Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 923 A Match That Cannot Be Lost.

Chapter 923 A match that cannot be lost.

After all, for them.

As a championship-level team, they still have such strength.

At a moment like this, the Warriors are very serious about each of them now. They are not only playing during the offensive process, they are very courageous.

And their physical confrontation is also very intense during the defensive process, although Stephen Curry seems to be a relatively thin 18-ball point guard.

But the thing to know is that his physical confrontation ability is not weak at all in today's game.

At this time, Zhou Yuan also attacked very fiercely, although the opponent's defense also became very decisive at this time.

But for him.

During today's game, his playing still made people feel a little bit refreshing.

Because for him.

In today's game, his physical condition has actually recovered to 100%.

So no matter what kind of action he made in the air, no one was surprised.

During the current game, he also plays individual singles after getting the ball consecutively.

In fact, he knows that in today's game, if he does not give full play to his strength.

Then there is no need at all.

So in today's game, he completely played his state to 100%.

So he didn't even think about it, and now he has to give the ball to his teammates at this time.

Instead, he had his own individual singles.

He wanted to develop his personal ability to a point where he couldn't even believe it.

He feels that this is his own stage now.

Because he has let his teammates play for a season.

You must know that during the entire 82 regular season games this season, he tried his best to give the ball to his teammates and let his teammates play individual singles.

In other words, he is also working hard to create an offensive opportunity for his teammates, but in a moment like this, for him.

He felt that he was also going to take on the offensive tasks of the team.

Even if his teammates can go to individual singles.

So for such a team, he is actually the biggest guarantee.

What's more, the Warriors' offensive efficiency against them is still very fierce, 213 in this high-intensity defensive state.

In fact, everyone wants to give full play to their potential.

Words for everyone.

They will all regard today's game as a game that must be won.

So no one will relax in today's game, they will do their best to win today's game, so no one will breathe a sigh of relief in today's game.

The game is now going on, which is actually the case for many players.

They all feel that, in fact, for this team. .

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