Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 120: Tezuka and Baijin! Beginning!

Chapter 120: Tezuka and Baijin! Beginning!

Tezuka Kunimitsu

A young man with seamless qualifications in the first period of the country

Baek Jin Ji Sung

The deputy head of Teiko Middle School, a player who has shown strength in another dimension

The match between these two players is bound to attract the attention of the world.

"Master, is there any point in asking me to watch the match between the two brats?"

Scratching his head and wearing a monk's uniform, a young man spoke to the old man next to him in a slightly puzzled manner.

"Hehe, I brought you here to relax, Byodoin Temple."

The coach "Daddy" in Liujiao looked at him cheerfully and said calmly.

"Maybe after watching this game, you can experience something new from it."

In the time period of cultivating spiritual power, Byodoin Phoenix didn't have much leisure time, but he couldn't stand "father" saying that, so he still watched quietly.

(Nanjiro, you sat there because there is something you want to see, right?)

"Daddy" turned his head to look at Nanjiro on the coach's seat, somewhat curious in his heart.

What is it that can make him care?

"I heard you succeeded?"

Standing in front of the net, Bai Jin looked at Tezuka and asked.

"Ah, thanks to them."

Tezuka didn't hide anything, but looked up at Yukimura in the auditorium, Atobe and others said.

"Then come on, I also want to see the power of seamlessness."

Turning around and giving up the serve, Bai Jin said to himself.


Also turning his back to the baseline, Tezuka picked up the ball and gave priority to a zero serve.





It was still an unreasonable scoring method, and Bai Jin was not moved.

"Forget it, let me show you the new evolution."

He didn't come up with the perfect clothes immediately, and Bai Jin was not in a hurry, but threw the ball high.

The twisting wrist foretells the move that is about to be struck.

Spiral pill!

"No, it's more than that."

Atobe suddenly opened his eyes wide, and he saw a new change.

"The airflow is condensing"

Visible airflow began to form where the ball landed, like a vortex.




Different from the usual spiral pills, this time there is a piercing sound, and it can even be seen that it has produced obvious changes in shape.

The tennis ball was spinning violently, and in this way, wind blades visible to the naked eye were extended in four directions, which looked like a large shuriken from the outside.


The moment Tezuka tried to make contact, his racket fell to the ground.


Tezuka looked at the falling racket in surprise, and then held his weakened left hand.

"What is Tezuka doing?"

Sanada looked at Tezuka's behavior strangely, so he was a little confused.

"The meridian system of his left hand was stopped for a moment."

"The reason why the racket fell was not because he couldn't catch it, but because he couldn't hold it hard at all."

"The move similar to Helix Wan can send out a thin needle-like attack that sticks on the meridian of the hand, making the person who catches the ball lose control of the arm in an instant."

Atobe held his forehead and observed with his own eyes.

"What kind of serve is this!"

Unlike Fuji and Atobe's unsolvable serve, Baijin's new serve is full of dominance.

"Remove the fairy method, that is."

"Spiral Shuriken"

Bai Jin looked at Tezuka and announced the name of the move to everyone.


After recovering the feeling in his arm, he picked up the dropped racket, and Tezuka turned his attention to Shirazu, who was about to continue serving again.

(this sense of urgency)

Just one goal made him feel unimaginable pressure, and Baijin was as strong as he remembered.

But because of this, Tezuka felt sincerely happy standing opposite him.

It's a blessing to be able to play against such a strong player.

The cyan radiance began to cover the whole body, and the whole temperament changed a lot.


In the stands, Byodoin Phoenix looked at the game in front of him in astonishment and couldn't believe it.

Is this a competition for junior high school students?

If I remember correctly, he has just graduated from junior high school for less than a year.

He had never seen such a strong player last year, and the junior high school started seamlessly.

And a freshman

"come yet?"

Bai Jin looked at the radiance that Tezuka radiated, and finally his mood fluctuated a bit.

But he still hit the spiral shuriken on the next shot.

"Here we go again, that serve!!"





This time, Tezuka hit back easily.

"He relied on the seamless light to resist the spiral shuriken's attack on the meridians."



Seeing that the score was reversed, Akashi also noticed that something was wrong with Baijin.

(Is this what it feels like to be seamless?)

(It's really an exaggeration.)

I have used it myself, but never faced it.

He could feel the weakening of himself by Seamless.

If it is said that 80% of the original strength, this may not be able to play 40%, this is all aspects.

"However, there is actually a very simple solution."



When the serve was hit back, Bai Jin directly intercepted and scored, and white lightning splashed from his eyes.

"Sure enough, I noticed it all at once."


Yukimura and Atobe both showed such expressions.


That move, which is completely different from the selfless state, has the ability to lock the state at 100%.

The seamless nerf is just what it resists.

Before Atobe, Yukimura relied on the Zone to fight against Tezuka in Tianyi state in a short period of time.

"Hey, hey, what is that? He resisted the seamless power?"

To be honest, I thought that after the battle with the ghost, Byodoin thought that nothing would surprise him.

But this middle school student's game is really more and more incredible.

"Zone is a new door opened by young people of their generation"


"It has the effect of maintaining itself in a 100% state, but the price is a severe loss of physical strength."

"Father" calmly explained to Byodoin who was in doubt.

This makes the Byodoin Institute feel somewhat strange.

Didn't he just leave the country? Why did middle school days become so strange?


Relying on the power of Zone, Bai Jin won the game.

On the other hand, Tezuka was unmoved.

Both Yukimura and Atobe used the Zone to fight against him, so it was expected that Shiratsu would use the Zone to resist the seamless power.

But he just has to keep fighting back.

It is impossible to open the Zone for a long time, and the intense physical exertion is also a major side effect.

In this serving game, Tezuka did not choose to play a zero serve.

Because Bai Jin had opened the Zone, it was the most advantageous choice to plunge it into a tug-of-war.

The ball was sent, and the ball bounced across the net in a swift manner and bounced in the midfield.

Bai Jin stood firm, and then aimed at Tezuka's racket and hit a surprising move.

I saw the blue electric light as if it came from the hitting place, passing straight through Tezuka's throat, and the remaining electric light was like Bai Jin pointing a beam of light at Tezuka.



Tezuka stared at the owner's tennis ball stuck in his racket throat in a little astonishment for a moment.

"This trick is called."

"Chidori sharp gun."

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