Chapter 872

In the beginning, when they got off to a 2:0 start, they naively felt that this round of the series had already been won by them.

They already have the chance to win.

The O'Brian Cup is already in their hands.

But what happened suddenly was that their leading star "170" was actually injured under such a situation.

So it seems that all the pressure has fallen on them.

Under such a situation, they truly felt how huge the gap between their own strength and that of the opponent was.

In such a situation, for many players.

They are also a little bit desperate, but no matter what, the game is about to start now.

When the current game was about to start, they also heard it.

What about the news in your own team?

That is, Zhou Yuan would not choose to play in today's game.

After such a situation came out, many fans were very disappointed, because they also hoped that their head star could quickly return to the game.

But everyone also knows that this kind of injury cannot be rushed at all. Only their internal personnel know what kind of injury Zhou Yuan is.

Under such a situation, the Bulls' management still chooses to send some smoke bombs to the outside, and they still hope that such smoke bombs can hold back the Warriors' footsteps towards their coaching staff.

In this way, it can also make their game a little more elusive.

Now that the game is about to start, it also makes people feel that today's game is still a game without suspense.

Because the Warriors have already proved their strength in the last game.

If the Warriors can't even beat the Bulls without Zhou Yuan.

Then it is impossible for them to get to where they are today.

You must know the words to complete the breakout in the west.

In fact, it requires a very strong force. For the Warriors, they have such a strength. …

So in today's game, when the Warriors returned to the arena, it also made people feel that today's game is still a game for the Warriors to give full play to their opportunities.

The game is now about to start.

In today's game, Zhou Yuan still appeared in the squad.

But even if it appears in the big list.

He also won't play the game.

Because before the start of the game, the head coach of the Bulls had already announced that Zhou Yuan would not announce his appearance in today's game.

So such a decision is also a relief for the Warriors, for them.

They may have gradually guessed that the Bulls are already ready for Louie to be reimbursed for the season.

Because this is a very obvious fact, if not the case.

There is no need to hide it like this at all, maybe all of this is just a conspiracy. .

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