Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 121: 121 Realm King Fist and God's Proclamation!

Chapter 121 121. Realm King Fist and God's Proclamation!


Although he played the chidori sharp gun very handsomely just now, but if he uses it next time, he will end up with the spiral shuriken.

A seamless Tezuka who can handle almost any type of ball coming his way.

Except for the first kill at the beginning, both the spiral shuriken and Chidori sharp gun were directly broken for the second time.

I mean I'm familiar with this

"Well, sure enough, the style is still very high, it's perfect"

Even if you drive the Zone, you can only go back and forth with Tezuka.

"Then let's try this trick next."

"How many shots can you hit back at once?"

Waiting for Tezuka to serve, Bai Jin leaned forward slightly, with the racket straight in front of him.


The moment the ball bounced, Bai Jin swung the sword extremely fast.

"Nine-headed dragon flash!!"

He didn't hit Tezuka directly, but with a slight deviation, he hit nine directions other than his body.


Atobe felt his eyes sting for a moment, closed his eyes and pursed his lips in a low voice.


"Bang bang bang bang!!"

Five balls were hit back! !


"His nine-headed dragon flash is much stronger than Jiujinren's."

Sanada is the one who has the most right to speak. He himself has personally endured that move, and he also knows how high the gold content of that move is.

That's not just nine ordinary balls

Instead, hit nine fastballs in different directions in an instant.

Each has a speed comparable to Chidori and Lei.

Even the flawless Tezuka returned just five balls.


Akutsu looked at the battle situation below with a little displeasure, but he tried to remember every detail and movement of Nine-headed Dragon Flash in his heart.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!!!"

"6 balls?"


"Bang bang bang bang bang bang!!"

"7 goals!"


"That brat is hitting back more and more."

Byodoin watched this game with its eyes, and became very interested in the junior high school students' game.

He who has not fully experienced the world, is still full of immature insights.

After losing the serve game, Tezuka did not panic at all, but was ready to fight.

(It can only be said that the clothes are seamless. Nine-headed dragon flash has gradually begun to adapt.)

Although the difficulty becomes higher as you go to the back, Tezuka has already figured out the trick. I believe that there will always be a time to defeat the nine-headed dragon before the end of the game.

"Oh, forget it."

"Zone is really tasteless to me now."

It was Bai Jin's turn to serve, but he uncharacteristically released Zone.

The light of Tianyi was already approaching, intending to devour him.

"There are too many ways to resist the BUFF of light."

Bai Jin didn't seem to care that he was affected at all, but spoke instead.

Whether it's Yukimura's zero-sensing tennis, Kirihara's concentrated explosion, Shiraishi's Star Bible.

These can ignore the seamless effect.

It can only be said that there are always more ways than difficulties.

For example, the trick he will use next.

In the past, my body couldn't bear it, so I didn't dare to use it, but now it's just right.

Compared to the Zone, which consumes a lot of energy, this move is more suitable for the present.


As soon as Bai Jin threw the ball up, Tezuka's attention was focused.

"King King Fist!!"




When he heard the sound in his ears, what caught his eyes was Baijin emitting crimson arrogance and the black ball mark remaining outside his field.


Nanjiro looked at Shiratsu who exuded an amazing aura, his eyes lit up.

(The fierce air dispelled the seamless brilliance)

(Not only that, but his own physical fitness has grown tremendously.)

(How much is this kid hiding?)

I have to say that there are very few things that can surprise Nanjiro these days.

But ever since he met Bai Jin, Nanjiro felt that he was full of surprises.

"Out of bounds!!"


The belated referee stuttered and declared.


When everyone was puzzled, a sudden cracking sound diverted their attention.

I saw that the floor at Baijin's right foot was slightly cracked, as if it had been trampled to pieces.

"Tsk, this thing is too violent, it's not easy to control."

After all, it was the first time to use it in actual combat. Bai Jin was covered in crimson arrogance, and his hair was flying straight.

With the surge in physical fitness, it took him a little time to adapt.

"Sa, Tezuka, let's continue."

"Next time I'll hit the ball with precision."

Throwing the ball, there is no need to prepare any fancy hitting methods. He can also play shocking power and speed with a single swing.


As if the air was being torn apart, Tezuka felt a dull pain in his ears being shaken.


When he came back to his senses, there was only a pitch-black scorched shadow of the ball in the midfield.

Raising his concentration to the limit, Tezuka waited for the next serve.


"Strike back!"

This time Tezuka hit Shirazu's shot back.

The ball crashed straight through the net to the baseline in the corner.

"real or fake?"

But in everyone's field of vision, a stream of red light seemed to teleport to the position where the ball bounced.

Bai Jin raised his hand and swung his racket back.



The two then started an amazing offense and defense.

If Tezuka responded by raising himself to the limit, then Baijin's figure is like...

"Red flash..."




Even if you turn on Seamless, it still falls into a disadvantage.

(The red qi can disperse the seamless brilliance, and give oneself the effect of greatly increasing physical fitness.)

(This is not to be outdone compared to being seamless.)

(Where did this kid learn the moves?)

Nanjiro stroked his chin, and after watching for a while, he knew the effect of "Kaioh Fist".

That abnormal increase is enough to crush the body of an ordinary player, but Bai Jin, who has blossomed, has been able to adapt to such "oppression".

Obviously, from the point of view of feeling, it is not a different dimension

But that effect is not much better than that of another dimension.

"The body is not overloaded"

"In other words, such an increase is within his tolerance."

"It's equivalent to a move that can be maintained for a long time. No wonder he canceled the Zone and used this."

Akashi's eyes were fixed on the friend who was shining with arrogance, and without making a sound, Baijin once again developed a move that he had never seen before.

"Hey, are you going to serve the zero?"

With their heads held high and their hair bristling, Shirazu and Tezuka present completely different color styles.

Surrounded by a blue light, surrounded by a red light.

"Sorry, I won't do what you want this time."

The zero-style serve is indeed close to unsolvable, but the ancients said that magic should be used to deal with magic.

If there is no solution to serve, then use unsolvable moves to deal with it.

"Your zero serve will be invalid!"

Seeing that Tezuka still wanted to hit a zero serve, Bai Jin just laid his racket on the ground to support his body leisurely this time, even as if he didn't intend to catch the ball.

But his tone was decisive

"That is.??"

At this moment, an old man in a white robe projected behind him and opened his big hand towards Tezuka.


As if he had been hit by something, Tezuka's hand holding the ball shook slightly.

"what is that?"

Almost in a blink of an eye, Tezuka fell into a daze for a moment, he was sure that it was not a hallucination just now.

But the next serve also confirmed his thoughts.

"Out of bounds!!"


"How come... Tezuka's zero serve... failed?"

Buer opened his eyes wide, looked at the out-of-bounds tennis ball in disbelief and said in surprise.

"If you keep thinking you can score with your serve, then I'm going to be very troubled."

Bai Jin still maintains the appearance of supporting the ground with his racket, and he looks so powerful surrounded by red flames.

"Before the proclamation of God."

"Your moves will be invalid and points will be lost"

PS: I will be a little busy today, maybe less, and I will make up for it tomorrow.

The setting of God's Proclamation here is a kind of mental power move.

This trick was mentioned in the article a long time ago, but I have never met anyone who can make Bai Jin use it.

In Bai Jin's previous article, he used Kaiwangquan when he first blossomed and practiced.

The monthly pass has already satisfied +1, and it will be replenished tomorrow.

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