Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 317 Playing A Very Good Performance

After Zhou Yuan came off the court to rest, then for the Bulls as a whole, it might be the most dangerous situation they have encountered in the whole season.

Because they have no possibility of winning this game now.

Those players from the Development League, if they want to play a very good performance on the court.

That estimate may require their luck to become very, very good.

Only then can it be done, if we say under normal circumstances.

It is actually very difficult for a developing team to win against a genuine NBA team. And it is almost impossible, no one will put their bets on the side of the Bulls.

For the Bulls to their own head coach Hoiberg.

In fact, he didn't even believe his team could win the game.

What's more, it is even more impossible for him to "seven eighty zero" without any tactics and no targeted measures to deal with this game.

The game continued, but Hoiberg at this time, including all the Bulls fans, didn't want to continue to pay attention to this game.

Because they know that even if they can win this game, in fact, it won't be able to have much effect.

For them, they are more worried about the current physical condition of their head star, Zhou Yuan.

Because they all want to ensure their own star, there is no danger at this time, after all, it is not a joke now.

If this altitude sickness caused some kind of disease in his body.

Then their lives may be endangered.

So at this time, all the fans, their eyes, and their mood are actually paying attention to the locker room.

What kind of situation is happening now, for Hoiberg.

If he is not the head coach.

So he wants to go to the locker room right now.

He even wanted to come directly to make an expulsion foul, and then he could go to the locker room right away and see what Zhou Yi's current physical condition looks like.

If so.

In fact, he will feel more at ease in his heart, after all, this is his rice bowl.

Because if Zhou Yuan is injured.

So for him as the head coach.

Maybe he will be dismissed immediately.

Because if he is allowed to lead such a team by himself.

Then it is estimated that the record will be very, very bad.

Then someone in the management will feel very, very dissatisfied immediately, and he will be fired immediately.

Words for Hoiberg.

This is a matter of life and death, if his job is lost.

So how can he make a living in the league.

This is a difficult thing for him to accept, so he wants to go to the locker room right now to see what's going on.

In fact, the situation in the locker room is not too good, but it is not too bad.

Zhou Yuan rested on the bed on this day, but no one knew what happened.

Including those medical staff, they are sitting next to this, and they don't have any instructions, so they don't dare to act rashly.

And Zhou Yuan clearly told these medical staff at this time.

Because he wants to tell these personnel that they don't need to be too nervous, he just lacks rest.

As long as he has a good rest, then he will be able to return to the field again immediately.

In fact, these medical staff themselves don't know what happened.

Because it is for them.

Of course they have seen patients with altitude sickness.

But they never felt that any patient with altitude sickness could command them.

But the current patient seems to be very confident, and he seems to be very clear about his body.

Zhou Yuan was lying on the chair at this moment, and then he closed his eyes and meditated. At this time, he even made some slight snoring sounds from his nostrils.

This made everyone feel very interesting, because everyone felt that his body might not be able to hold on long ago.

But after seeing his current state under this situation, everyone is actually relieved.

Because it seems that he doesn't have any big problems, it's just because of overwork.

In other words, he probably didn't have a good rest last night, because he didn't have a good rest and rushed all night, and then he came to participate in training and games. 0

Then when he encounters this kind of altitude sickness, he will definitely have some oxygen deficiency.

So if this is the case.

Altitude sickness will easily damage his body, so now that he has adapted, the problem is actually not that big.

He seems to be just tired now, so the problem seems to have been completely solved now.

It was a great surprise to the medical staff.

"If there's nothing wrong with him.

That was really nice.

It would be better if we don't bother him now, and don't let him continue to participate in today's game, otherwise.

It may make him more tired, but his body seems to be burdened enough. "

For these medical staff.

In fact, they have been following those NBA teams to watch games, and then go to do some medical work for them.

But they have never seen a person with such a strong physical fitness, because the NBA players they have seen, in fact, although they are all seven-footers.

But words for those who are very tall.

Their physical exertion is also very, very powerful.

As we all know, the greater the quality of a person, the greater the energy he consumes, and that's the same for NBA players.

Their height and weight are so huge at 0.6, then they will definitely consume more and more energy on the court.

So this is an essential job, and they must do a good job of these medical staff to prevent such accidents from happening.

So I have been accompanying this NBA player all the time, but today they found that this guy seems to be really different from others.

"Don't worry about it.

I'll be fine in no time.

Let me get a good night's sleep and then call me again in the second half because I'm going back to play in the second half.

If I'm not mistaken.

The Bulls should be behind by a big score now, right?"

Zhou Yuan squinted his eyes, and he lay on the chair and said to these medical staff, as if he had already expected what happened now. .

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