Necromantic Myth

Chapter 22 Jungle Survival Knowledge

"I'm fed up. Don't you mercenaries have brains? Don't you know how to listen to experts? I told you before I came out that this expedition, I am the jungle survival expert. Just listen to me." , As a result, what did you all do, attacking one by one at will, do you know what you are dealing with? If you don’t know, just give me honest advice.”

After escaping for a certain distance, York finally found all the people who had run away.

After finally finding a gentle place to sit down and take a rest, York scolded the three surviving mercenary team.

Originally, Perkin thought about the need for mercenary protection in the future and wanted to persuade him, but after thinking about the dangerous situation just now, he finally shook his head, gave up this idea, and let York go freely.

After scolding for nearly ten minutes, York pointed to the mercenary leader and said, "Take care of your subordinates, everyone including you, and wait for me to speak about everything. Even if something is wrong, wait until I speak up, can you deal with it?"

Seeing the three surviving mercenaries nodding their heads honestly, for some reason Liu Zhi felt like a teacher was admonishing his students.

But soon York's eyes turned to Liu Zhi, and he said bluntly: "We don't have a boat now, so take out your map, I want to see where we are going from."

At this time, the local guides also surrounded him, along with Perkin and Lloyd.

Liu Zhi frowned, and finally took out the map.

Before Liu Zhi opened it, York snatched the map, and after opening it, he waved to the guide and Perkin, "We are at this position now, and we will go out from this jungle next. , to this position, and then we can reach the landing point we planned at the beginning, hello, what is this sign."

Hearing York's blunt words, Liu Zhi snatched back the map, "Danger sign, it means that the core area of ​​this forest is super dangerous, and it is not recommended to go straight through. If I were you, I would choose to walk along the river .”

"No, the time is not in a hurry. Master Perkin asked to arrive at the landing point at noon tomorrow, so that we can arrive at the corresponding location at the designated time. If we walk along the river, we can't come even if we don't rest at night. Hurry up, we have to go straight through this jungle, I'll take the map first, let's go on the road."

York stretched out his hand to get the map, but Liu Zhi turned his hand and put the map behind his back, and at the same time pointed the thorn sword in front of York.

"It was agreed before."

York frowned, and then pulled out the weapon he carried with him. He used a dagger, but Liu Zhi believed that the dagger in his hand was usually used to find food in the jungle.

"Hand over the map, I don't have time to argue with you."

"I'm not free either." Liu Zhi had already started to move his feet, waiting for York to make a move.

Perkin saw Liu Zhi's plan. The Z-shaped secret sword is a counterattack move. They cannot do without jungle survival experts in the current situation, so he held up his cane to block between the two, "You also saw the map just now. , Our goal is very clear, don't delay here any longer."

After being told by Perkin, York couldn't hold on anymore, he gave Liu Zhi a hard look, and then made arrangements.

"Lai, you go at the front, you are a scout, right, you follow Lai, Master Perkin, you and Lloyd follow me, and you guys walk at the end, be careful, don't get too far away from us , If something happens too far away, I can't save you."

Under York's arrangement, the team became a formation in which the local guide and the female swordsman walked at the front, York, Perkin and Lloyd walked in the middle, and Liu Zhi, the mercenary leader, and the mercenary swordsman walked in the rear. .

However, when advancing, the team was actually in chaos. York would run to the front of the team from time to time to check the safety situation nearby, and the mercenary leader who had lost most of his weapons did not dare to go too far from the team. The three of them actually Just walk behind Perkin.

Perhaps it was because the mercenaries became ignorant of the heights of the heavens and the earth because of being too silent on the boat. After entering the jungle, York's mouth was not idle.

"Wait a minute, don't shoot, I know you saw a snake there, but it's not dangerous, let's not take the initiative to attack..."

"Be careful, haven't you seen such a bright color? This kind of red frog is highly poisonous. Just a little bit of it can kill an adult instantly..."

"It's okay, it's just an ordinary spider, it's just a bit ugly..."

"Don't go there, that grass is poisonous, yes, it's that kind of bladed grass, let's go from the other side..."

【Ding! Received on-site guidance from experts and learned jungle survival knowledge, currently level 1]

[Jungle Survival Knowledge Level 1: Preliminary mastery of survival knowledge in the jungle, which can ensure that you can survive in the dangerous jungle. 】

[Explanation: The most important thing about living in the primitive jungle is not what you can do, but what you can't do. Only by knowing what is dangerous can you live better. 】

Liu Zhi, who was walking, was taken aback by the message that popped up suddenly, and then he found that there seemed to be something different in his mind. He seemed to have the ability to confirm the direction and find the danger in the forest.

This feeling is a bit different from the feeling of muscle soreness when learning the sailor's basic swordsmanship and sail control. This time, he suddenly mastered a purely knowledge-based passive skill.

After learning, it is not the kind of sudden instilling a lot of knowledge into the mind, but instinctively knowing what to do, as if he has lived in the jungle for a while.

Liu Zhi was a little surprised by this feeling, but he soon calmed down and listened carefully to York's explanation.

At the same time, Liu Zhi will also secretly collect some useful things, such as some healing herbs that York did not point out, but he discovered through the jungle survival knowledge and so on.

Liu Zhi's actions attracted the attention of the mercenary leader, who approached Liu Zhi and asked, "What did you pick just now?"

"Some herbs."

Liu Zhi didn't like this mercenary leader at all. He still remembered the handaxe that the mercenary leader threw in front of him when he was on the boat. If it wasn't for the giant snake chasing him hard, Liu Zhi would have given this guy to him on the spot. kill.

Just when the mercenary leader was about to say something, York suddenly stopped, "The situation is not right, everyone should be more careful."

Liu Zhi looked in the direction of York's gaze, and then his face froze. He saw a snake path that normal people could hardly find. Judging from the size of the snake path, there was an existence no smaller than the giant snake in the river.

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