Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 507 506 The second level of talent shines!

Chapter 507 506. The second level of talent shines!


"Sorry. I'm still better."

Even if there were some mistakes during the absolute prediction process, Imayoshi still ensured that the results were correct.

To be honest, the pressure against Kirihara who turned into an angel was really great.

Under normal circumstances, Imayoshi would have found it very difficult and even unable to suppress the opponent at all.

Only by using your talents to rejuvenate can you maintain your "life".

From here we can see how powerful the angelic Kirihara is.

The other party who is good at talking will no longer be easily fooled, even if their physical abilities are surpassed.

What remains is the gap in experience and technology between the two sides.

To use talent to fight in this situation is a great test of the user's ability and golf intelligence.

"An ordinary person would have been upset."

"But he still manages to maintain that calm demeanor."

"That guy can't possibly panic."

Hinata, Kasamatsu, and Takao looked at Imayoshi's perfect handling and couldn't help but sigh at this guy's stability.

"Senior is really amazing."

"That won't do anything to him."

"It seems like we are at a disadvantage, but in fact the situation is still under control."

That's not a compliment, but Imayoshi actually did it.

"How's it going? It's a lot of pressure, right?"

Aida Reiko looked at Imayoshi who was walking back to the team to change his racket, and threw a new one to him and asked.

"Why are you so gloating?"

"Reiko-chan, you are my teammate, right?"

"No, no, no, I'm not gloating about your misfortune. I just think it's rare for you to be frustrated and I'm just surprised."

Regarding his manager's playful expression, Imayoshi asked with his eyelids twitching, but the other party explained it with a strange reason.

"Forget it, to be honest, even so, I believe you will win."

"That's all."

"How is it? Are my words heavy?"

After patting Imayoshi on the shoulder, Aida Reiko also became serious and said seriously.

"Interesting words"

"Then let me tell the truth, that is..."

"Thank you for your trust."

Still maintaining his usual calm smile, he squeezed the new racket in his hand, and then walked back to the court.


"These are very morale-boosting words."

"That guy doesn't care about this kind of thing at all, does he?!"

Compared to the fight within the team, Imayoshi stood on the field but didn't think much about it.

Keeping his talent high, he is still rehearsing the game process.

(Now that I know you can make some changes)

(That’s not a hard thing to accept for me.)

If you were a previous talent glow user, when something unexpected happened during the process, the results would usually be different.

But Imayoshi and the others are different. Through the teachings of their predecessors, they have also known another way to use talent.

That is to pay attention to the process of talent renewal to reconstruct the results.

"31 goals."

(How many balls will the change occur?)

With such curiosity, Imayoshi began to test.



The two began to confront each other again.

(At the 16th ball, it was no longer in line with the subsequent scenes.)

(So ​​it needs to be adjusted)

A process beyond expectations began to occur. In order not to affect the result, Imayoshi needed to correct it within the remaining 15 goals.



(28 goals.)

(I barely caught up.)



"This is the last ball!"




Despite Imayoshi's fierce smash, he still scored the point with 31 balls.

"That's another use of brilliance."

Kaibin watched Imayoshi's state and remembered what Kise once mentioned.

Normal brilliance will not be effective against strong opponents, nor will it be useful against weak opponents.

Being in an awkward position of being neither up nor down.

And only by trying every means to change it can we have a chance to make it useful again.

That is to use the second special usage created.

Emphasis on process over results

The specific manifestation is the result of the declaration and the subsequent revision process.

The first stage is a normal rehearsal to the end, which usually deviates from the trajectory of the rehearsal due to the opponent's outbreak or change.

This is where the second phase comes into play.

No longer paying attention to the previous process, but repairing the distortions as much as possible to achieve the original ending.

Even if the actual score is different, you can still score at that number through artificial correction.

This is.

The second level of talent shines!



Scoring again, Imayoshi demonstrated his outstanding skills.

"You can put your talents to such full use."

"What a great idea."

Seeing such an interesting scene, Fuji felt very good.

Those who can perform beyond the framework in the realm of selflessness are very powerful players.

Look at Akaashi who uses the Eyes of Radiance and Tezuka who once controlled his entire body.

These are undoubtedly a group of geniuses who are not subject to inherent limitations.

"In this way, we completely overcome the situation where strong players cannot use their talents."

"Ah? Senior Qian, why do you say that?"

Naturally, some people can't understand what Ini Sadaharu said.

“Generally speaking, if something goes wrong with the process of brilliance, it will invalidate the absolute declaration.”

"Especially when facing an opponent whose strength has changed, it is easier to trigger this weakness."

"But if it is used like this by Imayoshi Shoichi, there won't be so many worries."

"No matter how the process changes, just practice according to the results."

After explaining to each other very carefully, Gan Sadaharu continued to speak.

"To put it simply, I already know the destination, I just have to figure out how to get there."

"Any changes during the period will not affect the final result. We will remain unchanged in the face of changes."

Fuji also admires this player who can think of new ways out.


"Temitsu Imayoshi wins this round!"



After getting the final match point, Imayoshi seemed so at ease.

"Sorry, you're not the only one getting stronger."

"For the view of the world"

"I've always wanted to go see it. After all, the seniors are all there."

Looking at Kirihara's slightly moved expression, he maintained a smile and said.

"That guy is so awesome."

"Kintaro, isn't that something to be happy about?"

"It seems that the opponent is better after all."


"This set is won by Teimitsu Imayoshi!"



After Imayoshi showed his true skills, he won the game without any suspense. No matter how hard Kirihara struggled, he could not reverse it again.

"Damn it!"

Leaving the scene angrily, Kirihara lowered his head and shed tears, and shouted in frustration.

"If you are not willing to give in, win it back for me next time!"

Facing Kirihara like this, Sanada just pressed his head with his hand and warned him in a deep voice.


The body was trembling, and the face was hiding tears, but his tone was still so firm.

"Then it's time for me to appear."

“Who will the opponent be?!”

"I will avenge Kirihara!"

Kintaro glanced at Kirihara, who was disappointed, and did not laugh too much, but walked onto the stage with a swagger.

On the other side was Kaibin, who was already holding the racket and calmly walking towards the court.

"First grade vs. first grade?"

"This is really interesting."


My colleagues are all pulling people up the mountain. Alas, I have to join in.

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