Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 115: 115 Singles No. 3! Atsushi Murasakihara and Takashi Kawamura!

Chapter 115 115. Singles No. 3! Atsushi Murasakihara and Takashi Kawamura!


"Diguang Middle School leads!"

The situation is far worse than imagined. The combination of Vulcan and Qingfeng obviously doesn't seem to have any tacit understanding, but the strong single combat ability conceals such shortcomings.

"This may be the so-called one force breaking all laws."

Yukimura sighed as he watched Sadaharu and Yamato who were struggling on the field.


Liu Lian Er frowned, clenched her fists and said in a low voice.

"It's kind of hurtful to say that though."

"But the former head of Qingxue is really a drag."

Atobe's words were not as harsh as before, but he crossed his legs and commented.

"It's all over, that's what it means."



Panting, Yamato looked at Sadaharu next to him, and knew that he could play very little role on the field.

Whether it was Vulcan's shot or Aomine's attack, he couldn't resist it.

This is just the difference in aptitude and strength between the two sides.

In the case that the whole is completely weaker than the other two, even if Qian Zhenzhi wants to make a difference, it is too difficult.

"Is there a 0% chance of winning?"

Although it is possible to analyze the action patterns of Vulcan and Aomine, but to fight against them, other factors must be satisfied.

"Give it a go"

Holding the ball in hand, Sadaharu sent it out.


Since the two are divided into half-court defense, no matter where Sadaharu Mikami hits the ball, they can easily reach it.

"The probability of the opposite corner is 98%"

"ball speed is"

"Ejection angle."

Already switched to a new data mode, Qian Zhenzhi analyzed it calmly.

instant calculation

That was the talent that was forced to show at the Metropolitan Competition because of meeting Shiratsu and Midorima.

Rely on the collected data to make a rough judgment about what the opponent will choose.

Slightly different from precise data tennis, this method tests the calculation ability of the brain more.

The opponent's running, swinging action, ball speed, strength, etc.

All this is taken into consideration.

Use these as the basis for calculations and get answers quickly.

Hit the ball back dry Sadaharu did as he wished.

"Have a hand, how about this?"

Seeing that his ball was calculated by the opponent and hit back, Qingfeng laughed, squatted slightly, and then rushed forward and jumped up.

Legs bent, feet sliding against the ground.

Volley smash!


It has to be said that Aomine has infinite imagination for tennis postures.

His habit of being able to fight back with any posture is simply a unique advantage.




On the field, even though Gan Sadaharu could rely on calculations to fight back, he still couldn't stop losing points.

Because even if the opponent is not playing doubles, it is enough to suppress him alone.

Yamato's inability to provide him with arbitrary assistance also led to the doomed collapse of this game.

It can only be said that the combination of Aomine and Vulcan is simply too restrained for him and Yamato.

The powerful single player directly banned Yamato in this game.

As a result, Gan Zhenzhi still had to struggle in 1V2

"Can you cooperate with my partner?"

It's a pity that under the huge gap, it is impossible to make effective resistance, let alone one against two.

This may also be the first time that Yamato felt so powerless.

Facing a really strong combination, he can't do anything.

"6-0!! The game is over! This set was won by Teiko High School."

This doubles No. 1 almost ended in a big defeat.

"It's about as expected."

Momoi recorded the score, not many surprises.

She has long been familiar with the situation at Qingxue.

Oishi Kikumaru is almost impossible to disassemble, and Tezuka Fuji is sure to hold the singles.

Then the remaining doubles will definitely choose two combinations from Kawamura Takashi, Kane Sadaharu, and Yamato.

Kawamura Takashi and Yamato must be impossible to combine together, and with Yamato's strength, it is impossible to give him three singles.

Then the answer is ready

As long as two people with enough strength are dispatched, they can directly achieve two-on-one, cutting off the opponent's hope of victory.

Therefore, the combination of Vulcan and Aomine is a dimensionality reduction blow to Yamato and Gan Sadaharu.

Although this is cruel to that senior, it is the truth.

In the face of Teiko's victory, Momoi will not be merciful, she is a very serious girl.

"However, the combination of these two people is really incomprehensible to many people."

Akashi watched the two of them walking back gradually, but he had some new ideas.

"Hmph, after all, it's a duo of overgrown idiots."

Midorima sat on the seat, folded his hands on his chest, and said in a calm tone.


"Mayue girl is really a terrifying woman."

Even Murasakihara, who doesn't like to use his brain very much, can feel the blow to the other party to some extent.

Therefore, he made a "cold" evaluation of Momoi.

The following singles three, not surprisingly, was also a straw that crushed the game.

"Here I come!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

Seeing the other party's blood boiling, Ziyuan scratched his head, but yawned.

This kind of formation that was completely manipulated by Momoi is really not worth mentioning.

Violet thought so.

He immediately picked up the racket and spoke lazily

"I'll go back as soon as I go"


Qingxue's singles No. 3 is Takashi Kawamura who made his fortune relying on strength

But on Teiguang's side, Atsushi Murasakihara, who is often in doubles position and is good at iron wall defense, was sent.

"The side that can only hit the ball hard and the side that is good at defending like a mountain without moving."

"Completely seen through"

"That woman is really merciless."

Atobe lowered his head, looked at the young girl on the Teiko coach bench and commented.

This time the singles three will determine the direction of the team's victory

If Takashi Kawamura loses too many points, then Seigaku will basically announce his bid farewell to the championship of the Kanto Competition.

"It's really bad compatibility"

Buer opened his eyes, his beautiful pupils watched the game that was about to start and said.

The other party's obvious intention was really too straightforward.

Whether it was the No. 1 doubles before or the No. 3 singles today, their Qingxue was indeed well-placed.

It can only be said that although this has something to do with the depth of the bench, it is also a helpless thing.

They still lack some deadlock characters.

"Ooooh!! Watch me break you!!"

Takashi Kawamura on the field didn't care about those deeper things at all, but shouted with high morale.


"It's better to end soon."

Standing lazily on the court, Ziyuan didn't pay attention to Takashi Kawamura at all.

In his opinion, this kind of "untalented" guy is just wasting time.



Murasakihara sent the ball out, and Takashi Kawamura immediately stood up and hit the ball back.


The tiger roared, and the fiery red breath came with the impact of the ball.

"It's the tiger kicking the ball!!"


But Murasakihara just walked to the midfield and hit him back with a light wave.

"He hit back with a blank face like that!!"

"Stupid, to Xiao Ziyuan, that's not a hard catch at all!!"


Let's see the situation in the evening. Thank you for your rewards and the rewards of "Demon Butterfly inhabiting the Zen Temple". This will be added first.

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