Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 506 505 Talent versus Angel Transformation!

Chapter 506 505. Brilliance vs. Angelization!


"Hey, hey, what kind of joke is that?"

Hearing the sound coming from his ears, Imayoshi couldn't help but say helpless words.

After all, demonization is something Kirihara has been using, and he is very familiar with it, but what is this angelization?


"This round is won by Tatekai Okihara!"



But even if Imayoshi didn't know much about it, he could still understand how powerful Kirihara's original strength was from this ever-changing confrontation.

(Not only that, the senses have become sharper, but the speed of movements and swings has become much faster, not to mention the strength)

(Even consciousness remains normal?)

The demonized Kirihara's eyes would turn red, but the current Kirihara does not have that sense of terror. Instead, he has a pair of pure white eyes that look so innocent.

Although it is much more harmless to humans and animals compared to the terrifying demonic face, in terms of actual playing experience, Imayoshi finds it extremely troublesome.


The ball quickly flew to the corner, but Kirihara was already waiting there.

His extraordinary reaction speed and mobility make him well-equipped to deal with any situation.


(Mid-range slice?)

Seeing the amplitude of the arm swing, Imayoshi judged the nature of the incoming ball and immediately stood in the midfield to respond with a backhand.

The ball hit the racket surface and began to rebound with a violent spin.

"This is not just chipping."

"Not good!"

I realized what was going to happen next, but even if I wanted to improve it, it was too late. The ball had already separated from the racket and floated over the net without permission.


Taking a run forward, Kirihara swung his racket and hit the ball with rapid speed.

This time Imayoshi had no time to adjust his posture and was scored.


"He is completely different from before."

Wakato couldn't help but sigh when he saw Kirihara's cheerful performance.

"Can't he do very well on his own?"

"It was indeed a matter of immaturity before."

The reason why Kirihara was allowed to become a demon without stopping it was because he wanted to see when he could take control of it on his own.

Although the third-year students at Rikkai University were able to suppress him, that did not have a very good guiding effect.

Blindly blocking it will only hinder him.

But sometimes this risk is too great. After all, once he becomes a demon, Kirihara will be so "high" that he can't find himself. Playing is quite violent and can easily cause trouble.

"However, fortunately he has a group of reliable opponents of the same age."

Yukimura looked at this scene and smiled happily.

If it was during the period when Kirihara was the dominant one, no one among his peers would be able to suppress him and make him calm down and convince him.

After all, an insane and crazy guy will not be persuaded by the guy he defeated.

But it's different now. Kirihara's demonic strength cannot be invincible among students of the same level.

No matter which strong school he is in, there will always be people of the same age who can beat him.

Not to mention strong players like Imayoshi and Kavachi.

This results in Kirihara always being in a state of neither arrogance nor arrogance.

He knew that there were people of his own age who were better than him, and that Kaitou, Momojo and others could even be on par with him.

No matter how crazy he is, it's still not his turn.

This is why Imayoshi felt ashamed whenever he called him "Mr. Ace" before.

So in this gradually "humble" mood, Kirihara kept trying to change himself.

He wants to become stronger!

Chasing the minister and deputy minister!

The so-called peak of the world, he Kirihara also wanted to climb up and have a look.


"This round is won by Tatekai Okihara!"



In his angelic state, his consciousness was so clear, his emotions were no longer out of control, and his body was in perfect control, making Kirihara extremely powerful.

"It would be great if he can continue at this pace."

Seeing Kirihara overturning the disadvantage in one fell swoop, Nioh also gave high praise.

If Kirihara, who had only been dominated by demons before, could barely be considered a qualified second-year strong player.

Now that he has entered angelic form, he can undoubtedly compete with the weaker third-year seniors.

"Haha, I feel like Kirihara is really strong like this!"

Even Kintaro wanted to fight Kirihara in this posture.

"That guy still has the possibility to go further."

Compared to other people's speculations and optimism, Bai Jin knew that Kirihara's potential was quite sufficient.

Although this guy is different from Akutsu when he debuts, one likes to hurt people on the court and the other likes to fight outside the court, but I have to say that his talent is sufficient.

Let’s not talk about the main drama Akutsu. He is world-class in one year. How many people can be killed by this growth span.

Even Kirihara's commonly used demon transformation can turn him into an "incarnation of another dimension" in the end.

"Maybe this guy is from two different dimensions."

Muttering in words that others could not hear clearly, Bai Jin remembered the strange changes.

After all, demonization corresponds to the devil.

Angelization corresponds to angels

In the main drama, it is already clear that Kirihara has an alternate-dimensional incarnation named "Devil".

Now he is expected to be able to activate the different-dimensional incarnation of "Angel".

Two opposing forces can actually appear in the same person, which is simply a collection of contradictions.

However, it is better to say that Kirihara can only use one of two different-dimensional incarnations.

And their properties are different.

The devil had destined that Kirihara would lose control and riot, and the angel had also destined that he would have a normal behavior.

Thinking of that kind of picture, it might be unexpectedly interesting.

"Are you finally willing to use your talent?"

"This guy Imayoshi finally can't sit still anymore."

"Kirihara, kill him!"

It's nothing more than receiving such resistance. In fact, Imayoshi did "win" more than his peers and was criticized.

(I never thought there would be such a day)

(Having said that, Kirihara might be even stronger than Kavachi.)

Hazy white light surrounded him, and Imayoshi began to become serious.

Faced with Kirihara's situation, he couldn't relax and deal with it.

"23 goals!"

After announcing the goal and previewing the process, Imayoshi spoke.



The two then launched a fierce confrontation.

"Brilliant versus angelic!"

"What will happen?"

Everyone in the second grade watched this scene nervously.

Is Kirihara stronger or Imayoshi superior?

"The last ball!!"

Seeing Kirihara hit a fierce smash, the ball hit Imayoshi's racket.



"No. This is 23 goals!!"

The racket was blown away, and many people thought that the absolute declaration was broken, but some people reacted immediately.

Because even if Imayoshi's racket was knocked away, he still maintained a smile.

What landed with the racket at the same time was the tennis ball that fell behind Kirihara.



ps: I am so busy that I have no time now.

Absolutely amazing.

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