Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 102: 102. Singles No. 3! Kawamura Takashi and Akutagawa Jiro!

"The game is over! Qingxue won this set!"

"Score! 6-2!!"

There was a surprising result, the ice emperor's doubles were all defeated.

Both the doubles No. 2 and the doubles No. 1 were won by Qingxue with a big score.

"Sorry, A-gan, I still drag you down to some extent."

Yamato clutched his arm, the aching injury made him unable to perform perfectly, so he was a little ashamed.

"It's okay, senior, at least we get one point more than Kikumaru and the others, don't we?"

Gan Sadaharu didn't care about this. If Yamato could play better, they could indeed shave ice emperor's doubles No. 1.

But it is enough to achieve this level. The team's point difference is already 7 points, and they are not the ones to worry about.

Moreover, they more or less guessed about Minister Yamato's injury in the team.

After all, they have been exercising together for the past two months, and there will always be something wrong for them to notice.

Even Nanjiro would not let Yamato do more excessive exercise.

Although I don't know why Yamato has not gone to treatment, but I believe he is not deliberately procrastinating.

(Hopefully it will last for a while.)

Yamato looked at the juniors in front of him, but his heart was not so peaceful. His hand injury was indeed serious to some extent.

I did go to the hospital before the Kanto competition, but the treatment process is not so fast, and it takes long-term targeted arrangements to have a chance to recover.

If he plays too much, it will only worsen his injury.

But when he saw that Qingxue was expected to enter the country, he was still reluctant to give up just like that.

The others could no longer keep up with Tezuka and the others, just like the former head of the Ice Emperor. To put it bluntly, he and himself were like the taller than the short.

It's just to gather the candidates needed for the competition and avoid becoming a weakness that drags down this group of juniors of the new era.

And now Qingxue is the only one who can fill the seat, but if someone else goes in, it may make the game full of variables.

Because of this, Yamato made up his mind to let go after the Kanto competition.

It is no regret to witness Qingxue enter the country.

As for the national competition, how far Qing Xue can go depends on the skills of Tezuka and others.

"Invite the number three of the singles from both sides to come out!!"

"Oh!! I'm going!!"

Under the surprised eyes of others, Takashi Kawamura held the racket and rushed out with high spirits.

"Aaron is really spirited."

"Isn't that his usual style?"



"Ci Lang, don't sleep, it's your turn to play."

Compared with the lively atmosphere at Qingxue, Bingdi's side is much more deserted.

Two consecutive defeats brought their atmosphere into a trough.

Singles number three is also a key point.

"Huh? Oh? Uh?"

Waking up from the hazy dream, Akutagawa Jirou was in a daze.


"Is it time for me to play?"

Yawning and rubbing his eyes, he asked in a daze.

"Huh? Have you lost two games in a row?"

"Is Qingxue so good?"

But when he saw the scoreboard clearly, he suddenly woke up as if he had been stimulated by something and said excitedly.

"Go and win the game for me!"

There was no unnecessary conversation, Atobe just gave orders.

"Haha, it seems that you can really play a good game."

Excited, he immediately ran to the field to confront Takashi Kawamura.

"Oh!! I'm going to crush you!!"

"Wow, there seems to be a flame burning behind him!"

They are both in the same first grade, but their personalities are completely different. Compared with Takashi Kawamura, who is highly motivated, Akutagawa Jiro has a lazy attitude.

"Then I'm going to serve!"

Back to the bottom line, Jiro looked at Takashi Kawamura who was still swinging the racket and said.


A fast serve was hit, and he then watched Kawamura's movements.


"bring it on!!"

"Tiger hits the ball!!"


"Hit at the beginning?"

Facing the incoming ball, Takashi Kawamura rushed to the place where the ball bounced, swung the racket with one hand and hit it.

Everyone seemed to be able to hear the roar of the tiger, and the tennis ball flew towards the court where Cirou was located, mixed with the flame-colored breath.


"oh oh??"

Just as Cilang tried to catch it with his racket, the net on his racket was directly pierced.


"It's so fierce!!"

"Isn't that move from Teiko Middle School Baijin Jisung's move?"

Along with the referee's reading, heated discussions were also aroused around.

"His posture is not imitating at all."

Aomine looked at Kawamura Takashi's appearance, and after seeing Muga and Kise's imitation many times, he made a judgment.

"Yes, as if I really learned it."

"Xiao Baijin, you are really making enemies everywhere!"

Kise can also compare the gap between imitation and learning, and at the same time, he is a little curious about the thoughts of the person who was secretly recruited.

"When the trick is used, it will be seen or recorded by others."

"Whoever has the ability to learn, that is his ability."

"What else can I say?"

Bai Jin didn't care about this kind of trivial matter, the tiger kicking the ball itself is not a highly technical move.

What is needed is a strong wrist and strength driven by the arm and body.

This trick itself is suitable for those power players to learn.

As for the other move of kicking the ball, Bu Er can also easily learn it, and Bai Jin can also easily play Fu Er's moves, but neither of them will deliberately use each other's moves.

After all, it's still fun to do your own tricks.

It can only be said that some moves themselves have good adaptability to many players.

So it is not difficult to learn.

As for imitating in the state of selflessness, that is another matter.

In the main drama, Kawamura Takashi saw the wave ball, so he also learned it, the same reason.

He didn't have the opportunity to see the swing ball, but saw the tiger hit the ball instead, so he would definitely choose this matching skill to learn.

"Wow! Atobe, did you see that!"

"His shot is so fierce!"

"I rarely see such a strong player!"

Jiro said to Atobe in a very happy tone when he went off to change his racket.

"Don't go too far."

Atobe didn't care about Jiro's words, but reminded him.

"Got it! Got it!"

After changing the racket and trotting towards the field, Cilang yelled casually.


"Catch up"

"Have both doubles been over yet?"

"Qingxue is so powerful"

Wearing the team uniform, Liu Lian'er rushed outside the arena, looked at the scoreboard and said in surprise.

Nioh in the hospital is out of danger, but Sanada will be fine after recuperating for a while.

So while Yukimura and the others were taking care of him, he came to watch the match between Aigaku and Ice Emperor.

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