rose alternately.

It is worth mentioning that the Rockets have a good shooting touch tonight, which is why they have been able to cling to the point difference.

Halfway through the first quarter, it entered the first official timeout.

On the Rockets' bench, Beverly didn't look at him, but his eyes were always on Paul.

From the beginning of the game, the two have been competing secretly, but Paul is still superior and has always suppressed Beverly, which made him feel more and more unhappy.

"The Big 5.8 have been doing really well during this period, especially Patrick's defense!"

"We must maintain this attitude and put enough pressure on them.

Rockets coach D'Antoni said leisurely that he is still very satisfied with the team's performance during this period.

On the other side, the Clippers are on the bench.

"Chris, you have to watch out for that mad dog, he's been watching you the whole time.

Zhou Yuan reminded Paul in his ear.

He knows what kind of player Beverly is. In the 2013 playoffs, he once crippled Westbrook, causing Westbrook torn his meniscus.

We all know how outstanding Westbrook's physical fitness is, and Beverly can hurt him, which shows how dirty this guy is.

This is why Zhou Yuan is worried about Paul, because the two have been competing just now, and Beverly is likely to jump the wall in a hurry. .

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