Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 921 The Game Of Running Wild With Each Other.

Chapter 921 A runaway match.

After all, they are the top teams in the league.

So what to say about these two teams.

In today's game, it can be said that they completely showed their best level in front of their opponents.

And for the fans.

Although everyone supports different teams in today's game, it can be seen that [they seem to be deeply impressed by today's game.

Therefore, it is impossible to tell from the faces of the audience that any audience will have some dissatisfaction with today's game.

For these audiences.

In today's game, each of them completely released their nature as a basketball fan~.

They don't care at all which team can really win today's game, but immerse their whole enthusiasm in the process of today's game.

They know that today's game can be said to be the most exciting game.

Although the Warriors were a little caught off guard by that attack at the beginning of the game, they quickly adjusted.

After all, for them.

After all, they are a very strong team in this league, so they also know how to adjust their state on the field.

If you can't even do that.

Then there is no way for them to become such a strong team in the league.

So under such a situation now, the Warriors also quickly adjusted their state, for them.

Now you have to adjust your state.

Otherwise, today's game may not be won.

If you can't take it down.

So for them, this was the beginning of a disastrous Xia Tian.

You must know that the Warriors' management for them is also for their team, so it costs a lot.

If there is no way to win today's game.

So for their management.

It is estimated that Xia Tian will make a big move this year.

…… Ask for flowers…………

Then such a warrior dynasty is estimated to fall apart.

For many teams, this is a picture they are very happy to see.

The game continued at this time. After the previous attack could not be scored, the Warriors were in the process of the next attack.

They completely released their offensive talents.

After all, for them.

Their team configuration is here.

If such a team configuration is placed on the basketball court.

In any case, they are able to play a very good performance, so under such a situation, the Warriors are now continuing to get the ball for individual singles.

Then they also faced the opponent's defensive player directly, and gave the ball to Kevin Durant. When Kevin Durant faced Paul George's tough defense, he played consecutive post-up singles.

Two people continue to engage in physical confrontation. During the process of this physical confrontation, it can be seen that this kind of muscle collision can also be seen during the process of this muscle collision. .

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