Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 128: The first battle between Kanto and Kansai! Overwhelming advantage!

Chapter 128: The first battle between Kanto and Kansai! Overwhelming advantage!

"A lot of advice!!"

Far away from Tokyo, they came to Kansai by means of transportation, and then a group of people arrived at the prescribed place to meet each other.

"real or fake?"

"The contestants in Kanto are all first graders?"

When they met, the players in Kansai were still stunned

Although Osamu Watanabe mentioned it to them before, he still couldn't bear the surprise in his patience when they actually met.

"That's Seijuro Akashi, the head of the Kanto champion Teiko."

"Minister Tezuka Kunimitsu, runner-up Seigaku"

"Minister Yukimura Seiichi of Rikkai University."

"Ice Emperor's Minister Keigo Atobe"

"It is rumored that the first-year ministers of the four major schools in the Kanto region are legendary!"

"Sounds great to say"

When they lined up and looked at them one by one, they realized how exaggerated the picture was.

Compared with the mixed-match scene of the first, second and third graders on their side, the opponent's all-first-year young players even overwhelmed them in terms of aura.

"Wow, they are all handsome guys"

"Xiaochun, you are messing around again!"

"But, they are really handsome! Their temperament is also very high, ah! I must die!"

"Orange Ping."

"It seems that this training session will be very interesting."


"Shiraishi, do you have any players you want to fight against?"

"Huh? This one?"

Luo Ze's constant communication sounded, and Ou Watanabe looked at the noisy crowd and knew that this group of people did not understand the meaning of his previous reminder.

(The opponent is a player far beyond the Western Conference level)

(It's not even as simple as the national level.)

(If you go with the mentality of having fun, you will collapse.)

Osamu Watanabe knew very well that Kanto was like a magic cave.

scary amazing

It was really hard for him to imagine why Kanto changed so strangely this year.

You say it’s fine for one person, but what’s the situation with a bunch of people?

Does this still allow them to play in Kansai?

Especially when he saw the formation list, Osamu Watanabe knew that Coach Sakaki was serious.

(Alas, I hope these guys can keep their senses afterward.)

Somewhat worried, Osamu Watanabe's expression was not very good.

At any rate, it was the Kansai players led by him. He didn't want anyone's mentality to be beaten by then.

"Double number two!"

As soon as the position was read, the players from both sides played against each other.

Kanto! Nioh Masaharu, Kise Ryota!

Kansai! Yuan Zheye, Ping Shanzhi!

"Oh, please be merciful, juniors."

Yuan Zheye and Ping Shanzhi spoke as soon as they walked to the net.

"Puff, silver blue hair and yellow hair, a mix and match combination! A golden man in the first grade!"

But before Nioh and Kise could respond, Hirazenyuki suddenly spoke in a tone they were not used to.

"Uh, did he mean to say blockbuster?"

"I heard that Sitianbao Temple has a strange and funny custom, maybe this is it."

Kise tilted his head and glanced at Nioh, then pointed to the opposite side and asked uncertainly, Nioh answered with a racket and eyes closed.

"Sorry, I'm not used to cold jokes."


"Failed, Minister, so say, your funny is out of date."

"What did you say?!"

It hasn't started yet, but there are different atmospheres on both sides.

"Sarcasm! Let me see how they will make a move?"

The four of them returned to the corresponding positions on the court, Kise was about to serve, Hira Yoshiyuki and Hara Tetsuya were staring at him.

"Then let's get started!"

Kise did not have the slightest fear of facing the senior players, but hit his own serve.




"What's going on?! What's going on? That ball!"

Yuan Zhe was also stunned by Ping Shanzhi, who had never met a Phoenix serve.

"Keep coming!"

The second time Kise chose to imitate Atobe and hit a perfect Tannhauser serve.


The third time is Tezuka's zero serve


The fourth time is Baijin's Spiral Pill.



When the racket was spun, Yuan Zheya and He Shanzhi realized the horror of the opponent.

"is that a lie."

The boss of Jin Xiaochun's mouth swelled, he couldn't believe that his seniors would be taken away like this.

"What's with those serves?"

"I can't fight back at all!"

Discussions began to ring out, and the Kansai players, who had never met before, felt a little shocked in Kanto at this moment.






It was an unimaginable situation. The players in Kansai never thought that Yoshiyuki Hira, the head of Shitenboji, and Tetsu Hara, the second-year successor, would lose like this.

"It's a lie, why both of them can hit the same serve?"

"Not only is it serving the ball, that person seems to be able to transform! Is it magic?"

The first match ended with the defeat of Hirazenyuki and Hara Tetsuya.

All the attacks of the two were blocked by the opponent, even if Ping Shanzhi took out the bullets he was good at, he was easily returned.

Not to mention the defense, it was directly pierced.

The serving games of the two opponents have been hitting those balls that cannot be bounced when they hit the ground, which is simply bullying.

It's fine if one person can fight, but the other can transform into the same one

What kind of situation is this?


"Ha ha."

Nioh and Kise looked at each other and laughed at each other.

The combination of the two of them does not lose serve at all, and the opponent must face himself under this pressure.

There's no chance of winning at all.

Unless they encounter Shiratsu and Tezuka's doubles, Kise and Nioh don't think they will lose.

"Double number one!!"

Kanto! Akashi Seijuro, Atobe Keigo!

Kansai! Jujuping, thousands of years!

Both are first-year freshmen, but one side is just a new star, and the other side is two ministers who have experienced many battles.

(really exaggerated momentum)

Chitose felt that terrible sense of oppression only when they were face to face.

"bring it on!"

As soon as Chitose sent the ball, Atobe was ready to catch it.





But when Atobe fought back, Chitose and Tachibana Kippei found themselves unable to react at all.

"Huh? What happened to your players in Kansai?"

"There are too many dead ends, right?"

Atobe put one hand on his forehead, his tone full of playfulness.

What he said was not some polite words, but that Ju Juping and Qiantose Qianli's flaws were too obvious.

Even if he didn't deliberately look at it, he could know where the common blind spot between the two was.




This is still the case for the next three goals. Atobe received the serve first and scored with a counterattack.

But Chitose and Tachibana still failed to respond.

"What's going on? Why didn't the two new stars of Lion Music respond at all?"

"That person saw through the blind spot between the two of them."

Just when many players in Kansai were puzzled, Bupo Iron Man took off the cloth belt, stared at the front and said slowly.

"Blind corner?"

"Is that something you can see with your eyes?"





When it was Akashi's turn to serve, he served four times in a row and scored without contact.

This resulted in doubled pressure on Tachibana Ping and Chitose


The monthly ticket arrears have just been paid off.

Today, the five chapters are guaranteed. The main reason is to rest in the afternoon and not get up until the evening. There is an urgent update. Fortunately, there is enough time.

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