Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 139 139 lead!

Chapter 139 139. Lead!

(Really, the speed of these two brats can keep up with us now?)

Aaron hit the ball back and looked surprised at the opponent's quick movements.

He and Zach have been exercising for so long. Although they haven't shown their full strength now, it is enough to deal with most of the players.

But the two neon junior high school students in front of them are not inferior to their current standards in the slightest.

(Not only speed, but also skill.)

Zach stood in the midfield, observed the movements of the two carefully, and commented.


Hitting the ball back again, Kise and Nioh also felt the completely different rhythm of the game.

(As expected of the Wandering World team, Nioh and I have played Xiao Qingfeng to such an extent that we can't score points.)

During the confrontation, Kise also felt incredible for the opponent's strength.

The two Qingfengs are now in a stalemate with each other on the field.

This may not be so long-lasting if other middle school students are opponents.

For this ball alone, the two sides fought for almost ten minutes...

(Is this their strength? It even feels that their strength has not been fully utilized...)

Even if the opponents have never seen Tianyi Tezuka and Bai Jinqiang, their level is undoubtedly far beyond the national level.

Nioh knew that continuing to phantom Aomine could only go so far, so he gestured to Kise.


After understanding Nioh's secret signal, Kise nodded, so the two changed their offensive and defensive methods when they returned the ball next time

"That is……"

In the eyes of everyone, Nioh turned into Tezuka shrouded in hazy brilliance...

As for Huang Lai...the whole body exudes colorful light.

Phantom Tezuka + imitation Tezuka...

And in order to reduce the burden on each other, they each chose to use half of the moves.

The talented Tezuka + the tempered Tezuka!

"Fourth ball!"

After deducing Kise's chance to score, Nioh spoke slowly.







"The eighth ball!"


"2-0! The neon junior high school team leads!"

"These two guys really match well!"

Seeing that the stalemate was resolved, Kikumaru shouted excitedly.

"Any one can be the other's help, it's a match made in heaven..."

Yukimura had no choice but to praise the strength of the combination of these two people, which is unparalleled in ancient and modern times.

Mingming Brilliance, a move that is difficult to fully utilize in doubles, is actually used with incomparable precision.

(Sure enough, Kise has been able to imitate it even after a lot of hard work...)

Although I know that this guy usually hides and hides recently, but it seems that the imitation has gone a step further.

His current cooperation with Nioh is really a literally unsolvable doubles.


In Nioh's serve game, he maintained the posture of Phantom Tezuka and played the zero-style serve, directly winning the serve game.

When the score exposed on the screen was highlighted, the audience realized that the Jabberwock team was at a disadvantage.

"Really! Nehong's middle school students are so good!"

"Come on! Get rid of the Jabberwock!!"

"Jabberwock is behind? There should be a limit to releasing water."

Discussions began to come from all directions, some were shocked, and some were dissatisfied.

But there is no doubt that this situation has brought a new surprise to everyone.

"It's amazing that Neon has such a talented player."

Xibo watched the match in the field unexpectedly, and felt incredible for Aaron and Zach who were in crisis.


"Mother-in-law, he two are so powerful!"

"I can't read the ball at all."

Kintaro excitedly grabbed the guardrail and shouted loudly.

"The young people nowadays have such a high standard?"

"Minami, is that why you invited me to come and see?"

Granny Shan's expression was a little moved. Ever since the time passed between him and Nanjiro, it has been a long time since Nihong was so worth looking forward to.

As one of the former professional doubles players, Grandma Shan can naturally see the possibilities shown by Kise and Nioh.

Whether it is imitation or phantom characters, they all express the arrival of a new era.

The history of the shining stars, the radiant glory, the era called "miracle" is coming.

(Kintaro, the son of you and Minamijiro may be the last passenger of this era...!)

Thinking about the ages of the junior high school students, and looking at Kintaro, Grandma Sugi felt the providence.

"Grandma, what's the matter with you?"

"It's nothing, Kintaro, I'm just a little excited. After watching the game this time, I'll teach you some other things when I go back."

"Really?! Yes!"


"It really scared me, these two players are really good."

"Yeah, if we relax a bit, maybe we're really doomed."

Aaron and Zach communicated during the break to prepare for the game change.

They used to call each other kid, but now they changed to "player", which proved that they agreed with each other's tennis level.

Nash has not said a word since the beginning of the game, as if he didn't care how the game went.

Because he knows that Zach and Aaron will definitely win, so he doesn't need to worry about the follow-up.

"Although those two brats are powerful, I'm afraid that's all."

Gorgias turned his head and looked over, observed the other party's state and said.

"Hehe, this is also the reason why the captain is not worried."

"They...after all, like me, they are too easily involved."

Noah felt a little sorry and could understand the situation.

In many cases, it does not mean that if you are stronger than your opponent, you will definitely win.

"But they have also proved their potential. It is really unimaginable to grow for another two or three years."

Du Du originally thought it was just an ordinary coaching game, and he planned to deal with it casually, but his performance at the beginning made him vigilant.

"Okay, Nioh and the others must win."

Shouting, Wen Tai clenched his fist and said happily.

"It's not necessarily..."

Murasakihara lazily touched the potato chips with his left hand, but he could see the difficulty of Kise and Nioh.

"What's wrong?"

Takashi Kawamura tilted his head not quite understanding.

"Huang Zai and that Ditto... used up a bit too much."

Even though he wasn't on the court, Ziyuan could still see that their condition was not very good.

"It's like this. It's only three rounds, but their consumption is greater than before."

Momoi looked at the two of them who were resting on a chair drinking a drink and continued.


"How? Persevere until the end?"

Kise glanced at King Ni, then asked with sweat profusely.

"According to this strength, it is barely enough..."

Niwang took a deep breath, and spoke regardless of the sweat dripping down.

"In the second game, they stalemate with each other for too long."

Akashi looked at the two who had consumed far more than before, and also noticed the trouble.

Even though it was such a short match, Kise and Nioh's physical strength was exhausted by more than half.

This was simply not possible before...

"This can only mean that the opponent is really strong."

Tezuka turned his gaze to the opponent's field, and commented on Aaron and Zach, who were only sweating a little.

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