The old man was beaten.

Chapter 55 O’Neal: I just don’t want to play

“Jermaine O’Neal finally responded to the opponent’s provocation!”

“To be honest, O’Neal is a more emotional player than the real Shaq.”

Barkley on the sidelines commented on O’Neal, whose eyes were filled with anger.

He played against the real O’Neal.

He knew that the historical big guy’s trash talk skills were not outstanding, but his emotional control was really good.

Looking at the two bodies colliding on the court.

Barkley suddenly had a strange feeling.

“Why do I feel that Wang Song is more like O’Neal than Jermaine!”


“He is as stable as O’Neal! Just give him the ball in the paint, and you can relax and wait for the goal.”

“What’s the matter, Charles? Did this Asian kid impress you in the first game? Or have you started to miss the donkey’s ass!”

Kenny Smith turned around and started to tease Barkley.

Barkley turned his head away with a proud face, blushing, and chose to avoid talking about it.


On the court.

Jermaine O’Neal launched an attack towards the Knicks’ restricted area.

He decided to shut up the noisy fans in the stands of Madison Square Garden.






When O’Neal found that the Chinese rookie behind him was motionless, he was stunned.

He has always been swinging at the fourth and fifth positions, and his low-post offense is not that good.

But there was a time when he was called the best power forward in the East!

He could be said to be invincible in the East, but now he was defeated by a rookie in a power contest.

He found it hard to accept.

Just as he was thinking about attacking, a lightning-like hand suddenly flashed under his armpit.

It was gone in a flash!

The ball was stolen by Wang Song!

O’Neal, who reacted, galloped towards the backcourt.

But in the counterattack launched by Nash’s system, the ball was faster than the person.

No matter how hard he ran, the ball would always arrive before him.

After finding that his efforts were in vain, O’Neal gave up resistance.

He stood there with regret on his face.

Seeing Wang Song steal the ball from O’Neal, Rick Carlisle, who was running on the sidelines, breathed a sigh of relief.

“Keep calm, Jermaine!”

Taking advantage of the Knicks’ fast break, Carlisle did not forget to tell Jermaine to control his emotions.

But for the sake of safety, Carlisle still called a timeout and decided to let O’Neal cool down.

The coaching staff trains the players!

A large part of the work is to regulate the emotions of the players.

When you can influence the emotions of a player, it means that you have achieved control over him.

Carlisle also knew that the team leader Jermaine O’Neal was an emotional player, but he didn’t expect it.

A preseason game almost gave this Pacers player a hairy head!

Carlisle was cautious.

In order to avoid the situation getting out of control, O’Neal did not appear in the subsequent games.

And the Pacers’ restricted area without O’Neal was like a no-man’s land for Wang Song.

He got a double-double of 15+10 in the first half and clocked out early.

Don Cheney didn’t want to do this at first.

He also wanted Wang Song to continue to play and show his performance, so that he could get a brilliant data.

But he didn’t dare to force Wang Song’s wishes!

After all, he was the third overall pick chosen by the team’s top management, so there was no need to be unfriendly.

Compared to him, who had submitted a terrible team report card for two consecutive seasons, Wang Song was obviously more useful to the Knicks’ top management.

The coach can be changed at will!

The Knicks have always been like this.

“Well played, Wang!”

Herb Sendek, who came to the game with the team, handed a sports drink to Wang Song.

Coach Herb, who was once a big shot in the North Carolina Wolfpack, became like his running errand boy after coming to the Knicks.

Wang Song felt a little embarrassed.

Herb Sendek didn’t think much of it, as he was originally a coach with the team.

If it weren’t for Wang Song, he wouldn’t have received the Knicks’ generous salary, nor would he have been able to come to the coaching seat of an NBA team.

In addition, he really thought Wang Song played well in today’s preseason game.

At the end of the first half, he got a double-double!

Even when Wang Song was substituted out, the fans in the stands of Madison Square Garden were shouting for him to be substituted in.

This shows that Wang Song has a very good fan base in New York!

In the end, this preseason game was

The whistle sounded and the game ended.

The New York Knicks defeated the Indian Pacers 102:94!

The news that O’Neal left the game early gradually spread.

In China, Xinhu Sports!

“Unfortunate! Indian Pacers lost to New York Knicks! The reason was him? 》

“Jermaine O’Neal: I just don’t want to play, this is just a preseason game!”

“Wang Song played steadily, 15 points + 10 rebounds in the first half once again proved the vision of New York! 》


There are countless news like this.

With the victory of the first game, the outside world’s doubts also subsided.

——【Wang Song was directly sent off by Jermaine O’Neal before halftime. Does it mean that Wang Song already has the strength of an All-Star center? 】

——【You know how to convert! But just talking about today’s performance, Wang Song’s performance is indeed very eye-catching. According to your conversion, the whole game is a large double-double of 30+20. 】

——【It is not an exaggeration to say that it is possible to play the whole game with 7 of 8 shots, but there is no need to play so hard in the preseason. Let’s look forward to the performance after the regular season starts! 】

——【It turns out that it is not the center’s problem. After Milicic played, I saw the comments outside and I really thought Wang Song was going to be cold. I was afraid that he could not adapt to the rhythm of the NBA. 】

In addition to the optimistic comments, many domestic fans are also waiting and watching.

——【It’s just the preseason. The mentality of O’Neal was blown up by Wang Song at the beginning. I feel that his subsequent strength has not been fully exerted. Don’t be too happy too early, and continue to wait and see! 】

——【It’s true that we can’t judge based on one game! A season is as long as 82 games. There is a long way to go. 】


At least after the end of this preseason, the outside world has changed its view of the center of this draft.

Most fans no longer have the prejudice that forwards are good and centers are not good.

I just think that compared with the No. 1 and No. 3 picks.

There is something wrong with the second pick of the Detroit Pistons.

Joe Dumars: The world where only the Pistons are injured has been achieved!

After that, each team completed their debut one after another, and most of the rookies performed at a relatively stable level.

Just as expected before the draft, 2003 is a big year for the draft.

The preseason has become a training ground for each team, and rookies are pulled out from time to time for training and competition.

Until the end of the preseason, the rookies are also ranked.

Among them, Cleveland’s LeBron James is the most popular!

In the preseason, he can contribute 20+5+5 comprehensive data per game.

And Carmelo Anthony became the top scorer in the preseason, averaging 21 points per game and receiving attention second only to James.

As for high-ranking players such as Dwyane Wade, Chris Bosh and Wang Song, they followed closely behind.

The regular season is coming soon.

A big thing between the players also surfaced.

(End of this chapter)

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