Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 129: Mori and Yukimura! A showdown of fate!

Chapter 129: Mori and Yukimura! A showdown of fate!

"They are really amazing"

It was hard to imagine such a gap between the two sides, but Xiaochun in the stands was a little stiff.

"Whether it's an action or a move"

"It's not like the level that a first grade should have at all."

Shiraishi stared blankly at Tachibana Ping and Chitose who were fighting hard in the arena and said in a deep voice.

Tachibana Juhei and Chitose are well-known rising stars in Kansai, but when they met the two ministers in Kanto, they were beaten and retreated steadily.


When the referee's announcement came out, Tachibana Tachibana and Chitose were already sweating profusely and panting.

"What's the matter, Kansai is at this level?"


"If that's the case, you'll have nothing to do with this national competition."

Atobe took full advantage of the beautiful features of his words and began to taunt, trying to provoke the two.

Although it felt like he had said some strange truth, Atobu was essentially to see if the two of them had any other tricks.

(Kansai really doesn’t even have one who can fight)

A trace of doubt flashed in Atobe's mind, but then he shook his head.

"Chitose, I'm going to use that move!"

"But aren't you done yet?"

"I don't care about that much anymore! How can we not let these guys underestimate us!"

Waiting for Akashi to serve, Tachibana Tachihira's voice was full of anger, how could the young ones stand up to such ridicule from Atobe.

Qi and blood surged up immediately, and he wanted to give the other party a good look at everything he said.

"That's really exciting."

Akashi picked up the ball, and this time he deliberately played slowly, because he wanted to see what moves Tachibana Tachibana could play.


When the ball bounced, Ju Juping suddenly jumped up high, made a move like a move, and then swung the racket violently.

"Ball Ball Dancing!!"

In an instant, the ball turned into more than a dozen clones and rushed towards Atobe and Akashi's field.


In the auditorium, Buer squinted at the moves that appeared, and knew the ending of the next moment.


Haizaki even laughed aloud when he saw it. To deal with these monsters, you just want to score points with such moves?

"What happened to those guys?"

"Seeing Ju Juping make such a powerful move, he still laughed."

Unable to understand the situation of the people in Kanto, many people in Kansai are still in a daze.

In their opinion, Ju Juping's move is actually quite powerful.


"That's it?"

Atobe's face was slumped, looking forward to being lonely, and he didn't even move his body on purpose, but straightened his arms, and just like that, he used his racket to intercept the countless explosive ball flurry of clones.


"I'm looking forward to it."

Akashi shook his head. Although he could see that the other party had a lot of potential, he hadn't discovered it at all.

With this level of strength, let alone confronting them, it is hard to say whether it can surpass Sengoku and Haizaki.

"Yeah, it seems that we are not very lucky."

"I didn't draw anyone who could fight."

Atobe carried the racket on his shoulder, and said with a boring expression.

"How could he call back?"

Ju Juping had a look of shock on his face, and couldn't believe that the moves he had practiced so hard were instantly deciphered.


Chitose's eyes were wide open, and he couldn't believe it. Ju Juping's move had occasionally succeeded before, and once it was used, even he and some seniors couldn't see through it.

But now facing these two visitors from Kanto, they were cracked in an instant.

"What's the matter, do you have no fighting spirit after the move is returned?"

Seeing the other party in a daze for a long time, Atobe really felt that their psychological quality needed to be strengthened.

Unlike their Kanto, moves and the like are sometimes seen through and cracked the second time.

This has become the norm. Look at others, their moves have been broken so much, and their mentality has already changed.

Even if Baijin's Chidori and Spiral Wan have been seen a lot, everyone has more or less a way to crack it.

If you want to compete in Kanto, you must first learn how to break quickly.

Otherwise, a lot of moves can hit you dizzy, and you can't get up again

In their eyes, Ju Juping's explosive ball dance has no deterrent effect at all.

Whether it is speed or strength, it is far from being a threat.

As for the clone of the ball? That's even less worth mentioning.

Yajiujin is playing with the unfinished three-headed dragon every day, and that move is more powerful than this one.


As a result, until the end, Tachibana and Chitose still failed to score a single point, just like Tetsuya Hara and Zenyuki who were number two in the doubles.

For a while, the scene on the Kansai side was terribly silent.

"Single number three!!"

But with the referee's yelling, everyone reacted.

"It's really stressful"

Mori Kosaburo scratched his head, looked at the eyes of everyone looking at him and said.

He may feel uneasy the first time he goes on stage.

The strength shown by the opponent in the first two doubles is really amazing

In Kansai, there is no suspense that whether it is the well-known minister of Shitenho Temple Yoshiyuki Hira and his successor Tetsuya Hara, or the rising stars Tachibana Kihei and Chitose Chisato of Shiraku Middle School.

But now when it was Maori's turn to play, he didn't know why he felt very stressed.

"Please teach me more."

When he saw the amiable junior standing opposite, he could only shake his hand with an awkward smile.

Yukimura Seiichi

I heard that he is the head of the first grade of the High School Affiliated to Lihai University.


Yukimura looked at Mouri strangely, and he noticed that the other party was a little nervous for no reason.

"Senior Mori Kosaburo, I heard that he is always lazy because of his talent?"

"Can he really play?"

Before the game started, there were discordant sounds in the field.

But when everyone followed their eyes, they found that Eishiro Kite, who was wearing the uniform of Higa Squadron, questioned.

"Hey what do you mean?"

Sure enough, Mushou's words ignited gunpowder, causing dissatisfaction among the people in Kansai.

"Wait! Don't worry about it at this juncture."

Seeing that there was going to be a conflict, someone quickly stopped in the middle.

"It looks like he's telling the truth."

But before they could continue to do anything, they heard Akashi's words.

They then looked at Akashi with puzzled expressions.

"I can see good potential in him"

"But the level of fulfillment does not seem to be very good"

Akashi has long been able to see through the hidden potential of others, and Mori Kosaburo's situation falls into the category of gifted but wasted.

It is very similar to Murasakihara who just entered school before, but Murasakihara is a little more diligent.

"Since you say that, it seems like a show."

"Yukimura can take care of him in an instant."

Atobe assumed the sitting posture of an old man, not caring whether his speech offended anyone or not.

"You are really unscrupulous."

Although Atobe's opening was very hurtful, Shirazu didn't stop anything. He just put his hands in his pockets and silently watched Mori Kosaburo who was about to serve.

This senior who will shine in the U17 training camp in the future is still an unpolished jade.

Kosaburo Mori was also moved by his will and spirit when he saw the sick Yukimura, so he changed his laziness, trained hard, and got the invitation letter after becoming stronger.

But God's will tricks people. This time he will face Yukimura directly when he hasn't changed.

A genius who is often lazy and misses exercise meets the son of God who has evolved.

What will happen next?

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