Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 510 509 The final national competition!

Chapter 510 509. The final national competition!


"This set is won by Rikkai Okintaro!"



In the end, although Kaibin cheered up, he was still defeated by Kintaro at this time and lost the game by a huge score.

“It feels like there are some very powerful guys in this year’s first grade class.”

"What's that boy's name?"

"Kintaro Toyama."

"I feel like Tezuka Kunimitsu again."

Watching Kintaro win the game, comments continued to come from the surrounding area, and at the same time, they also described the facts they believed.

The reason why I say this is that Tezuka was also like this.

They saw a familiar figure from Kintaro.

To have mastered it perfectly at such a young age is something that can no longer be described simply by looking forward to the future.

With so many seniors as reference, Kintaro's growth path will definitely be quite smooth.

As the saying goes, those who came before planted trees for those who will enjoy the shade.

It is possible for them to avoid the problems that their predecessors have experienced.

"Although I saw it last time."

"But he's made great progress."

Fuji looked at Kintaro shaking hands with Kaibin, and then said to Tezuka.

"Yes, he is indeed a talented young man."

Tezuka also believes that Kintaro's performance and talent are very rare.

Akutsu's growth and physicality, coupled with his ability to control freely and seamlessly.

This is no longer something that can simply be said and done.

If you reach the age of third grade, you will be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with them or even surpass them.

Both Tezuka and Fuji, Yukimura and Sanada firmly believe in this.

The tide of the times seems to have not stopped yet

"Still a long way to go."

Seeing the two people's comments and ignoring the curiosity of others, Ryoma just took a sip of the drink and whispered.

The path of fate is no longer what we imagined before.

The players Kaibin played against are the best proof of this.

He actually shouldn't have met Kintaro at this time.

Compared with the previous Shuangmen Ryoma, Kintaro can indeed be regarded as the best in the first grade.

But for me now, I am no longer as worried as before.

Even though he still hasn't mastered the perfect suit yet, the power of the incarnation from another dimension is enough for him to face many people.

"The No. 1 singles match will begin next."


In the end, Di Guang still won the final victory.

The schools that advance to the national competition will still be the familiar five.

Teikou, Rikkaida, Seigaku, Hyotei, Yamabuki.

Even though the so-called "resurrection match" has not yet been played, most people are already sure that Yamabuki will get a spot.

With the synchro-playing Tanaka brothers and the singles players Haizaki, Sengoku, and Akutsu, they had no reason to lose to those unknown schools.

"See you in the national competition."

"Ah, that will be the last and final battlefield of our three years in junior high school."

Holding hands, the four ministers were communicating with each other's team members.

"Akutsu, I will catch you when we go to the whole country."

Aomine alone approached Akutsu, who was standing on the sidelines with his body wrapped in bandages, and challenged him.

"Hmph, come and try it if you have the guts."

"I'll break you again!"

Holding his head high and showing a very arrogant and arrogant attitude, Akutsu stared at him and spoke bluntly.

"Hey, you may be getting stronger, but I'm not stopping either."

"Just wait and see."

Even if he didn't admit defeat in terms of momentum, Aomine had to admit that Akutsu's strength and growth were unique.

But for Qingfeng, this is not impossible to deal with.

If he had the chance to meet Akutsu again, Qingfeng would tell him that the world of tennis is not that simple.

“I don’t know who I will play against this year.”

"Yukimura has fought now. The whole country is still Tezuka and Akashi, you guys."

"Only our players from Kanto can bring the most passionate confrontation."

Dragging his chin, Atobe put one hand in his pocket and looked at the three people around him and still said confidently.

"Don't be careless. The schools in Kansai may also have strong opponents."

Although he didn't feel bothered by Atobe's praise, Tezuka was not as optimistic as him.


"There are only one or two players worth paying attention to."

When this matter was mentioned, Akashi's eyes narrowed and he really didn't pay too much attention to it.

After all, Kanto and Kansai are not in the same area. Unless there is a special need, they will definitely not cross the area to investigate on the other side.

"Hmph, maybe those guys will become stronger too."

"But not as good as me."

Thinking of this, Atobe fully reflected his arrogant personality.

Although he also has the strength, but no matter how you look at it, there is a sense of flag.

"If you are too arrogant, you will be beaten."

Bai Jin didn't coddle him, but said bluntly.

Although the environment in Kansai is not as intense as here, those who realize the difference will naturally know how to work hard.

Not to mention the recognized masters of Kansai such as Kute and Chitose, Shiraishi alone needs to pay attention.

After all, he is also a player who developed the "Star Bible" in advance.

After such a year, it is impossible that there is no progress.

It would be funny if you really underestimated others and ended up falling over.

"If nothing else happens, this kid Kintaro will also return to Kansai."

"I think there will be huge changes in Tiantianbao Temple at that time, right?"

Hearing this, Yukimura glanced at Kintaro who was meeting Ryoma and spoke.

"Heh, you raised someone else for a whole semester in vain, and you can just give it back so easily?"

"What a confident attitude."

Regarding this, Atobe was surprised by their frankness. No matter what, it was impossible for Tachibana to see through such an obvious purpose, but they still helped Kintaro grow up.

"You are not qualified to say this, Atobe."

After asking the question, Yukimura seemed to have something to say.

"Everyone is there for each other."

Hearing this, Akashi laughed instead.

All four of them knew what was being said.

Echizen Ryuya, the first young student

Tokugawa Kazuya of Hyōtei in the second year

Kintaro Toyama of Tachikai University in the third year

It seems that every time there is a player who acts as an outsider, playing the role of getting stronger and then leaving.

It feels like a ritual in a way.

However, compared to the huge vacancy after Ryuya and Tokugawa left, Tatekai didn't care that much.

Their own personnel configuration is enough to build a good lineup, so there is no need to care too much about Kintaro.

Although it is also a rare fighting force, the opponent may not necessarily stay, so they were mentally prepared from the beginning.

Unless Kintaro himself wants to stay here, that's another matter.

"Seniors who are really broad-minded."

Silently eavesdropping on what the ministers were saying, as a group of second graders, they naturally knew the inside story.

"One month later."

"That will be the seniors."

"The final national competition!"


Well, it’s finally time for the national competition in the third year.

I have to think about how to arrange it.

The situation of high school students will probably be mentioned a little recently.

After all, the World Championships are less than three months away.

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