Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 138: 138 First battle!

Chapter 138 138. The First Battle!

"The opponent is them..."

"I heard that the physical fitness is very strong..."

"So who's on our side?"

When they saw the two personnel sent by Jabberwock, the coalition forces here were also eager to try.

It's nice that they have the freedom to play according to their opponent, which means it's easier to play against someone else.

But here comes the problem...

"Who's going to play?"

Coach Sakaki didn't mean to give instructions while sitting on the seat, but gave them the right to choose.

There are only 2 seats available...

In addition to Renzuzu, Qianshi, Jiro, and everyone in Kansai, several people from Kanto want to play.

"It seems that this is the only way to decide..."

Akashi and Atobe looked at each other and thought of a simple solution.

"This game is a step forward for those who want to play."

After saying a word, several people stepped forward immediately.

Akutsu, Fuji, Kise, Sanada, Nioh, Kuroko, Aomine, Kagami, Midorima, Kikumaru, Oishi.

The eleven people who came out formed a circle.

Shiratsu, Tezuka, Akashi, Yukimura, and Atobe did not compete for the number two doubles.

"Then let's begin!"



The most primitive decision method, excluding the losers also determines the quota for this time.

"Ah, I should have known that there would be stones in the second round."

"Tetsuya, you lost."

"Please don't pay so much attention to me, Aomine-kun."

"whispering sound…"

"Damn it! It's too loose."

"Sanada, you're being careless."

All the losers suddenly became annoyed.

"Then I'll leave it to you!"

Osamu Watanabe looked at the two who were preparing to compete, and then said.


"Hey, easy!"

The two turned their heads to answer with a smile, and walked onto the field at the same time.

"Did those two cheat together?"

When watching the two walk by, Vulcan's eyelids twitched slightly and he spoke suspiciously.

"Who knows..."

Bai Jin put his hands on the back of his head and smiled with his eyes closed.

"But if you leave it to them, it's actually quite reassuring."

Although they were not players from the same school before, if they are on the same front, there is no more versatile doubles than these two together.

Kise Ryota...

Nioh Masaharu…


"Hey, little ghosts, you have to keep up with our rhythm!"

"Persist for at least three rounds, and don't get tired all at once."

Aaron and Zach looked at Kise and Nioh in front of them and issued an "invitation".

"Then let's have fun."

Nioh showed a smirk, and left the front of the net with Kise.

"How about sending me first?"

Kise hooked his fingers, and then spoke to King Ni.

"Well, that's not so bad."

Niwang thought for a while and nodded without refusing.

"Then, let's take the lead first."

Huang Lai held the ball, glanced at the opponent's position, his eyes sharpened, and said in a low voice.

"It's coming..."

Looking at the movement of Kise's wrist, Fuji judged the move he was going to use.

"Go let them see what a neon middle school student is!"

As always...Phoenix tee starter.



When Phoenix served for the first time in this kind of competition, it immediately caused exclamation.

"It has appeared, it is the perfect phoenix serve!"

"Haha, those two people have nothing to do."

"Easily won the first round."

With the shouts of the people, the first game was easily won by Kise's starter.

"what is that?"

Ryoma stared at such a serve with wide eyes, and said in surprise that he had never seen such a serve before.

"Little devil, it's too early for you to be surprised..."



"Very powerful ah……"

Noah on the sidelines stared at such a serve and sighed.

"I didn't expect Little Neon to have such a contestant."

Leaving aside what this person's actual level is, it's unbelievable just to serve that kind of serve in bursts.

"Aaron and Zach, maybe they underestimated each other too much."

Xibo pulled down the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, and said in an unexpected tone.

"It doesn't matter, he won't have too many serve games."

Doubles is different from singles in that the opportunities for a person to serve are limited.

"Tsk, I didn't expect to have some skills."

Aaron pouted, but he had never seen such a serve.

But relying on such means, you can't win them.

Hitting the ball, the strange swing strength and ball speed are completely beyond what normal players can play.

"Quick, but harmless."

Nioh did not have the phantom for the first time, but tried to catch the ball at his own level.


The ball was very powerful, but it was still within Nioh's acceptance range.

The ball has just passed the net, but Zach has already rushed to the net to volley.


The volley ball played with a sprinting posture surpassed the defense of the two in an instant and scored.

"It's really amazing..."

Sensing the opponent's strange speed, Kise said while holding the racket.

"So what to fight with, isn't it obvious?"

"Then let's face it."

Under the surprised eyes of Aaron and Zach, the two people in front suddenly changed their aura.

It's like two cheetahs howling...


"Did that guy transform?"

In the field of vision, the phantom of King Ni became Qingfeng...

"Two green peaks?"

Akashi looked at Kise and Nioh's choice, but fell into deep thought.

"Leave it alone and see what tricks they have."

Having never encountered this type of doubles player, Aaron and Zach chose to wait and see.

Aaron hits the ball out, Nioh runs into position with great speed and hits it back.

Zach wanted to imitate the previous volley to score points, but this time Kise imitated Aomine and stopped him.


It is unbelievable that the movements and speeds of these two people are exactly the same.


This confrontation, the two were caught off guard.

The changes between the two really exceeded their expectations.


During the confrontation, they also discovered that the actions of these two people were completely different from the original ones.

It's like being a completely different person...

That disorderly counterattack posture and extremely fast agility are simply not something ordinary middle school students can do.

"A duo capable of change?"

"Neon has an interesting combination, brother."

Noah saw through the situation of the other two, and then exclaimed.

"Hmph, it seems that if Aaron and Zach don't realize the importance of this round, they will fall into a passive position."

Gorgias opened his eyes, also aware of the hidden trap.

If that player named Nioh could really turn into another person and use the same serve as before.

That also means that the opponent's serve will be a stable scoring point.

Even Aaron and Zach would be very dangerous if they didn't win this second round.

"Those two neon middle school students... are not easy."

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