Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 514 513 Subverted cognition!

Chapter 514 513. Subverted cognition!

The fate of defeat.

It is rare to hear such words from Germany, which is the ninth consecutive champion.

You know, Germany has always had a calm attitude in the past.

This time, perhaps for the first time in history, we were forced to actively conduct training matches.


"It's quite interesting."

"I'm looking forward to that day."

After understanding the current situation, Amadeus naturally became wary.

To be honest, if the German team hadn't revealed such a secret, I'm afraid no one would have gone out of their way to guard against the sudden rise of the Neon team.

"What was the name of the junior high school student who knocked you down?"

Turning to look at Q·P, Amadeus suddenly asked.

"Shirazu Jisei."

"The holder of the new reserved light."

Not embarrassed by this, Q·P spoke out calmly.

"A new reserved light?"

"I didn't expect that the fourth kind of brilliance would appear."

After hearing this, there was silence for a while, and then Amadeus spoke.

Anyone who plays tennis knows how much change and impact the emergence of the once reserved light has brought to the tennis world.

The light of love, the light of fortitude, the light of loneliness.

That's something the world already knows.

And it has been several years since the last radiance was unearthed. How is the new fourth radiance different?

Amadeus doesn't really care about the effectiveness of the light of reserve. In his opinion, the effect of each light is roughly the same, but the conditions for development and triggering are different.

"If you are looking at the old times, I advise you to be more cautious."

"The fourth kind of reserved light may be different than any other light we have encountered."

Knowing what Amadeus was thinking, Q·P suddenly interrupted his thoughts and reminded him.

"Oh? Is it possible that it also has any special powers?"

Hearing what Q·P said, Amadeus became surprised.

To put it bluntly, the light of reserve is a BUFF that improves oneself and weakens the opponent.

Any player who is too strong may not fall for this trick.

Therefore, in front of players like Amadeus and Polk, Reserved Light is not a tricky state.

They still have the confidence to defeat their opponents regardless of that strange BUFF.

"No specific footage has been collected."

"But the only thing that can be said is"

"As a user, Jisei Shirazu will be more difficult to deal with than imagined."

Only Polk and Ray Cantrew who were at the scene witnessed it last year, and Q·P could not explain this kind of thing in detail.

"The effect is indeed very different from those three radiances."

"But how to describe it, I can't describe it, because it is too disruptive."

Seeing Q·P looking at him, Polk crossed his arms and recalled the battle he had witnessed last year and explained.

"Too disruptive?"

Hearing this, Amadeus didn't quite understand what he was referring to.

"That player has too many different-dimensional incarnations. I'm not sure whether it's the change caused by the power of the reserved light or the power of the different dimensions."

I thought I would know some inside information, but the content far exceeded Amadeus' expectations.

"What did you say?"

His pupils swayed slightly, and he felt that he might have heard wrongly.

Isn't it true that a player can only have one different-dimensional incarnation?

What does it mean to have too many alternate-dimensional incarnations?

It's not just that Amadeus is so gaffe-like, but indeed from the history of tennis, there really haven't been many owners of multi-dimensional incarnations.

Most are one. No exceptions.

"You may find it hard to believe, but it's true."

"Shirazu Jisei. At least he has"

"4 incarnations of different dimensions"

Knowing why Amadeus was like this, Polk and Q·P were not surprised.

When they and Ray Cantru knew the news and witnessed it with their own eyes, they also lost their composure for a long time.


Hearing this, Amadeus fell silent.

You know, ordinary people may have unimaginable fighting power if they have one.

If a player has four different-dimensional incarnations, what is the concept?

Plus there’s a new light of reserve?

Just thinking about it makes one's scalp numb.

"Is this how you lost to him?"

Looking at Q·P, Amadeus asked again.

"No, I didn't make it to the end of the game."

"If I really want to say it, I haven't even finished a round."

"He only used the power of one of his extradimensional incarnations to defeat me."

"I couldn't catch the ball and I passed out."

Looking back on the experience of that day, even Q·P would feel that he was lucky.


Now Amadeus can't be bothered. What do you mean by "fainting without catching the ball?"

He also thought that even if Q·P lost, it might be because of a single move.

But now it doesn't seem to be what I imagined.

The content revealed seemed a bit too exciting.

"But in official games, he couldn't hit a shot like that."

"I can only say that the problem is not big."

Polk knew that Amadeus could not digest so much news at the moment, and then spoke.

After all, what I came into contact with today can be said to have subverted previous perceptions.

Even Amadeus, a professional veteran, may not be able to accept it quickly.

"If it hadn't been for watching the video just now, I would have doubted whether you were a little over-hyped?"

"If there really is a junior high school student who can defeat you with one goal, he should be famous all over the world by now."

Of course, Amadeus' words also prevented Q·P from telling such past events in detail.

After all, he was really knocked over by a ball and went to the hospital for treatment.

If Polk hadn't helped him, it might have been even more dangerous.

As for being blown away by a ball?

How would you describe that situation?

A ball that sends the entire stadium flying and creates an earthquake?

Are you kidding me? Who would believe it?

I don’t even say that when I’m bragging.

If they said it truthfully like this, Amadeus would only think that the two of them were sick.


"Such an exaggerated description"

"I will know when I have the opportunity to meet him in person."

Hearing is believing, seeing is believing, Amadeus is not to be intimidated, he will use his own eyes to personally witness what kind of player the opponent is.

If only there was such an opportunity.


Watching the other party open the door and leave, Polk and Q.P didn't explain much.

This phenomenon is actually normal, and they understand it.

It is impossible to believe it without witnessing such power with your own eyes.

"Have you still not found your target lately?"

Q.P glanced at Polk and then asked.

"Ah, I have never met another person who can share the same wavelength as Guoguang."

When it comes to this point, Polk feels pity countless times.

"There are still nearly three months left, and there are still several countries participating in training matches."

"Try to find it"

"Of course. It's all about."

"Our victory!"

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