Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 124 124 List for the first battle!

Chapter 124: 124. List for the first battle!

The third day of the Kansai competition

"Yo, have you been summoned too?"

"This is really a big assembly of luxurious lineup!"

"I don't think we will lose!"

Personnel from Kansai's joint training camp, Sitianbao Temple, Shizile and other schools have all been summoned.

They have seen many masters in this competition

"That's the singles player from Shizile Middle School who can't break the iron man."

"There are also new stars in the first grade, Chitose Chisato and Tachibana Juhei"

"What's the matter, Ping Shanzhi, have you brought all the first-year brats?"

"Baishi is the future of our Sitianbao Temple! It is very important!"

"That's right! But Minister, you seem to have forgotten that there are Kenya and the others"

"It's all right! Everyone is the same."

"It's great that the championship team can bring all the people in at once."

"It's like we can only have some of us selected."

Although they were opponents in the previous games, they are barely teammates of the same camp now.

"Really, why would I take on such a hassle"

Osamu Watanabe lowered his hat, looked at the players who had gathered in front of him and said depressedly.

Originally, this kind of way of life should not have fallen on his head, but it just so happened that Sitianbaosi "lucky" won the championship of the Western Conference this year, so he was pushed up.

It was just an ordinary youth selection competition, so he didn't need to pay too much attention to it.

But this time I have to compete with the Kanto side, which is a bit wrong.

I always feel that there is something shady behind the scenes.

"Okay, I'll make an announcement next."

After clapping his hands, signaling for everyone to be quiet, Osamu Watanabe glanced at these young players and said slowly.

"This time the youth trials are different from usual."

"It's not limited to this region, but a competition between the two places in Kanto and Kansai."

"This has led to the postponement of the national competition held every year by one month."

"Although I guess it may be related to the so-called mentoring competition, but I don't know what's behind it, but in short, the number of places is limited"

"Whether it's our quota in Kansai or the guidance match afterward."

"Therefore, show me your abilities and let me see who is qualified to get the spot."

Without too much nonsense, Osamu Watanabe said things that cannot be ignored in a lazy tone.

"By the way, the first battle with Kanto will be played in two days."

"This game will not have any impact, it is just a preliminary competition."

"Although it will decide who the head coach is. But don't care about such boring things"

"One week after that, there will be another grand final."

"It's enough to concentrate enough energy to touch it. After all, it's better to say hello beautifully, isn't it?"

"It would be terrible if the people in Kanto underestimated us."

Before waiting for everyone to ask questions, he continued to speak.

"Hey, it's not important to say what you say, but you care about it, coach."

"Yuan Zhe, if you tell the truth, I'm afraid you won't live long."

"Oops! I'm going to die! Shiraishi, I'll leave it to you to defeat the minister!"

"The atmosphere of their Sitianbao Temple is as strange as ever."

Chitose turned his head to look at the funny atmosphere of Sitianbao Temple, and said to Ju Juping next to him.

"I would rather fight Baishi now."

Ju Juping turned his gaze to the peer with a bandaged wrist and said.

"That's right, thanks to him, we are here as runners-up."

Hearing this, Chitose feels a little regretful when he thinks of being defeated by Shiraishi in the competition.

Their Shizi Le was obviously one step away from winning the championship, but he didn't expect to be intercepted.

And the new star Shiraishi Kuranosuke of Shitenbao Temple is the culprit.

Chitose and Tachibana Tachihira are naturally very concerned about him being able to be the same age as the first-year regular selection and participate in the competition.


But behind the two of them stood a man with his eyes covered with a cloth belt.

unbreakable iron man

Seniors who are currently studying in the third grade of Lion Music.

"Go for your chance."

"This time is quite a good trial."

"Getting the quota for the first match will also be of great help to the follow-up."

Patiently explaining to the two juniors, Bupo Tieren looked calm

"we know!"

Nodding their heads, Chitose and Tachibana also understood what Osamu Watanabe meant.

Although the first battle seems to be unimportant to the overall situation, it also determines its own importance to a certain extent.

If you can defeat the players in Kanto, then you will definitely be able to get attention and reuse.

"By the way, who is that guy?"

"That school uniform."

"It's Higachu from Okinawa."

"Why can a school that has not passed the regional competition send someone?"

"I know him, Kite Eishiro. He is very powerful."

The same thing happened in the Kanto region as well.

"Seigaku's Tezuka, Fuji, Oishi Kikumaru."

"Yukimura, Sanada, Nioh of Likai University."

"Atobe of the Ice Emperor, Shinobu, Jiro"

"Sengoku of Yamabuki, Haizaki, Akutsu."


When everyone was summoned to the scene, they were all full of expectations.

"Sorry we're late."

When Akashi led Teiko's people to the training camp, it also heralded the arrival of the personnel.

Akashi Shiratsu Green Room

Vulcan Aomine Kise Kuroko

Except for Murasakihara, who was recuperating in the hospital, and Momoi, who stayed behind to take care of him, the rest of Teiko's staff were all present.

"It's really stylish."

Haizaki curled his lips, put his hands on the back of his head and said.

If it were him before, he would definitely have spoken rudely, but now he only wants to stay as far away from this group of people as possible.

"Isn't that right!"

"That old man really didn't lie to me."

Yakutsu pouted his mouth with an excited expression on his face.

"My boss won't lie."

"You have to cherish this opportunity."

Sengoku looked at Akutsu and immediately explained, he knew that the reason why Yamabuki was able to send people this time was not only their own strength, but also the result of the old man looking for coach Sakaki py.

Such an environment surrounded by powerful enemies is rare.

"I didn't expect to see you again so soon."

Yukimura looked at Akashi who was standing in line next to him and said.

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

Hearing this, Akashi immediately tilted his head and responded warmly.

Akashi was quite surprised when he heard the convening of the youth selection competition, because in his impression, the process of this selection competition did not seem to unfold like this.

"However, this also proves that the top experts in Kanto have come."

"Ah, isn't it interesting?"

Atobe held his head high, full of anticipation.

"It's really a camping camp that people can't wait for"

Nodding his head, Tezuka also agreed with the other people's thoughts.

"Obviously I remember that the youth trials were not like this."

Sighing, Bai Jin didn't know how this competition had changed, but it was actually full of fun to meet people from other strong schools so quickly.


At this moment, coach Sakaki walked up the steps from the side, and the assistant pushed a drawing board behind him.

"Two days later, the first battle between Kansai and Kanto will be held."

"I now announce the personnel for the first battle."

There was no extra nonsense at all, Coach Sakaki picked up a list and pasted it on the drawing board.

Even though the training match hadn't started yet, he had already decided on the roster for the first match.

"Double number two! Masaharu Nioh! Ryota Kise!"

"Double number one! Atobe Keigo! Akashi Seijuro!"

"Singles No. 3! Yukimura Seichi!"

"Singles No. 2! Tezuka Kunimitsu!"

"Singles No. 1! Baijin Zhixing!"

"Above! Go crush them!"


This may be the most dreamy combination in the book.

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