Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 107: 107 Ice Void!

Chapter 107 107. Ice Void!

"Glowing talent and domain?"

Atobe lowered his body, but his mind was thinking of other things.

One is easy to solve, and the two together will be much more difficult.

It's a pity that his ice world was restrained by the domain, so he couldn't exert the corresponding effect.

(Would you like to try to decipher the spin he gave first?)

The thought flashed in his mind, but Atobe might have anticipated the scene after that.

Although he can try to seal Tezuka's domain like Akashi, but in this case, if he does that

"5-4!! Aigaku Tezuka leads!"

A colorful stream of light enveloped Tezuka, and his "great achievement" was like a life-threatening talisman.

Those who want to rely on the world of ice will be restrained by the domain.

But if you try to crack the domain, you will encounter double counterattacks after hard work.

"It's impeccable."

That kind of playing style that can take care of each other and achieve perfection is simply rare.

The talented Tezuka has already climbed to a higher level.

Taking a deep breath, Atobe retreated to the bottom line and prepared to serve.

"This is really the end of the road."

Seeing that Tezuka took the lead again and appeared in a strong posture, everyone was waiting for Atobe's next move.

"The World of Ice can obviously shine on talent"

"But it was cracked because of the domain"

"Trying to crack the domain will be counterattacked by hard work"

One layer after another, it can only be said that if Atobe cannot break this rigid cycle, then Tezuka will win.

"He hasn't given up yet."

Bai Jin looked at Atobe and knew that this gorgeous man would not give up so easily.

From his attitude of working hard, he knew that he had paid too much to defeat Tezuka.

"Anyway, the next goal will tell the outcome."

Akashi watched the progress of the game silently, and knew how important the next crucial goal was.

It was Tezuka who took it down easily.

Or will Atobe come out of desperation to break the deadlock?

(It's so infuriating)

(When my uncle was in high spirits, you appeared silently, which made me lose the battle and lose my glory.)

(Even though I am so trained, I am still subject to you.)

As soon as he raised his hand and threw the ball, Atobe recalled the first scene of the Tokyo Tournament.

That can be said to be the "darkest" time in his tennis life.

Came to Ice Emperor in high spirits, just about to take over the position of minister through a big victory.

The result was a 6-0 by Tezuka, who fell from a high to a low.

The gap between them and the subsequent circumstances all made Atobe remember it in his heart.

or gnashing of teeth

Since then, he has made up his mind to wash away this shame.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to go abroad for special training, and squeezed himself to break through the limit many times.

The purpose is to reverse the era that should belong to the Ice Emperor!

Be it Qingxue or Diguang, he will reign as the king!

"First! It's you! Tezuka!!"

Almost shouting angrily, Atobe sent the ball.

But Tezuka hit it back with a well-hardened form.

Double strike! !


Holding the racket with both hands, Atobe hit the ball back fiercely.


Icicles begin to appear around the perimeter of the field.

The world of ice! !

"It's useless, as long as there is a domain, there will be no dead ends for Tezuka!!"

Kikumaru saw that Atobu was unwilling to give up and used the ice world again, and shouted immediately.


Buer opened his eyes slightly, feeling something was wrong.

This time, the icicles not only appeared on Tezuka's side, but even Atobe's surroundings were full of icicles.




In everyone's view, Tezuka didn't even react to the incoming tennis ball.

The ball rolls on the ground, heralding its presence.

At the same time, the icicle dissipated in place.

"This is?"

For a while, no one realized what happened.




But when this similar situation still happened next, everyone knew that it was not accidental.

Every time Atobe fought back, Tezuka remained as unresponsive as before.

It's as if Atobe used the ice world to penetrate the dead corner.

"But isn't the world of ice cracked by the domain?"

Not quite understanding what happened here, Takashi Kawamura asked strangely.

"But again, this time Atobe sealed Tezuka's domain."

Sadaharu had already seen that Atobe was applying a counter-rotation to counteract it.

"No, it was the same before. Didn't Tezuka rely on hard work to overcome it?"

Kikumaru was also puzzled, although he knew that Atobe had played a reverse turn to counteract the pull of the domain, but Tezuka had been able to fight back with hard work before, so why didn't he respond now?


"Whether it is brilliant or hard-working"

"Or your domain"

"My uncle is tired of watching it."

In the venue, with one hand in front of his face, Atobe looked at Tezuka through his eyes and said in a cold tone.

"Those alone. You will never be able to crack me"

"Illusion of Ice!"



Akashi frowned, his eyes of different colors stared at Atobe, and his expression became serious.

"It turned out to be like this"

He muttered, and then the strange-colored pupils dissipated here, as if he got some answer.

"What's the matter, what happened?"

Huang Lai was still in a daze, not knowing what happened.

"Isn't it an illusion piled up in a dead corner?"


The others were startled when they heard what Baijin and Akashi said together.

"Ice World. Can it still be used like this?"

It's nothing more than that everyone else is in a daze state, even Bai Jin and Akashi have to ponder for a while before they see something tricky.

This is completely reverse thinking. It can be seen from this that Atobe is indeed spending his mind on finding ways to fight against the brilliance and hard work and Tezuka's domain.

"Atobe used the world of ice on himself"

This has already involved the use of mental power skills, and Bai Jin has to admire his ideas.

Since the world of ice can't work on Tezuka, then in turn, let yourself be full of flaws, so that Tezuka can see through his blind spots unconsciously.

But because of the deliberate exposure of Atobe, the dead corners of icicles are everywhere, and the result is

Tezuka was blinded perception and vision.

Therefore, it is impossible to distinguish Atobe's ball path at all.

From Tezuka's point of view, I'm afraid Atobe's field is full of icicles and even covers himself to the extent that he is "buried alive".

so that no judgment can be made.

Even if there is a field that is pulling the ball back, the actual direction of the pull is unknown and biased because of the reverse rotation shot by Atobe.

This caused Tezuka to have no idea where the ball was.

As Atobe said, everything he sees is just a "virtual image".

In that kind of situation where it is impossible to catch the trace at all, it is impossible to even swing the racket, and it has lost its effect even after hard work.

The only talent that can be relied on will shine, but it will be suppressed by the "Ice World".

Atobe Keigo

What a horrible man.


The principle of the virtual image of ice exposes a large number of blind spots to the opponent, thereby causing visual and sensory obstacles, making it impossible for the opponent to know the route of returning the ball and the player's movements.

It is the reverse world of ice. Because Atobe is returning the ball, the opponent sees Atobe's dead corner and has no effect and will only be interfered for nothing.

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