Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 114: 114 Doubles No. 1! Gan Sadaharu Yamato and Vulcan Aomine!

Chapter 114 114. Doubles One! Gan Sadaharu Yamato and Vulcan Aomine!

"The game is over! This set was won by Diguang Middle School! The score."


I thought that Oishi and Kikumaru who had activated "Symbolism" would be able to complete the counterattack, but unexpectedly, Kuroko and Kise used "Connection" to beat them back.

(Sure enough, coherence has no future.)

Making complaints in his heart, Bai Jin had to sigh that this world is really kind enough.

As long as you are strong enough, you can develop any moves you want, even if you can hit a black hole or a nuclear explosion, the world consciousness will not stop you.

A series of moves such as Chidori, Helixwan, Bakuliuba, Nine-headed Dragon Flash, etc. were all developed on the basis of this arbitrary behavior.

If it weren't for the existence of tennis balls, others might think that this is a world view of superpowers

"Yeah, connection is really a magical move."

"No matter how many times I use it, I feel super looking forward to it."

Kise just walked back and commented with a memorable expression.

"But because of Kise-kun, I barely reached level 2 this time."

"It's also fortunate that the opponent's level is not as high as ours, otherwise it would be hard to say."

Heizi glanced at Kise, and said with a little disgust.

"Hey, little Heizi, that's going too far."

Hearing this, Kise couldn't hold back immediately, and said loudly.

Although the main theme of the connection is Heizi, the specific level that can be achieved depends on the performance of the "material".

That is to say Kise

The current upper limit of the connection level is temporarily unknown, but the strongest time he and Kise reached "link3".

At that time, they could even easily suppress the doubles combination of Murasakihara and Midorima, although it was a long time ago.


"Ah, I still lost."

"They are really good, Dashi."

Although he lost this time, Kikumaru was not as frustrated as he imagined, but sighed.

"Yes, Eiji, we still have a long way to go."

Nodding his head, Oishi agreed, and then the two looked at Nanjiro in front of them.

"It can only be said that the opponent is indeed better than you."

"It's also the first time I've seen that doubles move."

"Let's experience the feeling just now, and you will have some fun in the future."

Nanjiro didn't teach much, but he was pleased with the growth of the two.

Mastering the stick, but aiming for the yard.

That player named Kuroko Tetsuya is really a weird existence.


In the stands, Coach Sakaki flipped through the list in his hand, looked at the names on it and was silent for a while.

Impressively written on it were the names of all the players in Diguang Zhengxuan.

It's not that he's so "greedy", but this group of people are really easy to "use".

(It’s okay if Diguang wins the championship, but if Qingxue wins the championship, maybe he has to make a choice)

The latter possibility appears to be remote at present.


"Please play doubles No. 1 from both sides!!"

Following the referee's declaration, the two sides began to send candidates again.


"real or fake?"

On the high platform, Qian Shi was stunned as he watched the people appearing on stage.

Even Akutsu's eyes widened.

"Did you make such a move?"

As soon as Gan Sadaharu and Yamato walked on the field, they felt the atmosphere before Oishi and Kikumaru.

Aomine Daiki

Vulcan Taiga

This is Diguang's Doubles One! !

This is not a normal formation

This is clearly a hodgepodge mix and match! !

(No, you can't underestimate them. The combination of Tetsuya Kuroko and Ryota Kise was surprisingly powerful.)

(Is it possible that these two also have a strong doubles tacit understanding?)

Qian Zhenzhi pushed his glasses, and thought about it very carefully.

But then he saw the shameful scene.

"Okay, I'm in charge of this place"

"You are the one, don't run to my side."

Huoshen and Qingfeng stood in the midfield like children and divided their own areas, as if they didn't care that this was a doubles.

"Haha, it seems that they really have personalities."

Looking at this scene, Yamato laughed.

This kind of childish dispute is really fun.

"Senior, it seems that now is not the time for us to laugh."

Turning his head to look at Yamato, Gan Sadaharu hurriedly corrected him.


"Both are strong players in singles."

"It's such a troublesome combination."

After recovering, Yamato then looked serious and looked at Qingfeng and Vulcan and said in a concentrated voice.

Aomine and Vulcan, if any of them get other schools, they can almost be said to be ace-level players.

The two of them appeared together in doubles, even if they didn't have a tacit understanding, they still had enough singles literacy as a foundation.

The general doubles combination may really not be their opponents.

"Diguang's formation has been done as he pleases to this extent."

"In other words, no matter how they line up, the advantage is always in their hands."

"That's the confidence that comes from a strong player."

Atobe crossed his legs, and the seat next to him was Yukimura and Sanada from Tachikai University.

"There is no need to deliberately target anyone."

"Even if you make random moves, you can still be as stable as Mount Tai."

After the fight, Yukimura could also appreciate Teiko's profound background.

Eight strong players, any combination can produce a combination that is not weak.

This is absolutely impossible for other schools to imitate and learn from.

Basically invincible from the start.

To break this cycle, you have to find a way to surpass them.


“A really bad situation”

Gan Sadaharu's serve, although the game has not officially started, but he can imagine the next development.

The terrible singles ability of the two opposites far surpassed him and Yamato.

To defeat the strong with the weak.

That is not a simple matter, not to mention the situation where the opponent is ahead of himself in all directions.


The ball was released and he started to test.

The ball landed in Aomine's half court, and the opponent swung the racket and quickly hit the ball back.



The ball landed on the diagonal bottom line of the edge with incomparable precision, without any deviation.




After the last three serves were returned, Gan Sadaharu still picked Aomine to hit, but each counterattack scored easily.

Although Yamato tried to pick it up, he couldn't catch up.

(The speed and strength of the swing.)

(angle of hit, ball control)

With a storm of data flashing in his mind, Gan Sadaharu had no choice but to analyze and collect as much as possible.

"What the hell is he calling you all the time?"

"Who knows, maybe I think I'm stronger."


Vulcan has been watching the show, so he is somewhat upset, especially Aomine's "I'm strong" look.

Holding the ball, Vulcan kicked it out angrily.



Yamato tried to catch the ball, but the racket was instantly sent flying.





The serve was won simply and rudely while the opponent's racket was constantly being knocked into the air.

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