Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 135 135 Echizen Ryuya: The mentality has collapsed!

Chapter 135 135. Echizen Ryuya: The mentality is broken!

"I heard that your team will go to Neon for a coaching competition the day after tomorrow?"

In the room, a young teenager was asking someone who was dozing off on the balcony on the other side.

"Arranged by a sponsor."

The man replied with a little impatience, as if he hated this arrangement.

"If you get tired of it, then stop the team activities and go back to the United States."

Seeing his somewhat distressed expression, Reinhardt said to him.

"I'm almost tired of it recently, so I might as well lose to Neon this time."

"In this way, those sponsors should give up."

Hearing this, the young man spoke with a little malice, not minding how much trouble his words would cause.

Nash Goldo jr (Freshman)!

Known as the devil Nash!

It is a well-known player who belongs to the United States.

Single-handedly established a powerful team of Jabberwocks wandering around the world and working hard with the goal of challenging occupations.

"Will you lose on purpose?"

"Can you really do it?"

Reinhardt laughed when he heard the words, don't look at Nash being so talkative, but it's only in front of his best friend.

He was well aware of Nash's hidden ambition and his originally bad personality.

It's just because of himself that he is changing and restraining himself.

Because my own philosophy itself is trying to change the individualistic American team.

Nash didn't want to let himself stand in the way of Reinhardt.

Reinhardt said to be friendly, so listen

But if it is for foreign players, Nash is not so friendly.

When he challenged all over the world, he never made a proper move, so that his personal reputation was quite polarized.

"never mind."

"Anyway, that's it. This year, we still pay more attention to new games."

"I still can't think of how to beat the German team."

Without thinking much about the next mentoring game, Nash's tone was a little low.

He tried to challenge that man.

But the end was very miserable

Neither the "eye" nor another dimension can win, and the strength of the opponent is simply unimaginable.

"Don't worry about so many things for now."

"There's still time."

"Let's go step by step."

Without urging anything, Reinhardt was still very relieved about Nash.

In order to break through the limit, wandering in the world so far, for the future victory.

This is what Nash did.

"By the way, for this coaching competition, you can lend me someone."

Suddenly thought of a very important thing, Nash suddenly spoke to Reinhardt.

"Is your team still short of people?"

With doubts, Reinhardt didn't understand.

Jabberwock (deep-necked dragon) because of its particularity of wandering, but many players from other countries are included in it.

That being the case, why would you borrow someone from him?

"No way, the Echizen guy said he was going to visit relatives, and he didn't have time to go to the game."

"Some people are temporarily absent from the team due to drafting."

"Noah is the only one who can come"

"Not enough people."

It was difficult to say such a thing, and Nash's face was stiff.

"I see."

"Indeed, it's about that time."

Reinhardt nodded to understand Nash's current difficulties. After all, the time is approaching, and some players will inevitably be called back early.

"Which players are still missing?"

"It's fine to just come to anyone. Anyway, the coaching competition is just to let the group of junior high school students experience high-level tennis."

"It's not about doing anything else."

"That's true."


"The list will be officially announced today, right?"

Players from Kanto and Kansai gathered at the training ground and communicated with each other at the same time.

Their uniform red and white jerseys also heralded a changed lineup.

I already know the purpose of this youth selection competition from the news announced by Coach Sakaki.

The well-known team Jabberwock will come to Neon for guidance competition.

And the opponent is a group of middle school students like them.

It's amazing when you think about it.

That's a famous team in the world

"I heard that their team is used as a stronghold by experts from all over the world."

"What's the meaning?"

"Jabberwock (Jabberwock) captain Nash is American, but his players include players from all over the world."

"After all, he himself took the team to challenge all over the world. There is no better pedal than this team."

"Whether it's a challenge or an observation"

“All a proper team shelter”

"There are many young players with ideals who have tried to join them and then went to train around the world."

Receiving such news also made the middle school students active.

(Similar but different from the setting in the black basket.)

When Bai Jin first got the news, he was also very surprised. In his memory, this team member seemed to have a bad personality, but now it seems to be a little different.

And he has a vague impression of the Jabberwock captain

Nash has the eyes of the devil, he can suppress the single Akashi.

But now I don’t know what it will be like to play tennis. Anyway, I will challenge all over the world. It will definitely not be a show. Maybe he will be stronger than him playing basketball.

Coupled with the situation of his team, Bai Jin still doesn't know if it is as imagined.

If a master from another country suddenly appeared, it might be possible to fight this time.

But at the same time, it also made Bai Jin look forward to it.

What level of expert is the opponent?

At the same time in the office, Coach Sakaki is negotiating with Osamu Watanabe about the candidates for the upcoming battle.

"It's really hard"

He also understands when he sees that Coach Sakaki has been unable to make a decision for a long time.

This time, the confrontation with Jabberwock is said to be a mentoring match, but it is also an exposure point.

You can not only fight against this group of wandering masters, but also experience the different local customs.

To be honest, this is an important experience for some players.

For example, outstanding young people like Baijin and Tezuka.

As for whether he can win, let's put a question mark first.

The opponent is a team that has experienced all kinds of games, so don't have too good delusions.


"Huh? Isn't little one at home?"

The next day, Echizen Ryuya, who had pushed the competition and finally wanted to find a certain younger brother to catch up with him, was suddenly dumbfounded.

He took a few days off with great difficulty to get out, and finally found the place where Ryoma lived temporarily, but found that no matter how hard he knocked on the door, there was no response from inside.

This made Long Ya's mentality collapse a bit!

Brother didn't play the game and came to find you. You are not at home all of a sudden, that's too messy.

"little guy!"

He tried to shout a few times at the door, but there was still no response, Long Ya scratched his head, a little puzzled.

"Where did you go?"

After waiting for a long time, he sighed, and then tried to find the manager of the residence to ask about the situation.

But when he heard the news, he was completely embarrassed.

"Huh? Because of Jabberwock's public coaching competition."

"Did you go to Neon?"

PS: This chapter is an added monthly pass chapter!

Ah, it's been a rough day, to be honest.

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