Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 123 123 The Kanto Contest is over and the youth trials are about to start!

Chapter 123 123. The end of the Kanto Contest and the upcoming youth trials!

The game continued, and Tezuka waited for the serve, not losing his composure.

The cyan radiance still wrapped around his body.


This once hailed as the last gate of the realm of selflessness has also been revealed to everyone.

It can not only improve itself, but also devour the opponent with brilliance so that it cannot exert its strength.

"It's really dazzling..."

I have to say that the cyan light is so beautiful.

Bai Jin held the ball, exuding crimson arrogance surrounding himself.

Kaiwang Fist...

As long as the body can bear the moves of this augmentation itself, there will be no battery life problem.

The powerful Qi can dispel Tianyi's negative radiance, and the surge in physical ability is enough to resist Tianyi's state.

He can't take the initiative to activate his flawless clothes now, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't have the means to fight against Tianyi.


The ball was hit, and it bounced towards Tezuka's field at a speed that people couldn't look straight at.


Facing the incoming ball, Tezuka immediately swung the racket with his left hand.


There was a sound like an explosion, the air flow was shaking, and Tezuka finally hit the ball back.



Birdsong struck, and the blue lightning flashed away.


Chidori played in such a state already has a stronger threat, even Tezuka who is in Tianyi can't make up for it in time to fight back.


And during the second confrontation, Bai Jin also saw the vortex around Tezuka.

Knowing that Tezuka did not give up, he chose to play the nine-headed dragon this time...



In an instant, the nine-ball attack method was absorbed in the same position, followed by the release of the racket.



Fuji and Qian Zhenzhi looked at the friend who failed to fight back, feeling somewhat heavy.

Bai Jin's power is really beyond imagination...

(A ball that the field can't return...)

(God's announcement to invalidate moves and lose points...)

Tezuka silently picked up the racket, and then looked at Baijin.

He might have to try something new...



When the next goal was scored, Bai Jin had already realized Tezuka's wrong move.

He seems to be trying to do something...

"I see, do you want to try Phantom?"

"But it's too late now!"


"5-1! Teiko Baijin leads!"

The changed vortex let Bai Jin know what Tezuka was thinking.

Originally, Tezuka should not have realized the reverse use of the field.

But the declaration of the gods and the unacceptable nine-headed dragon gave him an idea.

Since there is no way to continue, let the ball go out of bounds as God announced.

Ordinary people certainly can't do it, but Tezuka is different, he has a relationship in the field and has the opportunity to realize this possibility.

But unfortunately, this is the last game.


Instead of choosing to hit a zero serve again, Tezuka just played an ordinary serve.

(The right choice……)

A meaningless zero-serve will only lose points in vain.

If Bai Jin wanted to, he could still activate God's Proclamation to invalidate the zero-style serve. In such a critical game, the consumption of mental power is not worth mentioning at all.

But the ordinary serve is useless and invalid.


He chose to use Chidori to fight back, but Tezuka still tried to use the domain to reverse the operation while scrolling the vortex.



The trial time was too short, and Tezuka hadn't grasped the trick of the Phantom yet.



At the end of the match, Tezuka had sent the last ball.

His "Phantom" is nearing completion, but there doesn't seem to be any more time for him to test it out.

"New Tiger!"

Holding the racket tightly, Bai Jin hit that terrifying power ball.


With hands clenched, Tezuka was forced to catch the ball knowing he couldn't take advantage of the unfinished phantom.



The moment the ball touched the racket, there was a detonation.

The wall behind Tezuka even shattered directly.

The scene where Ziyuan received the ball was reproduced, but the power at this time is even higher than that.


I thought that Tezuka would not be able to catch the ball, but unexpectedly, facing this power ball, although his racket broke, he finally hit it back.

The ball bounced high over the net...

"Sweet spot..."

Realizing that Nanjiro might have handed over the coping skills to Tezuka, Bai Jin didn't think too much about it.

Instead, he jumped high and looked down at the same time.

"Tezuka, it's a real joy to fight with you!"

"After becoming stronger..."

"See you all over the country!"

Thunder and lightning roared...

Bai Jin swung that blow...

"Kirin smash!"


The divine beast incarnated by thunder and lightning screamed, then rushed into the field and exploded.


This time, Tezuka, who had lost his racket, could not stop him.

"competition is over!"

"This set was won by Teiko Baijin! The score..."


The referee's voice sounded, which also heralded the end of the Kanto competition.

Accompanied by two powerful teenagers fighting "Falun", it finally feasted the eyes of the world.

"You are really tenacious..."

Holding hands, Bai Jin looked at Tezuka and commented, although he failed to complete the phantom in the end, he could only say that Bai Jin would not give him a chance to experiment.

"What a wonderful game..."

"Fighting with you has benefited me a lot."

Not paying attention to those things, Tezuka said after thinking about everything in the game.

This competition allowed him to find his way forward in the future.

Only by far surpassing the current level can we fight better next time.

"Then see you all over the country..."

It has to be said that Baijin is still looking forward to the national competition against Tezuka again.

Don't say that I am better than him now, but who knows what changes will happen in the whole country?

No two can develop moves that are more elaborate than the main drama itself, so Tezuka has no reason to be so "stiff".

So he is looking forward to the arrival of that time...

The two teams finally lined up one by one. Although there were a few fewer people than before, it still didn't affect their atmosphere.

The staff from other schools in the stands also had different ideas, but they all found new goals.


"This way the list is decided..."

Coach Sakaki squeezed the form in his hand, his tone was calm.

In addition to playing the role of ice emperor's coach since the regional competition, he has also assumed another identity.

That's half the person in charge of the youth trials...

Except for the competitions of all the schools in Kanto who couldn't be there in person, he almost watched them from start to finish.

How many suitable players are there, and how many aces can be used...

………… Kansai……

"Hey, Tachibana, have you heard?"

"Youth trials are about to begin!"

"Ah, Chitose, I heard what they said before..."

"It is said that this time the youth trials will be very different..."

"First of all, our powerful schools in Kansai will transfer personnel to the training camp..."

"Then we have to compare it with the school in Kanto..."

"Don't you find it interesting?"

"Yeah, I don't know the level of Kanto... I hope there are one or two guys who can fight."


Still catch up, the normal amount every day.

Tomorrow, I will make up the outstanding monthly pass stamp.

Some people say that the moves are too complicated and messy...

But Net King itself is a hodgepodge...

From the ball of light to the black hole, from the black hole to Asura, from Asura to the God of Destruction... Immortal body and time loop, light wind similar to time-stop effect... It seems that there is also the omnipotence of Zeus? Yukimura's Seize the Future, etc., all kinds of moves are uneven, just by looking at the name, you think you are playing tennis?

Bai Jin himself does not follow a fixed genre or a fixed route. What kind of moves he can develop depends entirely on his performance during training. As mentioned earlier, because of the lack of means to deal with the fastball, "accidentally" practiced "world". And because I was afraid of balls such as zero-style serve, I practiced "God Old Man". This is a normal training method for targeting. As for the other world king boxing, fierce tiger, and momentum that have been practiced, they are all unexpected joys. Bai Jin's talent itself is "creation". Otherwise, there are only three seamless styles in the world, so why does he know the fourth one.

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