Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 108 108 is over!

Chapter 108 108. End!

"5-6! The Ice Empress is ahead!!"

It clearly felt that the game had only started for less than 20 minutes, but the two sides played very anxiously.

"Hey kid, how are you feeling?"

Seeing Tezuka came back, Nanjiro asked him something pointed.


Not realizing what Nanjiro was reminding him of, Tezuka turned his head and glanced at Atobe not far away and commented.

"It's not a question of whether you're great or not."

"Now that you're standing on the field and playing against such a master, don't you have any other thoughts in your mind?"

Scratching his head, Nanjiro didn't know whether to say that Tezuka was a genius or a stupid character.


"I will win"

As if sensing something wrong with Nanjiro's tone, Tezuka was silent for a while, and finally spoke.


With a sigh, Nanjiro could only say that time is fate.

(This brat is obviously only a small step away from being seamless, but he can always avoid the correct answer.)

It can only be said that the game in front of him blinded his eyes.

Make him unable to see his present essence clearly.

Obviously the opportunity is so good, but he can't grasp it, Nanjiro is anxious to see it.

Against such a master of the same age, the first thought is not to be happy and happy, but to want to win the opponent and win the game.

Ignoring the process of enjoying, all focus on the result

It is obvious that you can have everything, but you only take one side.

How can he come into contact with Perfect Clothes like this?

"A kid is still a kid."

"He has a somewhat weak heart."

There is no way, Nanjiro can only think about it and see if there is any other way to make this kid realize the key factor.

If you still can't understand it before the match with Teiko, then Nanjiro can only say "this is life".


"It looks like Keigo Atobe has the upper hand."

Vulcan crossed his arms, looked at the game on the field that was about to start again, and said.

"That's the case at the moment, but it's hard to say what will happen next."

"Tezuka Kunimitsu should have thought of a way to deal with the Ice Void."

During the short break just now, Akashi had already thought of a way to crack it.

For experts like them, there is a very simple and simple method to break the virtual image of ice.

"Eh? What method?"

"You'll find out later."


"Tezuka, I will beat you in one blow!"

Tossing the ball, Atobe used the "Ice Illusion" and had no intention of delaying it.

Although it seems that the "Ice Illusion" cannot be deciphered at present, it may be discovered that some weakness will be discovered.

So Atobu doesn't intend to drag it down.

He wants a quick fight!

The fields of both sides began to pile up with icicles, and an exaggerated amount piled up in the field of Atobe, making it impossible to see the situation inside.

As soon as the ball was hit, Atobe noticed something was wrong.

look up..


Close your eyes?




This time, Tezuka was not disturbed, but actually hit the ball back.


In a short moment, Atobe wanted to understand the truth.

Tezuka no longer relies on what his eyes see, but on the sound of the ball.

So much so that the virtual images he created have all become decorations.

The domain can still be activated, it can still be used after hard work, and it can be rejuvenated and revived.

The three strokes began to link with each other again.

On the contrary, Atobe has no way to use the world of ice or the virtual image of ice to crack it again.




"Enter the tiebreaker!"

"False is always false."

"The ball doesn't disappear or show up on the other side for no reason."

Seeing Tezuka gradually regaining his advantage, Fuji commented.

He can also do the method of playing with his eyes closed, but he doesn't usually use it specially.

It's just that I didn't expect to meet Atobe now, but it just happened to come in handy.

Now that the moves have been cracked, it can be regarded as shattering Atobe's last resistance.

Even in the tie-break, Atobe definitely couldn't continue to fight against Tezuka.


Nanjiro tilted his mouth, looked at the situation in the venue, and sighed.

"You seem sorry?"

Coach Sakaki turned his head to look at Nanjiro's expression, and asked expressionlessly.

"There's a foolish boy who is getting into the horns with his head covered."

"What a headache."

Looking at Tezuka on the field, Nanjiro scratched his hair and regretted.


When Coach Sakaki heard this, he immediately turned his gaze to Tezuka.

"is that so?"

After a long time, he seemed to have thought of something, and said a word of unclear meaning in a flat manner.

Although he knew that Nanjiro could not devote himself wholeheartedly to coaching, but it was unexpected that he cared to this extent.

"Does Tezuka Kunimitsu have the qualifications to get involved in that field?"



"The game is over, this set was won by Seigaku Tezuka! The score."


Although Atobe's trickiness was beyond phenomenal, Tezuka still won the game smoothly.

The performance of both sides opened people's eyes and saw a different kind of game.

"Damn it. I lost to you again this time."

Standing in front of the net, Atobe wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said unconvinced.

"You are really good."

Tezuka looked at Atobe, but he expressed his inner thoughts. From the capital competition to the present, Atobe is completely different.

If you don't have the heart to do it, I'm afraid you can't do it to this level.

It is the tenacious spirit and fighting spirit that Atobe embodies.

I'm afraid no one can imagine that Atobe will become so powerful in just two months, right?

If it weren't for Tezuka being very special, I am afraid that ordinary players would not be his opponent.

Seeing through the combination of blind spots and virtual images, these two moves are enough to defeat many players at all.

Not to mention this game, both of them had a tacit understanding of not using Zone.

"By the way, the next game, if you give up halfway, I can't spare you."

Finally, under the handshake of the two, Atobe glanced at Teiko who was on the high platform and said to Tezuka.

Atobe also knows that the real monster is still there

To meet Tezuka will be a more difficult and powerful opponent than him.

After winning the game, it also indicates that the next final will be a death fight between Diguang and Qingxue.

The winner will win the championship of the Kanto Contest!

"I will definitely win"

Although he is not sure yet, Tezuka is not to be outdone.

"Really? Although it's a bit regrettable not to be able to fight against you who became the minister, but what exactly do you need to accomplish?"

Atobe didn't care about the outcome anymore, but asked another question.

"What do I need to accomplish?"

Tezuka was stunned by Atobe's question.

Although the shadow of "seamless clothing" flashed in his mind, coach Nanjiro did not tell him the trick.

Maybe before the match against Di Guang, he should know how to open it seamlessly.

(If it is the realm of seamlessness, you should be able to fight him)

PS: There should be another big chapter tonight!

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