Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 503 502 Imayoshi and Kirihara!

Chapter 503 502. Imayoshi and Kirihara!

"Everyone wins and loses."

“Simply comparable”

"Then it's all singles matches."

"Who are they?"

"No matter what happens, we won't have all the third graders come running up to us."

"It must be a confrontation between first and second graders."

"That's true."

After watching the two doubles matches, there will be a singles match that everyone is paying more attention to.

"Go! Win this victory happily!"

Aida Reiko looked at Imayoshi, then pushed her back and said in a loud voice.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

"You don't even know who my opponent is yet, so you put pressure on me."

“Isn’t that bad as a manager?”

After being pushed for two steps, Imayoshi looked back at her, and then said helplessly.

"It's okay. No matter what happens, I won't be in the third grade."

"If you're dealing with second-year and first-year students, you can't lose no matter what, right?"

Imayoshi's appearance didn't bother Reiko, she knew this man's abilities and character very well.

If he really wasn't sure about the game, this guy would already have a lifeless expression, instead of maintaining such an optimistic attitude and leisurely here.

The most important thing is that she is also very confident in Imayoshi's strength.

There are very few opponents in the second grade who can compete with him.

"Hey, hey, don't say it so harshly."

"Look at the first and second grade students now."

"Everyone is like a monster. I have no guarantee of winning."

After complaining for a while, Imayoshi walked towards the field.

"That guy is still as sinister as ever."

"Obviously I am not very strong, but I always like to say that others are stronger than him."


Kasamatsu stared at his leaving back and couldn't help but comment on him.

"Well, he was just stating the facts."

"Facts determined by oneself"

Takao didn't care, Imayoshi had such a temper.

Not only during competitions, but also in ordinary life.

He doesn't really like standing in front and being noticed, preferring the feeling of "retreating" behind everyone.

Even though he has considerable talents and strength, he still doesn't stand out from others.

I can't say he's modest, it's more that he doesn't like to be found out.

"But as a teammate, he is still very trustworthy."

Hinata nodded, knowing that each player has a very weird temper.

Not to mention the seniors in the third grade, even they have their own persistence.


"Hey, long time no see."

"Are you still energetic?"

Walking to the net, Imayoshi grinned at the acquaintance in front of him and asked happily.


"I will definitely win this time!"

Kirihara looked at Imayoshi with an awkward expression, and his tone was quite unsteady.

He is already very aware of Imayoshi's "little tricks" and will never fall for it again this time.

No matter what the other party says, he must ignore it and deal with it with a calm mind.

In this case, there is no need

"What a domineering statement."

"Mr. Ace."

"Don't call me that title!!!"

It's a pity that before he could calm down for more than five seconds, Imayoshi's defense was broken by one word.

With flushed cheeks, Kirihara retorted loudly and excitedly, almost frightening the referee.

"It's okay!"

Seeing everyone's eyes turned to him, he responded, then lowered his head in shame and anger, his hands trembling.

The scene of meeting Imayoshi for the first time is still vivid in my mind.

Just because of the phrase "ace", Imayoshi would jokingly call him "Mr. Ace" every time.

It was fine in private, but Kirihara was simply ashamed to be called that in public.

There is quite a uncomfortable feeling of having a dark history being revealed, but he still can't do anything about the other party.

"Hahaha, Kirihara is so funny."

"It's like being tricked."

Even though the game hadn't started yet, watching this scene, Kintaro laughed unceremoniously.

He had never seen Kirihara being so "submissive".

"Ah, he would be like this just when facing Imayoshi."

Ruo Renhong couldn't help but sigh when he thought of the personalities of these two people.

That guy Imayoshi can always "make up" Kirihara in a crucial way to make him lose his temper.

It's probably not a good choice for these two to face each other in singles.

"Then I'm coming, Mr. Kirihara!"

After winning the right to serve, Imayoshi walked to the baseline with a smile and then looked at Kirihara and shouted.

"You guy!!"

"It was intentional!!"

Although he didn't continue shouting those two words that made Kirihara sensitive, changing the wording still gave him goosebumps.



When he was angry, the serve also hit him in an instant. In his angry state, before he could react in time, the ball had already bounced out of the court.


"He really can't keep his composure."

Nioh looked at Kirihara who was "surreptitiously attacked", and then commented.

"I still have too little experience."

Yanagi Renji shook his head. He was sure of Kirihara's strength and talent, but his unstable temperament was too easy to be provoked.

He has the ability to demonize this kind of dementia, and if his emotions are stirred up by his opponent, he is basically doomed.

Therefore, many times, Yanagi Renji actually suggested throwing Kirihara into doubles, and supporting a partner who could watch him to cooperate with him to practice his temperament.

"Well, it's still early."

"He's always going to improve a little bit."

Yukimura smiled lightly and didn't care about Kirihara's gaffe.

He knew very well the potential of this child, which was enough qualifications to be the successor of Li Hai University.

It doesn't matter if you suffer more losses now, it is a way to pave the way for future growth.






(This happens every time.)

He clearly remembers in his heart that he must not be fooled or listen to what the other party says.

But every time, it will stir up emotional fluctuations in my heart.

The moment he gets distracted, Imayoshi will target an opportunity and attack.


"Temitsu Imayoshi wins this round!"



He won the first game easily and scored so quickly that it was hard to believe that this was a second-year confrontation.


"It looks like you've had some exercise."

"You lost your composure so quickly."

Looking at the silent Kirihara with squinted eyes, Imayoshi was a little surprised.

I thought it would take another two or three games for the opponent to lose points before they would completely calm down.

But he seemed to have underestimated Kirihara's current mentality.

(After all, they are the best in the same class, and they are indeed not weaklings who can be dealt with by small means every time.)

(Looks like this one will be more difficult to deal with than I thought.)

"If I really can, I really want to play the game easily and win."

Already anticipating the possibility of the future, Imayoshi showed a forced smile, but it turned into a serious look in an instant.

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