Chapter 922

Today's game is completely a very intense game.

In the course of today's game, it doesn't matter which player of the two teams is concerned.

It's all a challenge to one's own personal self-ability.

Kevin Durant also showed his super personal ability in this ball.

Because this ball "017" is in the words of regular players.

It is simply impossible to complete the action.

But when his body was completely out of balance, he still scored the ball into the opponent's basket, which is simply a very incredible thing.

When the ball hit the opponent's basket, it was actually for Paul George.

In fact, he has already mentally prepared himself for today's game.

His mental state cannot have any ups and downs, because once there are some ups and downs in his mental state.

So for Paul George.

Then his defense may be a little frizzy.

Under such a situation, it is a very good thing for the Warriors.

Because the Warriors are waiting for the opponent to go wrong at this time, once the opponent goes wrong.

Then they will be able to play out their offense very quickly.

They are playing this kind of basketball now, and they have been waiting for the opponent to make a mistake, waiting for the opponent to make a mistake.

Zhou Yuan patted Paul George's ass immediately at this time, and he meant to tell Paul George not to let his mentality collapse because of this ball

Because today's game is destined to be a very intense game, and the players on the other side are also the best players in this league.

So say whatever.

It must be a fierce confrontation, and it is impossible to win very easily [so for Paul George.

He still has a long way to go.

Today's game has only just begun. At the beginning, he must maintain his mentality and avoid some ups and downs.

Only in this way can this state be sustained until the last moment, as long as he keeps himself from making mistakes...

Under such a situation, if the opponent can really hit all these balls.

So in fact there is no other way.

So for Paul George.

He knew that today's game could only go on like this.

Otherwise, the words are for him.

In fact, it is also a very difficult thing.

Indeed, today's game is a word for any player.

For any player who wants to do better.

They all know that today's game is actually a game that cannot be lost at all.

They are not allowed to make any mistakes in today's game at all, so every player can be said to have done their best in today's game.

Although the Warriors were caught off guard at the beginning of the game, they were able to adjust their state quickly. .

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