Necromantic Myth

Chapter 21 Escape

Liu Zhi was the first to rush to the shore. After landing, Liu Zhi did not stop. He quickly found a boulder and hid it before he dared to stick his head out to look outside.

At this time, jungle survival expert Yorke had already swam to the shore, and Yorke was more careful than Liu Zhi, who could directly rush ashore.

He found a tree root protruding into the water, and held it tightly with his hands. He didn't go ashore immediately, but carefully observed the surrounding situation.

At this time, the giant snake obviously had no intention of letting go of the crew members. The giant snake got into the sailors, quickly swam up to those who hadn't escaped to the shore, and swallowed them with one mouth.

The first one to be swallowed was the boss of the boat. Although he jumped into the river earlier and swam faster, his movements were too big, and the giant snake stared at him immediately.

The boss of the boat was already close to the river bank, but the giant snake still sprang out from behind him, opened its mouth and swallowed the boss of the boat in one gulp from behind.

In a panic, the boat boss grabbed Liu Zhi's scimitar stuck on the snake's tongue, and pulled it out.

The action of the boat boss not only did not cause more damage to the giant snake, but instead released the tongue of the giant snake. Liu Zhi, who was on the shore, saw the giant snake roll the boat boss with its tongue and swallow it into his throat.

This was even more terrifying than the previous situation where the giant snake entangled and directly crushed several people to death. Liu Zhi, who was hiding behind the boulder, even held down the thin thorn sword in his hand, thinking about whether to leave directly.

At this moment, York forcibly pulled upwards and climbed to the shore along the roots of the tree. He found a long branch from nowhere, and beat the water heavily, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Are you still there?" Look at what to do, learn from me, and lead the snake away."

Hearing this, Liu Zhi hurriedly ran to the nearby jungle, found a long branch, and was about to knock it on the water, when York shouted loudly: "You don't want to die, the one with a longer root, At least three meters above, and then keep hitting the water surface, remember, no matter how loud the water surface is, don't move your body."

Liu Zhi listened to York's words, found a long branch, and learned to keep tapping on the water surface.

Liu Zhi noticed that when they hit the water, the giant snake seemed to be hesitating, as if it was considering which side to go first.

York waved to Liu Zhi, "Go there, keep this frequency, don't get close to the water, don't be afraid..."

While hesitating with the help of the giant snake, the others also sneaked towards the shore.

The first to reach the shore was Perkin who jumped into the river first. In fact, if he hadn't been frightened one after another just now, he would have reached the shore by now.

Climbing to the shore, Perkin didn't find a place to hide like Liu Zhi did, but asked York, "Is there anything I can do?"

"Like us, beat the water with long branches, so that more people can be saved."

As soon as Perkin heard this, he acted quickly, and the rest of the people also swam towards the shore in twos and threes.

At this time, York was controlling the rhythm of the knocking, while explaining to the people who climbed up, "Everyone should learn a little bit. When using the knocking sound to mislead snakes, you must pay attention to the water. If you find wood or something If something floats past, you must stop tapping, it is likely to be a crocodile, and the tapping speed should not be too fast, keep a certain frequency. ..."

All those who climbed to the shore did what York said, and there beat the water with branches, all the while keeping their eyes on the giant snake that was sticking out its tongue to feel everything.

As York said, as more and more people hit the water, the giant snake's gaze became more and more hesitant, and now it is only a little closer to the shore, and it keeps swimming, as if thinking about it. Can you swallow a creature that makes a sound.

At this time, there were only two people left in the river, the mercenary leader and the musketeer. Both of them saw the movement of those people climbing up before, and they both knew that they should not be in a hurry at this time.

So the two of them were swimming forward cautiously. At this moment, the female flying knifeman seemed to have discovered something, and shouted loudly: "No, it's a crocodile."

After speaking, the female flying knife hand pulled out the flying knife, York turned his head to look over there, and stopped loudly: "No."

But it was still too late. The female knife thrower was famously quick and accurate in her shots. When York screamed, the two short throwing knives had already been inserted into the crocodile.

The crocodile that was attacked did not suffer serious injuries. The crocodile kept writhing and rolling in the water, trying to shake off the throwing knife on its body.

Seeing this situation, York quickly shouted to the mercenary leader and musketeer who were still submerged in the water: "Come up quickly, if you don't come up again, there will be no rush."

But at this time, the giant snake has already judged what the prey in the water is, and the frequency of rolling in the water is that of a crocodile.

Crocodiles are edible, and the giant snake instantly judged the size of the crocodile rolling in the water, and then opened its mouth to bite there.

Since the crocodile was relatively close to the mercenary leader and the musketeer, the giant snake pounced on him like this, and these two couldn't bear it no matter how experienced they were in many battles. They couldn't care less about being careful and swam towards the shore quickly.

At this time, the giant snake also noticed the two of them from the chaotic voice. After swallowing the crocodile in one gulp, the giant snake opened its mouth to bite the mercenary leader.

At this time, the musketeer had already grabbed the tree roots on the bank and was about to climb up. Suddenly seeing the situation behind him, he raised his hand and shot at the giant snake's open mouth.

Then the musketeer used his left hand to pull himself up, while using his right hand to keep changing the guns. He didn't know how he kept them.

Every time a shot is fired, the musketeer will throw the gun to the shore. It can be seen that he still plans to retrieve the gun and use it when he lands on the shore.

But he didn't see York's face. At this moment, York kept saying: "Crazy, they are all a bunch of crazy, why don't you listen to me."

Liu Zhi also saw that the situation was not quite right, although the musketeer was quite confident now, but after the gunpowder, it was the enraged giant snake, Liu Zhi even saw that the pupils of the giant snake stood up.

York also noticed this, and he shouted loudly: "Run, run to the woods, don't run in a straight line, run around the trees, run now!"

York said as he threw the branch in his hand, and ran before the giant snake bit it off.

When Liu Zhi and the others heard this, they immediately understood what had happened. Without even thinking about it, they dropped the branches in their hands and ran towards the jungle without looking back.

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