Chapter 781

In fact, it is very dangerous for the Rockets.

Although they are still leading the score, this kind of score is not reliable at all.

Because we must know that the ability of the Warriors to chase points in the league is very strong, if the Rockets have shown their flaws at this time.

Then the Warriors can tie the score of "663" in an instant.

They believe that the Warriors have such strength, although the Rockets' defense has always been very good.

But the thing to know is that although the Rockets' defense is very good, their defense relies more on their offense.

Once their offense has begun to fail a little bit, their defense has also begun to show some changes.

That's a change in their mentality.

Once their mentality changes.

Then it is very error-prone.

And the Warriors are a team that is very good at playing tactics, and they are now moving the ball faster.

So the Rockets have already made a mistake in their busy schedule when they are defending.

They couldn't find out who the defender was at all.

And James Harden has already started to faint on the court at this time.

For the Rockets at this moment, the problem is now big.

Because they are completely unable to defend against the Warriors' offense.

On the other side, their own offense can be said to be very bad.

James Harden and Chris Paul are constantly shooting three-pointers from beyond the arc.

But their three-pointers couldn't be shot into the opponent's basket at all, and Tucker and Eric Gordon, these people's three-pointers also completely failed.

In such a situation, for the Rockets.

They simply don't know what to do.

They can only keep shooting three-pointers.

This also makes people feel inexplicable, because under such a situation, usually everyone will choose to make breakthroughs or try some mid-range shots

But the Rockets seem to be obsessed. When they can't make shots, they want to shoot more, but the more they shoot.

In fact, the more you can't invest.

Such a situation is also a vicious circle situation, but the Rockets seem to have entered a curse, and there is no way to get out of it.

Everyone in the Rockets seemed to be obsessed on the court. They never thought of using other methods to solve the problem, and Anthony didn't seem to think of a solution to the problem at this time.

Because at this time, he was just sitting on the sidelines, watching his team use three-pointers to solve the problem on the field of 2.8, but this problem has been snowballing and getting bigger and bigger.

Because the Warriors' fast-break counterattack immediately brought the score advantage back to the lead.

And for the Rockets.

Once their offensive state cannot be recovered.

The whole game is probably lost.

Because it's already the second half of the game. .

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