Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 509 508 can’t win at all!

Chapter 509 508. Can’t win at all!


"This round was won by Diguang Kaibin."



With the help of the two gates, Kaibin finally did not fall into a one-sided situation, but recovered a round.



But it was different from the ease that people expected. After only four games, Kaibin was already sweating on his forehead and panting heavily.

"Oh, it's really great."

Compared to Kintaro's still relaxed posture, the contrast was too obvious.

"In order to forcefully keep up with Kintaro's rhythm, he overused his body."

"Even if he has the power of brilliance and hard work, he can only compete with Kintaro at this level."

Liu Renji has already seen the outcome of this game. The gap between the two sides is much larger than expected.

Only in this way can he barely compete with Kintaro, who is of normal strength. Once the latter uses it flawlessly, it will be an overwhelming victory.

"Then I'll be serious next time."

"You have to hold on."

In fact, Kintaro was exactly what Tatekai Daiichi and others thought before. He had no hidden thoughts and used it flawlessly for the first time in a formal public competition.

The cyan light shines, and the unusual aura undoubtedly deserves people's attention.


"How old is he??"

"The one who can reach this level is Tezuka Kunimitsu who was a youth student, right?"

There is no doubt that Kintaro's performance is impactful.

For those who are not mentally prepared, this is simply outrageous.

"Now, Kaibin is finished."

Hinata stared at this scene and couldn't help but be stunned.

No matter how much he wants to cheer him up, he still knows how "desperate" he is now.

It is no exaggeration to say that with Kintaro's strength and perfect coordination, ordinary third-year seniors would only be beaten.

Not to mention that it can only be used as a two-door Cabin.

"Ah, I'm afraid my mentality is going to collapse."

Kise looked at Kaibin, whose pupils were shrinking, and knew very well how strong this junior was.

He had been chasing Ryoma, but before he met him, he met another player of the same age who crushed him.

What's more, this person seems to be stronger than the previous Ryoma.

He thought that among his peers, he was slightly inferior to Ryoma, but this slap in the face was too realistic.

"Well, there will always be times like this."

"I feel that I am only inferior to others, but in fact there will always be strong people emerging from unknown places."

Qingfeng felt that this phenomenon was already commonplace. Taking their experience in the first grade as an example, it was not like that.

They all feel that there is no stronger guy outside their own school, but once the competition starts, you will gradually find that there are actually quite a lot of masters.

Tezuka and Fuji appeared first, followed by Yukimura, Sanada, Nioh, Akutsu and other players.

Who can't arm-wrestle with them?

There is only a certain guy outside the theory who has not encountered a strong opponent so far.

"He has a lot to learn."

There was no sarcasm, Midorima just felt that this era was too unfriendly to people like Kaibin.

In a "peaceful" era, I'm sure he would have been an ace master.

But in this "turbulent" era, it is too small.

"So, Huang Zai, you should teach me more."

"Haha? Why does this kind of thing happen to me?"

"Haven't you been training him?"

"I just did it on a whim because I thought it was interesting."

The conversation between Murasakibara and Kise also attracted the attention of others in the team.

"So, wouldn't it be better to just continue doing it on a whim?"

Momoi looked at Kise with a smile, and then gestured.

"Ah, even Xiao Wuyue said that."

"I understand, if he is still interested in continuing to play afterwards."

After complaining helplessly, Kise finally could only hold his nose and admit it.

It seems unreasonable to push people out at this time.

And he didn't mind it very much, but he just didn't want to admit it.

"Don't worry, that kid is stronger than you think."

“And it’s very malleable.”

Shirazu looked at Kise who was resigned to his fate, and then reminded him.

Devastated to give up tennis?

It doesn't matter if he is just a passer-by. Players with names among the tennis kings will never take that path.

Kaibin may be depressed for a while with Ryoma as his goal, but he will never give up tennis.

As long as Echizen Ryoma is still active in the field of tennis, Kebin Smith will inevitably get involved with him.



"This round is won by Rikkai Okintaro!"



(Here we go again.)

(Always one step behind.)

(Why is this?)

Already feeling his own weakness and weakness, Kaibin couldn't tolerate it.

It's like this every time, it seems like he's always lagging behind the "current version" by a gradient.

There was no self in all competitions, so he lost to the two-door Ryoma.

The Kanto Tournament opened two doors, and I met the perfect Kintaro again.

It's like meeting Midorima-senpai's "third hand". His opponents of the same age from other schools are always a level higher than him.

To be honest, this is really shocking. Even though he rarely loses in first-year civil wars within Teiko, it is still difficult to accept the fact that he is one step behind.

If he were to know that Ryoma had now obtained the power of another dimension, his mentality might completely collapse.



There is no way to resist. Whether it is Kintaro who has become stronger or himself who has been weakened by the light of Tianyi, the gap is too obvious.

"The outcome has been decided."

"It's so miserable. It's nothing compared to before."

"Forget it, facing a monster like that, it's pretty good to be able to fight like this."

The voices of discussion continued to sound from all around, which also indicated that it was difficult for the audience to expect any decisive reversal from Kaibin.




Shouting unwillingly, just like Kirihara in the last game, Kaibin flew and tried to save the ball, but still failed.


The racket was blown away, and his whole body hit the ground heavily. He looked so embarrassed.

"There's no way we can win."

The depressing thoughts only appeared for a moment, but were dispelled by Kintaro's words the next moment.

"You are really strong."

"You can actually touch that kind of ball. I thought you wouldn't be able to catch it."

"It's really fun playing with you."

Looking at Kintaro blankly, Kaibin couldn't see any sarcasm or ridicule on his face.

"You, like Echizen, are a worthy opponent!"

"Play ball with me next time!"

It is impossible to understand what Kintaro's brain circuit is, but this does not prevent Kaibin's depressed mood from being dispelled by it.

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