Chapter 785 Five Small Tactics

Only in this way can the Warriors' five juniors stand out and become a tactic that the league is eager to imitate.

So for the Rockets.

Their five small tactics can also become a ~ troublesome for the Warriors.

It's just the Rockets' five small tactics, which are actually not as strong as the Warriors, but it can also be seen that the Rockets' five small tactics can be said to be very restrained by the Warriors' Wu small tactics.

If it comes like this.

As far as the Bulls are concerned, they've already -- they've got some clues.

Especially for the head coach.

As the head coach of the Warriors, he knows the Warriors better than anyone else.

But it's just because he left the Warriors after the 73-win season, and the Warriors came to Kevin Durant after that season.

So their tactics have been adjusted accordingly.

But even if it is adjusted again.

Even change is inseparable.

If you want to change your tactical system.

Then the problem is still very difficult.

And this is something that can't be changed in one season, especially their head coach is still Steve Kerr, which has not changed.

And at this moment for the Warriors side.

They also got it.

After all, the head coach of the Bulls is now their former assistant coach.

And it is the number one assistant coach, so for the Warriors, they also feel that the problem is a little bit harsh,

After all, their offensive tactics can be said to have been clearly understood by the opponent.

But it's actually not a big deal. After all, the Warriors have been a hot team for other teams to study over the years.

Because it is for them.

In fact, many teams that want to win the championship will regard the Warriors and Bulls as imaginary enemies, so their tactics have been figured out by the opponent.

In fact, it doesn't matter at all, but the key question is whether they have the cards to compete with the opponent.

...... Ask for flowers O......

You know, if you talk about Hoiberg's time.

In fact, the Bulls have no cards at all.

At the very beginning, they could almost be said to be fighting each other with open cards, because for them.

They actually have such strength.

The game is about to be banned.

When the finals began, for the players of the Bulls.

It can be said that all of them are full of enthusiasm.

Because they have been looking forward to this moment for a long time.

They believe that they have such strength to defeat the Warriors, and they must know that this is the last round of training.

When this round of the World Championship is over, they can lift the Obrian Cup and go home for the holidays.

This is exciting news for everyone, and they can't wait.

The finals have already begun.

When the first finals began, there were not many teams in the world that experts from all walks of life were optimistic about.

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