Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 782 Advance To The Finals!

Chapter 782 Advancing to the Finals!

At this time, the Rockets still don't seem to have thought of how to solve the problem. They just keep shooting three-pointers on the court, but now it is getting more and more difficult to return.

Because if they don't shoot three-pointers now.

Then they have no way to solve the problem, and now they are pinning all their hopes on the three-pointer

They thought to themselves if their three-pointers could be shot more accurately. 17

Then it is estimated that the second half can still turn the game back.

But if it is said that they have been inaccurate in shooting three-pointers.

Then the game is difficult to be changed by them, so it is really a very difficult moment for the Rockets at such a moment.

Because if they go to the game no matter what.

In fact, today's game has become very difficult.

At this time, they already feel that there is no way to solve the game.

So what it means for the Warriors at such a moment.

They have slowly grasped the rhythm of the game in their own hands.

And it looks like they're more than capable now.

Barkley in the live broadcast room saw such a situation, it can be said that he was already yelling in anger.

Because he felt that the Rockets' game was too shameful.

Obviously leading by so many points, but they still don't know what to do at such a critical moment, they only know to shoot three-pointers.

Such a situation really makes Barkley feel very funny, because it is for him.

Under such circumstances.

As a team leader, he should use mid-range shots, or break through and kill the opponent's basket to cause damage to help his team tide over the difficulties.

But under such a situation, James Harden would only step back and shoot a three-pointer from outside the three-point line. This is not like an example that a leader should set.

And it's not just when he's attacking, he doesn't seem to have any enthusiasm for today's game.

It seemed that he was just going through the motions, waiting for today's game, slowly running out of time and then it was over.

"If I were his teammate.

Well, I can't wait to give him two punches now, if you want to play like this as a team leader.

Then he might as well not make it to the finals, it would be better to be a stat brusher in the regular season with peace of mind—063 points!"

Although Barkley said that he is a fan of the Rockets, but at the critical moment, when he saw the performance of the Rockets, he was really sad and angry.

So for Barkley.

He also felt that the Rockets were not worthy of stepping into the finals to compete with the Bulls.

Because if the Rockets reach the finals and the Bulls are their opponents.

Then when James Harden and Zhou Yuan went head-to-head in the finals.

Then James Harden is estimated to be beaten, and he can't hold his head up at all.

So for Barkley. .

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