Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 501 500 regardless of outcome?

Chapter 501 500. No winner or loser?





Shouts continued to come from the venue, and people outside the venue were already numb.

First, Midorima used the power of his "hand" to suppress Sanada, and then Sanada used his "light" to destroy his hand. The repeated cycle created a very strange phenomenon.

That is, they can't tell the difference between each other.



The situation has already entered a tiebreaker, and the two people who still maintained a high-intensity confrontation have now reached a situation that no one else could have predicted.

"The light broke the hand, and the light hit back behind the hand. The light broke the hand again, and the hand hit the light back again."

"There's no end to these two!"

There are no fancy scenes, just strong confrontation between each other.

"What should I say?"

"To be able to fight to this extent, to be honest"

"It's a bit much."

Bai Jin looked at the two people who were still in a stalemate and said. He thought it was just an ordinary doubles match, but he didn't expect it to turn into this.

"Yes, if we don't stop, both sides will be in danger."

Kise nodded, then looked at Midorima and Sanada's arms.

The arm that was healthy before was now filled with congestion.

The two people's sweatdrops, which were like raindrops, also expressed that the situation between them was not optimistic.

“It’s almost like Jenga.”

"You are stronger, he is stronger."

Murasakihara looked at this match aimlessly, his tone a little unnatural.

He is the player who hates this type of strong attack the most, which means that he will definitely face waves of fierce attacks.

The feeling of being used as a wall is really not a good thing.

"According to normal procedures, these two people should not be in a situation of insufficient physical strength in a place like this."

"It's gone too far."

Momoi looked at the bruised arms of Midorima and Sanada worriedly.

"Both sides are trying to raise each other's limits and force themselves to defeat their opponents, which leads to self-destruction."

"One goal at most."

"They can't keep fighting."

Akashi stared at the two people for a while, knowing that his physical condition did not allow him to be destroyed like this.

"The light and clouds are as unobstructed as the void!!"


"Go back!!"

The calm Midorima shouted angrily for the first time, placed a three-fingered green hand on his arm and slapped him with a slap.


The flickering golden light obscured people's eyes, but the bone fingers that resisted shook a little.





The ball was hit back and exploded in the field, which also meant that the two sides still could not decide the winner.


Smoke and dust filled the air, and along with the flying gravel, what came into view were the holes on the ground.

Although it is not the first, the originally sound venue is now a "pineapple pineapple".

It looks weird and creepy.


If the referee hadn't been experienced, he would have been scared away.

I really can't afford to sit in this position if I don't have the vision and ability in the past few years.




Midorima and Sanada lowered their arms almost at the same time and released their grip on the racket.

The racket hit the ground hard, attracting everyone's attention.

"Sure enough, we can't continue fighting."

"Of course it is, both sides are ruining their arms like this."

"How could someone from such a powerful different dimension not be injured if he exceeded his limits again and again?"

"If I hadn't been physically well-trained, I probably wouldn't have been able to hold on to the tiebreaker at first."

Witnessing the tragic situation of these two people, there are also sensible people who know their situation.

"Deputy Minister Sanada!!"

Tamagawa saw Sanada's appearance and ran over quickly, then picked up his racket with a worried look on his face.

"I'll leave the rest to you."

"Yes Yes!!"

But what followed was Sanada's stern instructions as usual. Tamagawa, who came back to his senses, also understood the reason and responded with a serious expression.

"Go and fight as hard as you can."

"Losing partners also happens."

"Think carefully about what to do at this time."

On the other side, Midorima was also explaining to Dai, without any fluctuation in his tone.


After a moment of silence, Dai also understood the current situation and then responded.

"First, the two juniors played against each other with the support of the seniors, then the seniors competed on their own, and finally it became a one-on-one battle between the juniors."

"This doubles No. 2 match is really full of drama."

Not knowing how to describe his current complex mood, Qianshi said.

It's a bit interesting, but a bit boring.

but no matter.

At least he enjoyed watching the battle

"However, if both of them stop, let Tamagawa and Dai confront each other."

"That must be it."

“The side with stronger individual capabilities has an advantage.”



Inui Sadaharu watched this scene silently, and then commented.

"There is no winner between Sanada and Midorima, but the match will be decided."

"Is that what you mean?"

Fuji closed his eyes and smiled slightly, reacting after hearing what Inui Sadaharu said.

"It may be very regrettable for both of them."

"I couldn't finish it off in singles myself."

Tezuka could feel the emotions of the two people present, and perhaps this game would arouse the competitive spirit in each other.

"This is always just a stage for the younger generations."

"They met by chance."

"It happens to the point where you have to fight. He is really a god of bad taste."

Atobe crossed his legs, recalling everything about this scene, and couldn't help but sarcastically said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, what a false alarm."

"But it's also a good thing. Tamagawa can win once he plays."

"Isn't it a great encouragement to him?"

Niou stared at the game that was coming to an end, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

If Midorima and Sanada continue to fight in the same situation as they were just now, the fun will be great.

The whole thing can be settled at the expense of a bruised hand, which is considered an easy ending.

"It should be said that Tamagawa's luck is very good!"

"Di Guang didn't send out those second-year guys."

"Otherwise that guy Tamagawa will be in danger."

Kirihara shouted excitedly, and with a happy expression, he looked at Teiko's seat.

No matter if any of Imayoshi, Kasamatsu, Takao, or Hinata were sophomores, Tamagawa would not be able to beat them.

It just so happens that this time it is Dai Qianxun who must rely on his teammates to perform well.

Tamagawa can beat him no matter what.

When something like this happens, what else can you do besides say you're lucky?

"Looks like I have to be more serious in the next game."



"This set is won by Tatekai Ohsanada and Tamagawa!"



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