Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 316 The Most Difficult Moment For The Bulls Has Come

At this moment, Zhou Yuan really had a rest.

So for Hoiberg, it is really time to test his true skills.

If he is really a head coach of Popovich's level.

Maybe he can be more calm at this time~.

But it's a pity that he is not that kind of head coach, so at this time he became very nervous.

Because he felt that if he really showed his feet at this time - then.

Then it is very likely that others will laugh at him.

After all, as the head coach of a championship-level team, it is a very shameful thing that he has nothing to do on the court.

So for him.

Now is also a time that makes him feel very, very difficult to handle the situation on the field.

He felt that the greatest crisis had come.

Because the three All-Star players on their team are not on the court.

So now if you want to rely on them to play games.

So it is really a very difficult thing to do.

The game continued, and the Nuggets faced such a lineup, and they played very easily.

Although speaking of this team, their enthusiasm and vitality are very, very good, and everyone is actively fighting for rebounds on the court.

Everyone is desperately defending, but even if it is like this.

Each of them still had to miss the other's defense on the court.

Because the opponent's pass is too strong.

Because Jokic's ability to control the field is indeed not something that players among these development league players can decide.

Because these people are just playing some low-level leagues, and they are still struggling very, very hard in this level of leagues.

Each of them can't figure out how to solve the problem in front of them. Everyone is like a headless chicken on the court.

Run wherever there is the ball, although each of them is motivated enough, but this enthusiasm is often used by others.

So there is actually no need to watch the game on the field now.

Because it's a one-sided game.

The Bulls completely lost their ability to resist at this time, and these players had no idea what they were doing on the court.

When they are attacking, they are actually caught in the process of individual singles, and they don't know how to play a beautiful tactic and coordination.

Come and help them play a very good game. Under such a situation, it is indeed a very difficult thing for the Bulls to do.

They're really, really struggling right now, for Hoiberg.

He's sweating all over his head now.

He didn't even bother to call a timeout.

Because he even called a timeout.

Not much use actually.

After he called a timeout, that was his word.

In fact, it is just a situation that cannot be adjusted.

"You can see that if Zhou Yuan isn't on the court.

Then it is really difficult to parry with the two brushes of Hoiberg. In such a game, he seems to have no idea what he is doing.

"Indeed, it's really interesting to see him anxiously on the sidelines. In fact, he doesn't know anything about the situation on the court. All he can do now is sit on the bench There, pretend that you care."

The two narrators had already begun to laugh at Hoiberg at this point.

Because for them, such a head coach is really an easy money to make. He can partner with such a great player, which really makes him feel very, very happy matter.

After all, for him.

Not every head coach in the league is as lucky as him.

Because many head coaches in the league are actually expelled because of a bad record in a season, or just a bad record for a period of time.

0 looking for flowers......

But for Hoiberg, he never had to worry about such things.

As long as there is such a guy here in their team.

Then they don't need to worry about whether their record this season will be bad.

Because it's not going to happen, it's really, really lucky for him, he doesn't even need to build an offensive system.

At this moment, Hoiberg is sitting on the sidelines, and he seems to have no idea what happened on the court.

But his face is still full of that anxious feeling, because it is for him.

In fact, he still has to show his anxious state at this time.

Otherwise, people will feel that he doesn't know what happened on the field at all, and he has to make an appearance.

Because if it comes like this.

For him, it is actually a situation that makes people feel that they should be sympathetic.

After all, their team is now suffering from such a large-scale injury, and all their main players are resting off the court.

In such a situation, even if his record is not good, or his performance on the field is very bad.

It's actually something that can be forgiven.

It's just that the thing he fears the most is if his team kills others by a big score in an away game.

That would be a shame.

As long as it is not a massacre, it is actually an acceptable thing for Hoiberg.

Because his team is not in a complete state after all, and so many people in his team are resting at this time, and they are actually waiting for work, which doesn't seem to be a very bad thing.

It's just that what he's worried about now is what happened to Zhou Yuan's injury.

If Zhou Yuan's injury is having a big impact now.

So for him, it's really a leak in the house and it's raining all night, then the gain outweighs the loss. .

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