Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 134: 134 Invitation and Change!

Chapter 134 134. Invitation and Change!

"Small, although it's important to stand up for your friends."

"But don't overestimate yourself."

Chasing the two tall men away, Long Ya threw the orange in his hand and said.

"Stop talking!"

Ryoma took the orange with his hand, responded very bluntly, then turned and left.

"Oh, don't be so cold."


Seeing his younger brother leaving with his friends like this, he smiled helplessly and shook his head.

"Hey, Long Ya, your younger brother is more arrogant than you."

Suddenly, a sound came from behind, making him look back.

Jason Seaber

The second-in-command in Jabberwock (destroyed neck dragon), Xibo, known as the angry dragon.

"He has such a personality, and things he doesn't like will be directly expressed."

"Although she's not a big talent now, she's cute, isn't she?"

Echizen Ryuya didn't care about Xibo's evaluation, but replied.

"It looks like a good seedling, don't worry, those two guys just now will educate them well."

"It's an explanation for you and your younger brother."

"After all, we went out to improve with the goal of the US team. If Reinhard was ashamed because of the team's problems, Nash would not forgive us."

Jason Xiber took off the sunglasses he was wearing, then wiped his mouth very carefully and said.


Without saying anything, Echizen Ryuya just stared at the direction Ryoma left as if thinking about something.


"Huh? Dad? What's the matter?"

As soon as he got home, Ryoma received a long-lost call.

"Yo, Ryoma, how are you doing in America?"

"as usual."

The sloppy tone was exactly the same as in memory, completely irrational, Ryoma just responded with a calm tone.

But at the same time he also felt strange.

It's okay to meet Longya today, and it just so happens that my father Nanjiro also called.

"By the way, I've booked a ticket for you to come to Neon, remember to check it."

The tone over there seemed to have thought of something, and he spoke slowly.

"Huh? Go to Neon?"


"Don't go!"

A series of questions formed in his heart, Ryoma didn't understand what kind of wind this father was having.

"Hey, you kid, you really think that no one can cure you after being so powerful at the American Youth Conference for a long time, right?"

Hearing Ryoma's refusal and response, Nanjiro laughed angrily.

"That's fine. Anyway, the ticket is booked for you. It's your own choice whether you want to come or not."

"Oh, it's a pity, the guys from the wandering team Jabberwock (Blasterwock) heard that they will come to Nihong to conduct an open guidance match with junior high school students."

As if nothing had happened, he said some undisclosed information, and he was not at all worried that Ryoma would not be able to come.

"A mentoring match with junior high school students? What does that have to do with me?"

Thinking of the group of people he met before, his mood was ruined. In addition, Jabberwock usually has competitions all over the world, so Ryoma doesn't care about them.

All he knew was that sooner or later, he would become so strong that he would beat all these people to the ground.

Those bad guys really didn't give him a good impression.

And it's simply impossible for him to watch the "exhibition match" that these guys and junior high school students are bragging about.

"You really have a problem with them."

"Then what if they lose?"


The hand that was just about to reach out to grab a drink from the refrigerator froze in the air, and Ryoma couldn't believe what he just heard.

Will Jabberwock lose the game with junior high school students?

If he hadn't heard such words from his father, he would have felt that the other party was making fun of him.

Although he can't understand the style of some Jabberwock members, the Jabberwock is still a team working hard on the world stage.

In terms of strength, it is worthy of recognition.

In addition, its captain Nash has a reputation for challenging professional players, even Ryoma has heard of the opponent's name to some extent.

If such a team went to Nihong to play a coaching match with junior high school students, would they still lose? Are the sponsors behind them about to blow up?

"It's up to you whether you come or not, anyway, the ticket is booked for you."

Nanjiro was not worried at all that Ryoma would not take the bait, but said in a happy tone.

Although this boy is awkward in his mouth, his heart is straighter than anyone else.


"Through the exchange with Kanto, everyone has changed a lot."

Osamu Watanabe looked at the people who were actively training in the field, and said relaxedly.

"No matter what, it's impossible to slow down."

"They are all so good and they are still training hard"

Qian also ate his food like crazy, and replied.

In Qianye's view, the Kanto people are simply not human.

Early in the morning, while the people in Kansai were still sleeping, the group of people in Kanto started to do morning exercises collectively

And no one is lazy

In comparison, they are simply inferior.

Especially Maori, after the match with Yukimura, he looked "out of his mind".

After witnessing the group morning exercise scene in Kanto, they gradually began to cheer up.

In Maori's opinion, this group of people in Kanto is incredible.

They are obviously so strong, but even so, they have never stopped, and they are still working hard towards a higher level.

If you have talent, don't waste it, but actively work hard while growing up.

Compared with him before, it's a world of difference

Ever since, from that day on, a new phenomenon has emerged in the co-studio.

People in Kanto get up for morning exercises, and people in Kansai will follow.

Even though the training intensity will not keep up for a while, they still grit their teeth and persist.

Especially Eishiro Kite among them.

This kid was the first to abandon the "camp" and train with Kanto.

When many people in Kansai hesitated, he joined without hesitation.

In my own words it is.

"I will only belong to the strong."

One sentence left them speechless

So much so that even though the exercise has not changed much qualitatively, it is still much better than before.

And the training methods in Kanto are different for each school.

Qing Xue, as always, practiced his foundation according to Nanjiro's instructions.

Li Haida made up for his own shortcomings and carried out targeted training.

Ice Empress is relying on plans formulated abroad for supplementary training

Diguang is the most simple and crude way of sparring

The three of Yamabuki each followed one of the schools to practice

Therefore, in addition to morning running, swinging and other training, if they are interested, they will go to the corresponding place to observe and learn.

Just like Shiraishi, he himself is based on the standard style of play, so he is very interested in Qingxue's training methods.

And Qian also often goes to Li Hai and Ice Emperor's side

There are too many places in Kanto where they can learn

They also realize that this is an indispensable opportunity, and there will always be some gains in learning from strong people of the same age.

For example, Chitose spends his days looking for people who know the state of no-self to communicate with. According to him, he is very interested in this.

Ju Juping had gone to Bueru for the issue of moves.

Mu Shou was even more greedy, Qingxue, Lihaida, Bingdi, and Diguang had to experience it once.

Highlight a studious.

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