Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 101 101. Win!


Unexpectedly, after Shishido came to the net, Xianghi, who was in the backcourt, was liberated.

Shishido intercepted all the incoming balls, and if there were any misses, they would be handed over to Xianghi, who was quick in action, to make up for them.

Formed an offensive and defensive lineup.

On the contrary, if Qingxue only relies on Kikumaru to play volleys in the midfield, then he will inevitably bear more physical exertion alone.

"It seems that Qingxue is better than Qingxue."

At this time, Atobe suddenly sighed, which puzzled the surrounding team members.

Didn't Shishido and the others just recover a game?

Why is Qingxue even better?


Atobe didn't explain anything, but turned his attention to Qinggaku's seat.

This is a doubles match, and so far only Kikumaru is acting alone.

Oishi maintained a complete level and has not been consumed, but on the contrary, Shishido and Xianghi had to change their moves in advance.

Just one Kikumaru made them tired of dealing with it, so if Oishi was cooperating with Kikumaru, the defeat might be in an instant.

Judging from the changes in Kikumaru, it is impossible for Dashi to remain as mediocre as before.



As if thinking of something together, Oishi and Kikumaru looked at each other and laughed.


When Shishido hit the ball over the net next time, Kikumaru, who was intercepting the ball, suddenly moved away, exposing the big stone behind him.



A smash hit the ball on the sideline, scoring points and heralding the start of action for the two.

"Time difference attack?"

"But...they didn't communicate or move at all."

Shishido's attention was on the cooperation between the two, and he obviously didn't see the slightest communication or secret signal between the two.

So how to achieve a tacitly coordinated two-person time difference attack?


This time, when Shishido hit the ball, he found that both Kikumaru and Oishi Qiqi were moving to the left, exposing the empty right field.

Although he was puzzled, he still made the judgment to hit the ball into the open space.




Although Xiang Ri yelled out, it was still a step too late, Kikumaru turned over, turned his back to them, straightened his arms, and lightly hit the ball back.


Once again, when trying to attack, Kikumaru swayed past him, and was intercepted by Oishi who came from behind.

"This round was won by Qingxue, the score"


"These two guys!!"

Completely unable to figure out the law of their cooperation, Shishido and Xiangri fell into a stalemate.

Obviously these two people did not have any movement communication or secret signals, but why can they achieve such a tacit cooperation?

"Isn't that somewhat decent?"

Sitting on the coach chair, Nanjiro rubbed his chin and commented on the performance of the two.

"They really know each other's thoughts just by looking at each other."

Looking at the two people who cooperated perfectly, Kawamura Takashi couldn't help admiring.

"It's also thanks to the coaches always giving them some weird drills"

Qian Zhenzhi flipped through the book, looked at the patterns drawn on it, and said calmly.

Speaking of those trainings, Gan Sadaharu felt a little embarrassed after seeing them.

It's also really thanks to Oishi and Kikumaru that they had the cheek to do it.

But it seems that the effect is really good. At least the two can understand each other's thoughts without using codes and verbal communication.

"They have the possibility to go further, don't they?"

Bu Er was pleased to see the performance of the two with a smile.


Tezuka nodded, approving everyone's growth.

"The game is over! This set is won by Qingxue! The score."


Until the end, Shishido and Xianghi failed to see through the basis of their cooperation and the trajectory of their actions, so that they won the last game and ended.

"Damn it!!"

Kneeling down on his knees, Shishido yelled unwillingly.

Even though they had received special training, they still lost to Qingxue.


(Obviously after such a hard training, but the result is like this?)

Even Xiang Ri was full of unwillingness. In this match, not only did he personally lose to Kikumaru, but even the rhythm of the doubles match was always controlled by the opponent.

On the whole, they are almost easily handled by each other.

"Stay there and lose someone?"

"The loser should go where the loser belongs."

Seeing that the two hadn't left the stage, Atobe commented mercilessly.

From the very beginning, he never underestimated Qingxue.

Although they have gone abroad for special training and have a wealth of professional guidance and equipment training, this does not mean that Qingxue is not without capable people.

Everyone's starting point was different.

There will always be a gap due to various factors such as talent, body, time, and effort.

The reason why Shishido and Xianghi lost was that the opponents did better than them.

"It seems that you are more or less presentable."

As soon as Oishi and Kikumaru returned to the venue, Nanjiro also made a proper mention.

"of course"

"Although it's a bit too sorry for them to say that."

"But Dashi and I haven't used our full strength yet."

Kikumaru laughed and said in a relaxed tone without looking tired at all.

"It's all about everyone working hard."

On the contrary, Dashi replied very modestly.

"Just keep it that way."

"As for when you will reach that hurdle, it depends on fate."

He didn't ask too much, Nanjiro has always implemented the principle of stocking.

Can teach, but not much

Give them a heads up, as for the process and results, it all depends on their own good fortune.

give a reminder if necessary


"Qingxue's pair of doubles has become very powerful."

Heizi silently looked at Oishi and Kikumaru who exited the court, and said thoughtfully.

"I always feel that their tacit understanding is very powerful."

"Obviously there is no communication or movement at all, but they can cooperate very well."

Kise also has a very intuitive feeling. He has more or less experience in doubles, so he naturally knows how important the cooperation between the two is.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, Heizi and we won't lose."

Qingfeng said confidently.


Vulcan nodded in agreement.


Murasakihara and Midorima didn't comment on this, the former didn't care, and the latter didn't care.

Slackers and luck players fear nothing.

"However, it seems that Ice Emperor is still a bit behind Qingxue."

Bai Jin saw the difference from the first doubles match

There are not many candidates that the two sides can come up with in this period of time. If they are also competing at the first-year level, the one who becomes stronger first will definitely have an advantage.

In the venue, the doubles No. 1 match is about to begin.

Qing Xuegan Sadaharu and the current minister!

Ice Emperor Taki Oginosuke and the former Minister!

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