Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 784 The Finals Kick Off!

Chapter 784 The Finals Begin!

Today's game, Zhou Yuan came to the scene, and after explaining the game, he found that these commentators actually didn't have any dry goods in their stomachs.

Although he seldom watched these commentators comment on the game, most of the time he also watched his head coach comment on the game.

But he still felt that these narrators were too boring.

Because when they are competing, the place they can actually see is still very small.

And they also see very limitations, especially for these technicians.

In fact, since they retired, they haven't done any in-depth research on the game at all.

Moreover, they are still stuck in their old ways. They are just gnawing at the boss by themselves and have no research on the current game at all.

Nor is there any interesting take on it.

So in this way.

For Zhou Yuan.

He felt that he should not participate in these commentary programs in the future.

Although his point of view has already overwhelmed the opponent, but in fact he does not feel any sense of accomplishment, because the opponent's basketball IQ is really not very high.

After returning to his team, he is actually going to train with his teammates.

Because they have already determined who their opponent in the finals is.

Actually for Zhou Yuan.

Even for most of the Bulls players, as well as those coaches including their coaching staff.

They all know that their opponent in the finals must be the Warriors nine out of ten.

Because the strength of the Warriors is indeed a level higher than that of the Rockets, although the Rockets can always have an upper hand in the Warriors' games.

It can even be said that they can completely crush the Warriors, but the Warriors are only suppressed by the opponent for a period of time.

But (bhfg) if it's a one-round series.

The Warriors will still be a little stronger than the Rockets, although the Warriors seem to have been unsatisfactory in their dominance over the years.

But no matter what, they are still a very strong team in this league, and they are far from what the Rockets can compare.

So if you want to play the Warriors.

Well, Zhou Yuan has already watched the chess game.

And discussed the game with those commentators,

Although the results are not great, but from his own point of view.

The Warriors are actually very afraid of the Rockets' unlimited defense tactics.

And the thing to know is that although the Warriors say that their Hampton five small tactics are very unsolvable.

But what they are most afraid of is that the opponent's five small tactics can keep up with their Hampton five small tactics, and then they can attack them both offensively and defensively.

somewhat suppressed.

Once the opponent's five small tactics can keep up with the opponent's words.

So in fact, for the Warriors, their offense is not so efficient and not so smooth.

Because one of their biggest reasons is because their 5 small tactics are actually very fast, and their offense and defense are very strong. .

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