The new contract is a big deal.

Chapter 56 Jiangjin Small Factory

New York!

“LeBron James 90 million for seven years, your offer is really too insincere!”

“Mr. Falk, you should understand that it is much harder to sell shoes for big men. Our offer is really sincere. Why don’t you consider it again?”

5 million for 5 years, what a joke?

Not even as much as LeBron James’s half-year fee!

This is the third pick, the NCAA finals MOP winner.

He is not a beggar on the street who can be easily dealt with.

“You will regret it!”

Not wanting to be humiliated by the other party’s offer again, David Falk hung up the phone angrily.

Shortly after the end of the Madness March.

LeBron James, who had not yet been selected by the Cavaliers, signed a 7-year, 90 million sneaker contract with Nike.

Directly refreshed the rookie sneaker contract record, surpassing Kobe Bryant’s 6-year, 48 million!

Nike’s bold decision not only triggered a group of college players, but also shocked many people in the NBA.

A high school student who has not really entered the NBA and has not received his first salary.

He can actually get such a sky-high contract!

This made all the rookies who participated in the draft jealous, and they all found sneaker manufacturers to sign cooperative endorsements.

But when they really went to negotiate the price, it was very different from James’ sky-high contract.

The historical contract of tens of millions a year no longer exists, and the dreams of many rookies to get rich are shattered.

Although in this context, getting a sneaker contract of 1 million a year is already good.

But David Falk is still quite dissatisfied.

The creation of a business empire requires a very high starting point.

1 million a year, that’s not bad for an ordinary third pick!

But it’s far from enough for Wang Song, a big man from China.

Michael Jordan, who was signed that year, was able to build his own brand through Nike after operation, and there were dividends later.

David Falk didn’t believe that he couldn’t do this with Wang Song!

Before participating in the draft, each team could spend such a big price to compete for Wang Song.

Today’s sneaker manufacturers are not a bad idea.

Then, he called a familiar sneaker manufacturer brand in the address book.


This rich man who offered a check of tens of millions was just rejected by James’ team.

Now there should be a shortage of a signature player to continue to boost morale.


Just when David Falk was contacting sneaker manufacturers everywhere.


In a sneaker workshop in Chidian Town, Jiangjin City, a group of people were discussing the current dilemma.

“Xiao Zhong, there are more and more small manufacturers like this in Jiangjin recently, and the competition is getting more and more fierce!”

As one of the earliest sports goods manufacturers in China.

Anta started its business layout early, and signed an Olympic champion as its spokesperson as early as 1999.

Cooperating with CCTV to promote, they became a giant in the sports goods market early.

“Yes, Dad, there are more and more stores selling sports goods, and the price and profit margins are further compressed!”

The son next to the old man responded, and then he looked like he wanted to say something but stopped.

With the increase in competitors of related factories in China, although Anta’s overall annual report is growing, its profit margin is actually shrinking.

It has reached the fork where a new road has to be opened!

The old man glanced and said, “It seems that we have to work hard in other directions!”

Seeing this, the young man also opened up the conversation.

“Dad, I wonder if you have paid attention to the domestic basketball market recently!”

“Since Yao Min left the NBA, our domestic CBA league can be said to be developing rapidly. More and more basketball hoops and racks are being built in China. Now the basketball shoe market has great potential!”

The old man nodded.

“It is indeed possible to discuss cooperation with the CBA company. The sales of basketball shoes are still good now.”

The recognized Anta prince Ding Zhong showed a satisfied smile.

“One more thing, you can consider expanding the overseas market, Xiaozhong. Earning foreign exchange is now strongly supported by the country. We can follow the policy.”

As soon as Dad Ding’s remarks came out, a huge picture naturally built in Ding Zhong’s mind.

“Overseas? Then I have a suggestion. We can go hand in hand with CBA!”


Hello, Dad Ding

Ding Zhong looked at him curiously. The amount of information among young people is indeed different.

“Dad, do you know Wang Song, the popular college player recently? He also ran for the NBA like Dayao, and joined the NBA as the third overall pick. He is quite well-known in America.”


Dad Ding roughly understood what Ding Zhong meant and was thoughtful.

When Dayao entered the NBA, Anta missed the mark by a hair.

If you had invested in this big man during the CBA period, you would have made a lot of money with Yao’s current popularity.

“But I heard that the fees for signing and endorsing sneakers over there are sky-high, right?”

For Anta, which is not yet ranked internationally in terms of size, a large amount of endorsement fees is also a lot of pressure.

Ding Zhong waved his hand, signaling to Ding’s father that he could rest assured and that he would take full responsibility.

What Anta needs now is a basketball shoe brand spokesperson, or more broadly, an overseas brand spokesperson.

As long as the overseas market can be expanded, Ding Zhong can afford to spend a lot of money.

What’s more, if you sign a Chinese player overseas, you can eat both fish and fish.

It can not only win over domestic audiences, but also open up markets overseas.

A huge business territory is slowly opening up for Anta.


The 8 preseason games have passed quickly!

The time left for the rookies to experience has come to an end. What these rookies are about to face is the invasion of the regular season.

Their opponents there are no longer mainly rookies.

Rather, they are serious NBA players, All-Stars, Superstars, and Super Giants!

As for the selection of each team in the draft, the media began to report on it, and the outside world also started a heated discussion.


New Fox Sports!

“In the final game of the preseason, the son of Akron averaged 28 points, 7 rebounds and 7 assists per game to start the lead! 》

“Detroit Tragedy!” Serbia’s second place average of 15 minutes per game will be frozen? 》

“China’s talented player, the NCAAmop winner still maintained a strong performance in the preseason to help the Knicks win consecutive games, averaging 17 points, 11 rebounds and 5 assists per game! 》

“It was a blessing in disguise. Miami missed Wang Song but still waited for their spiritual totem.”


——[Looking at it this way, only the Pistons lost a good game among the first five picks! 】

——[With the Pistons’ lottery pick, if you put some rice on the player list and let the chickens peck at it, it will be better than the one selected by the Pistons management. 】

——[Maybe it’s because of the painful loss of Wang Song that I can’t remain calm in the draft! 】

——[This high school student in Cleveland is really fierce. No one can compete with his physical fitness at the age of 19 in the preseason! 】

——[Also 19 years old, Wang Song’s performance in the preseason is no weaker than that guy’s. Coupled with Feng Zhi’s conduct, it’s really… every time I watch a Knicks game, it’s an ultimate enjoyment! 】

——[No one noticed that Wang Song’s hardness under the basket has become much harder? And my body seems to have changed slightly. 】

(End of chapter)

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