Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 873: The Battle Of Tianwang Mountain!

Chapter 873 Battle of Tianwang Mountain!

The battle of Tianwang Mountain has already begun at this time.

When the battle of Tianwangshan began, it was also a game that people were looking forward to.

Although, for these fans of the Bulls.

They feel that today's game is actually not a big suspense.

But in everyone's heart, there is actually a kind of expectation. They hope that their team can still win the battle to Tianshan without Zhou Yuan on the court.

After all, this is a game won for more than 20,000 fans at home, so it is for those 18 fans.

They still have such expectations for their team.

Although many commentators, including many basketball commentators, they all believe that today's game must be another win for the Warriors.

Because if the Warriors do not have such strength.

Then it is impossible for them to stand here and compete with the Bulls. The strength of the Warriors is indeed much greater than the current Bulls.

If there is no Zhou Yuan.

Then this Bulls team wants to reach such a point, it is simply unimaginable.

The game has already begun at this time.

These Bulls players were relatively quiet when they sat off the court.

Because it is for them.

In fact, they also feel very depressed in their hearts.

They hope that the head star of their team can return to the arena at this time, if he can't return to the arena.

So of course there is not much suspense in today's game.

This is a matter of probability, because how strong the Warriors are can only be judged by the players on the field, when they face the feeling that the Warriors are facing.

In fact, it is completely different from the feeling felt by the fans in front of the TV or watching the game live.

Only those who have really fought against the Warriors on the field can they evaluate how strong this team is.

So for Paul George.

He already felt the feeling of dominance over the Warriors in the previous few games.

Because when Zhou Yuan is not there, their rhythm is completely lost.

When playing on the court, they completely fell into the rhythm of the Warriors.

There is simply no ability to get rid of this rhythm, so speaking of anyone.

They all know that today's game is very difficult to win.

For the fans at the scene, they were already cheering like a mountain and a tsunami.

Because it is for them.

They have only one purpose, that is to cheer for their team.

The game has already started at this time.

The Warriors also successfully got the first wave of offensive ball rights, and at this time the scene has begun to stand up.

Because for the players on the scene.

They need to cheer for their team from the very beginning, because it's for them.

They know how important today's game is.

If it is possible to win the battle of Tianwang Mountain. .

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