Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 502 501 It’s better not to talk nonsense with that mouth of yours!

Chapter 502 501. It’s better to stop talking nonsense with that mouth of yours!

The No. 2 doubles match ended in a different way.

"I didn't expect Midorima-kun to be so willful."

"Seniors also have this side."

Momoi and Reiko were applying ice to the bruised arm of Midorima who was sitting down, while speaking to him.

"Shut up."

"I am also a player, and I have the right to choose how to compete."

Looking at the "surprised" looks of the two people with disgust, Midorima turned his head and said rudely.

This time the competition itself was done out of desperation.

But the process did make Midorima and Sanada a little "advanced".

After all, each of the strong players wants to decide the winner between them.

Although the occasion is not very suitable, it can still be used as a stage to fight against.

The outcome is unclear, but for Midorima, this time he is considered defeated.

After all, Sanada still has "Darkness" that he hasn't used yet. Sanada's strength can at least be improved by using that move.

Although he had bad luck today and was unable to exert the power of the uncontrollable ball.

The luck-based play method relies on luck, and the third hand is only used as an insurance policy, so I tried my best to figure it out.

But in the end, the weather, the right place, the right people, and the people all didn't belong to him.

In today's situation, if you lose, you lose.

Nothing to complain about

As an opponent, Sanada has that strength.

"Divination is indeed very evil."

"Maybe I should believe it a little more?"

Aida Reiko looked at Midorima's calm expression and couldn't help but hesitate.

She didn't really believe in these things before, but during the competition, she deliberately searched Midorima's horoscope on her mobile phone.

[You will encounter a very difficult opponent today, and you will be at a disadvantage no matter what. 】

【The lucky thing is the blue doll rabbit.】

[Maybe I can salvage something? 】

Glancing at the lucky charm that Midorima had placed on the table and stool earlier, he was almost completely taken in by it.

"For Midorima-kun, this is the essence of possessing mysterious power."

"So I might want to take a look at his arrangements before arranging the formation."

Momoi covered her mouth and smiled, remembering Midorima's reminder as an example.

In the past two years, whenever Midorima was about to play in a game, Momoi would also use it as a reference to write letters on mystical matters such as divination.

Make adjustments according to the prompts.

"Midorima-senpai is really a special player."

"No one else gets this kind of treatment, right?"

When Momoi said this, Reiko's expression became stiff and helpless.

How can any player normally use divination to determine how to act today?

It can even affect the game.

"Hey, I'm still here."

"Talk about and make fun of the person in front of the person concerned as if nothing happened."

“It’s time to stop.”

He raised the reflective lens with his other hand and said in a bad tone.

"Haha, Midorima-senpai is angry."

Takao stood behind him, looking at this familiar scene, exposed.

"Takao, do you want to die?"

"Oh, so dangerous."

Looking at the lively atmosphere there, Zi Principle stood up lazily, then picked up his custom-made racket and started walking towards the field.

"Fight if you can."

"I will only give you three chances."

"If it exceeds that limit and loses three games, I will take action myself."

Glancing at Muji who was following him, Murasakihara said seriously.

Although I really want to let the juniors fight on their own, if the game overturns like Midorima's, then the gains outweigh the losses.

It is better to set a safety line to be prepared.

After all, for Murasakihara, he still doesn't really want to lose the game.

Both as a team and individually.

"Yes! I understand."

I also understand what Murasakibara said, but Muji is grateful that Murasakibara still gives him this opportunity.

"If I lose three games, I will personally use the beautiful words one after another."

"That guy Murasakihara is surprisingly serious."

"Don't look at his lazy look, but in his heart he doesn't want to lose more than anyone else."

They are already very familiar with Murasakihara's daily life style, so no one is surprised.

Having just experienced Midorima's situation, for Murasakihara, she had to win this game no matter what.

"Atsushi Murasakihara?"

"Everyone in the green room behaves like that"

"He might also be stronger, it's really hard to predict."

Liu Renji looked at the contestants on the stage and automatically ignored Muji.

It's not that he wants to do this, but compared to the threat from Murasakihara Atsushi, being a first-year kid is not much of a problem.

"However, in this case, the gap in combat power is very obvious."

Niou narrowed his eyes and smiled, looked at his own staff and said.

Compared to the combination of Murasakibara and Kiyoshi, their Tachikai Dainori is the combination of Jackal Kuwabara and Wakatohiro.

Physically speaking, he is much weaker than others.

"Haha, really? That actually doesn't matter, right?"

"This way my chance to play is getting closer and closer."

"Ah, who will be my opponent?"

Kintaro squatted on the chair, looking very excited and happy.

"Hey, hey, do you ever talk like this? Kintaro?"

"At least hope for something better!"

Kirihara turned to look at Kintaro's indifferent tone, and then corrected him seriously.

"But if you can't win, you can't win."

"No matter how you look at it, it's hard for the bald guy and Hiroto to defeat the opponent."

Even though he is very simple and innocent, Kintaro still has a very vicious vision.

Even if Muji doesn't take action, I'm afraid with Murasakibara's strength, it won't be difficult for one person to fight three.

"You guy, don't talk nonsense."

Reaching out and squeezing his hair like his seniors did, Kirihara leaned his head over and whispered.

He was too lazy to correct Kintaro for calling someone by the wrong name.

This guy obviously did it on purpose.

Rather than bothering to say this, it would be easier to just ignore it.

Anyway, the person involved who was called by the wrong name doesn't mind anymore.

In other words, everyone is used to being called.


"Huh? Ryoma, where are you going?"

"The game is about to start!"

In Qingxue's team, Ryoma saw this scene of the game and turned around and walked outside.

Horio, who saw this scene, asked him inexplicably.

"Go buy a drink."

He responded dully, and under the surprised eyes of his peers, he simply left.

"What the hell is this guy doing?"

"Go buy a drink when the game is about to start."

"What should I do if I miss the wonderful place later?"

"Rikkai University is such a strong school, maybe it will win for the second time in a row."

After complaining a few words in confusion, Horio then looked at the situation in the venue and opened his mouth to speak impolitely.


"This set was won by Teikou Murasakibara and Muji!"



"So, Horio, you are just telling lies."

"As soon as that senior showed his strength in this game, Rikkai University never scored a point again."

"It's better not to talk nonsense with your mouth."

"Ah this.?"

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