Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 258 Zhou Yuan's Revenge

Chapter 258 Zhou Yuan's Revenge

The timeout ends and the game continues.

Beverly's bite on Paul seems to be more fierce than before. As long as Paul has the ball, he will come up and press down, and he will not give Paul any time to handle the ball.

Faced with such a defense, even Paul felt very headache.

He was going to pass the ball to Zhou Yuan, but now he has no chance at all.

Enraged, Paul chose to force a breakthrough again, and Beverly followed closely. Because they were too close, the two collided again.

Paul was knocked to the ground, covering his knees with his hands and looking extremely painful.

This sudden scene made the hearts of the audience twitch hard, and the referee didn't even call a foul for this goal.

Paul lay on the floor with his entire body on his side, hugging his knees tightly. Although he didn't cry out in pain, his facial expression was very painful.

"Chris Paul's situation doesn't look good, what happened?"

Neither Kenny Smith nor Charles Barkley saw what 10 was all about.

"I'll go, but don't get hurt at this time."

"Hope Chris Paul is okay."

All the fans at the scene became worried.

Afterwards, the scene just now was played back in slow motion on the big screen above the stadium.

It can be clearly seen through the replay that Beverly's knee hit Paul's side knee and caused Paul's left leg to bend inward.

Judging from the replay footage, it seems that this was not a light blow.

The expressions of the two commentators on the scene changed and the faces of all the fans changed.

For a player, the importance of the knee is self-evident, and it is very easy to suffer serious injuries from side collisions.

"This hit was not light. Patrick Beverly didn't know whether it was intentional or not."

"Although the referee didn't blow it, I always feel that he had some deliberate elements. After all, before the timeout, the two of them had been fighting openly and secretly.

Kenny Smith couldn't help frowning.

"In short, this is very bad news for the Clippers."

"Chris Paul is one of the important cores of the Clippers, and his injury will have a great impact on the strength of the Clippers.

"If Chriss can't play, it's going to be tough for the Clippers."

Barkley feels that the current situation is not optimistic.

While they were talking, the team doctors of the Clippers were already checking Paul's injury.

"Chris, what do you think?"

Paul resisted the pain and replied, "My knee hurts very much on the side, and I can't bear it if I bend it a little."

Based on this sentence alone, it is still impossible to determine the extent of his injury, and he must be checked as soon as possible.

After a while, Paul's knee pain eased, and then he stood up from the floor with the support of the team doctor.

Paul tried to take two steps, but still felt very uncomfortable. Obviously, he couldn't continue to play on the field.

He lay down on the technical table on the sidelines in great frustration, and then knocked on the table hard. Obviously, he was very unwilling.

This is the best time for him to hit the championship, but God just wants to play a joke on him.

For a moment, Paul was really desperate. He felt that it was really a curse that he couldn't pass the second round.

At this time, Zhou Yuan walked to his side: "Heal your injuries well, don't worry, as long as I'm still on the court, I won't let them succeed."

"I said, I will let you touch the conference finals floor, even the championship trophy, I will not break my word.

This is Zhou Yuan's promise to Paul, and he always keeps his word.

Hearing these words, Paul calmed down a little.

He took a deep breath, then nodded slightly: "Brother, I will leave it to you."

After saying this, he walked towards the locker room with the team doctor. When he walked into the player tunnel, he still couldn't help but glanced up at the field.

The camera also gave him a big close-up, and you can see that Paul's eyes are full of unwillingness.

The fans at the scene also gave him a burst of warm applause, representing the fans' best wishes to him.

The game continued, and due to Paul's injury, the Clippers decided to make a temporary change.

Zhou Yuan, who was originally in position five, returned to his familiar position one, while Harrell was placed in position five, and Chris Paul was replaced by Paul Pierce.

The Clippers sent a frontcourt ball, and Zhou Yuan directly faced Beverly from outside the three-point line.

This 'mad dog' injured Paul, Zhou Yuan certainly wouldn't let him go easily.

"You made the biggest mistake today. You hurt Paul. Don't think I don't know you did it on purpose."

Zhou Yuan's voice was deeper than ever, which made Beverly very uneasy.

He responded strongly and calmly: "So what? What can you do to me?"

Beverly admitted directly in front of Zhou Yuan, which made Zhou Wu feel even more angry.

"Very well, I promise, you will pay an extremely painful price."

As soon as the words fell, Zhou Yuan launched an attack.

His physical fitness completely overwhelms Beverly, and the two are not at the same level at all.

There is no extra movement, just crushing directly.

Zhou Yuan pushed Beverly all the way to the basket, and when he got up, he smashed the basket with force and force.

The force of this dunk was very strong, Beverly only felt a strange sound coming from above his head, before he had time to react, he saw the entire 463 rebounds burst into pieces!

Debris from the backboard poured down and landed directly on Beverly.

Beverly hurriedly hugged his head and ran to the side, his appearance was so embarrassing and wretched.

"Why? Is this cowardly?"

"Tell you, the game is only now beginning.

Zhou Yuan's icy voice sounded again, and Beverly shuddered.

At this moment, he finally felt afraid, the sense of oppression Zhou Yuan brought to him was too strong.

Seeing the shattered backboard, everyone on the scene was stunned.

Although Zhou Yuan has smashed rebounds before, it was almost always by accident, but this time, he seems to be on purpose.

This move is enough to show that Zhou Yuan has been thoroughly irritated.

"It can be seen that Zhou Yuan is very annoyed now. I suspect that he took the initiative to play the first position, so that he can match up with Patrick Beverley."

"I think he's taking revenge on Patrick right now."

Kenny Smith had already noticed something, because the expression on Zhou Yuan's face was completely different from usual.

He has never seen Zhou Yuan like this, not even during the Knicks' three-peat championship.

"Kenny, you're right, Zhou Yuan is destroying Patrick in his own way."

Barkley also felt it, and now he has some expectations, how terrifying will the angry Zhou Yuan be?

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