Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 511 Those guys in 510 are anxious!

Chapter 511 510. Those guys are worried!



The floor of the training ground was completely shattered. Tokugawa and Oni faced each other in the stadium, and the two started a fierce fight.



"Stop! If we keep fighting, the situation will escalate."

The rackets between each other were shattered by the force of the ball, and they also stopped amidst the scolding of the coach.

"Isn't it the same?"

Tokugawa glanced at the half-fallen balls on both sides of the court, not caring about the blood on his palms.

"You are really getting stronger."

The ghost glanced at his arm, which was also bruised, and was filled with relief.

That guy who was once weak and insignificant is now gradually catching up with him.

"Ghosts and gods will never be able to defeat King Asura."

"But Tokugawa's current body cannot bear that force."

"Can it only be a tie?"

This is not the first time that members of the First Army are watching the battle.

They witnessed with their own eyes the position Tokugawa climbed from to where he is now.

To put it bluntly, there was no player in the entire training camp whom Tokugawa had not beaten.

Every high school student has been challenged by Tokugawa, but in the face of his strength, no one except Byodoin and Oni can persist and resist.

Even the former Tanejima lost his No.3 position in the competition.

But now Tokugawa has become stronger and challenged the previous one. The result is that once he and the ghost fight seriously, both sides will inevitably be injured.

If the two forces collide, nothing will happen to them.

Considering the importance of these two people, the coaching staff really doesn't dare to let them play recklessly.

Don’t worry, if the World Championship hasn’t started yet and a civil war breaks out in your own family, that would be ridiculous.

"Maori, is junior high school so magical?"

"Whether it's Byodoin, ghosts, or Tokugawa, they all have undergone tremendous changes after coming into contact with junior high school students."

Taneshima lay on the guardrail, looking at the two people receiving treatment on the field, and turned to a newcomer who had just arrived this year and asked.

"Hahaha, what should I say?"

"It must be because the environment is too harsh."

"There is a feeling that if you don't take it seriously, you will "die""

"Although it's a bit exaggerated to say this, if you don't work hard with the awareness of death, you can't win at all."

Hearing this, Jusaburo Mori smiled awkwardly and didn't know what to say.

Recalling his experience in junior high school, he felt that there were too many gods and demons fighting in Kanto.

Kansai is pretty normal.

Since being invited this year, Maori has grown a lot and met many interesting seniors.

But in his opinion, most people here may actually be worse than those junior high school students.

At this time of year, I believe that the juniors should have undergone stronger changes.

After all, they never stop moving forward

"That's really curious."

"To be honest, after graduating from junior high school, I heard about the deeds occasionally, but I never saw what the environment was like."

Speaking of this, Shuji Tanejima also felt that he didn't want to admit defeat.

He wanted to know what was the reason that led to the transformation of Byodoin, Oni, and Tokugawa.

Do those middle school students really have such mysterious powers?

"Actually, there are relevant videos that you can watch. Can you go to the coaches and ask them?"

"Why don't we go to the venue? The junior high school national competition will start soon, right?"

"It shouldn't be a problem to take a little leave at that time."

"But, isn't there another expedition recently? Are you not going?"

"That kind of thing won't have any impact if I stay here."

"Hey, hey, is it really okay for No. 4 in the army to talk like this?"

"Haha, it's okay."

Compared with the exchanges at the competition here, Byodo-in came to the familiar back mountain.

"It seems that you, coach, have finally watched the video of their battle."

Looking at Coach Mifune sitting cross-legged on the rock, Byodoin said.

"He does have some ability."

"It's much more interesting than you high school students."

"If it's this group of people, I can consider eliminating some of you useless guys."

He drank from the wine gourd without any regard for Byodoin's identity, and responded unceremoniously.

"After all, compared to high school students, if a group of junior high school students participate in the world competition for the first time, they will win a lot."

"I believe it will definitely cause consternation and panic in other countries. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is creating history."

"If they are really willing to come, then I will make the selection without hesitation, Byodoin."

"Hey, you really don't hold back when you talk."

Hearing Mifune speak like this, Byodoin grinned. He knew that the other party was serious.

As the head coach of the Neon team, Mifune has the greatest power and prestige.

Even he is so "willful", which means that the combat power of junior high school students is so attractive that Mifune is willing to abandon some high school students he has cultivated for a long time.

"It doesn't matter, as long as we can win the world."

"I don't have any objection if I don't play."

“Trust those guys to make the trade-offs in a tough environment.”

This year's junior high school competition is over. If those junior high school students are really willing to come, it will be a huge impact on the U17 training camp.

The weak will definitely be eliminated!

He does believe that high school students also have many capable and talented guys.

But similarly, junior high school students are not bad either. Even because of their internal fighting, their speed of strengthening is different from ordinary people.

There are simply no limitations and obstacles like here in training camp.

In the past, he was unable to continue to become stronger quickly in the training camp. Neither his companions nor the training content had much effect.

Therefore, he chose to join the Jabberwock where Ryuya Echizen was, and with the help of his contacts, he traveled around the world to challenge himself and break his limits.

Therefore, he can imagine what the current situation will be like once the junior high school students come here.

Although there will be high school students left behind in the future, there will also be people with talents who will be stimulated by those monsters and improve.

Therefore, Byodoin will not mind. Those who can't keep up should just give up their ambitions as soon as possible and hand over their positions.

What they need is victory, not seniority or friendship.

"It doesn't make sense to say so much now."

"You are leading the expedition this time, and you will learn some information along the way."

Taking another sip of his drink, Mifune's expression suddenly became serious.


Hearing this, Byodoin was a little surprised.

He rarely saw Mifune with such an expression.

"I heard that Germany is holding frequent secret training matches with various countries this year."

"United States, Switzerland, France, Spain"

“There are too many countries involved”

He just said a few words briefly, but Byodoin understood the meaning.

After reacting, he naturally understood why Germany had such abnormal "symptoms".

"Those guys."

"I'm anxious."

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