Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 515 514 Cast a wide net!

Chapter 515 514. Cast a wide net!


"Still practicing, Long Ya."

In a training ground in the United States, Long Ya was waving his arms to fight with the players in front of him.

Xibo, who was watching the game from the side, suddenly sighed. Long Ya had started when he came here in the morning. Unexpectedly, when he was going to eat, Long Ya was still practicing.

"It seems that I was not satisfied with losing to that Amadeus last time."

"Come on, the other party is a seasoned professional player."

"It's incredible to be able to play like that."

Staring at Long Ya's running posture, Du Du just opened his mouth to speak, but was overtaken by Xi Bo.

Not everyone can win a big game from that person as a newcomer, but then still lose a little bit.

You must know that he is an old player with a good reputation in the professional league, not an ordinary player.

"However, to be able to sponsor Long Ya with such affection, those sponsors are really discerning."

"Don't you know what consortium is behind that sponsor?"

Hearing Chico's words, Xibo, a big man, was stunned for a while.

"According to the captain and Nash, behind that sponsor are Akashi Seijuro and Atobe Keigo."

"Those are two young men with very high status."

At first glance, it was clear that Xibo had not understood the background of the sponsors behind Long Ya for so long, Qi Ke explained with a smile.

"Those two guys?"

It is impossible to say that you are not impressed by these two names.

One was a guy who once forced the Gorgias brothers and almost lost, and the other was a junior high school student who pushed Nash to a very embarrassing level.

No matter how long it takes, Xibo can never forget it.

That's where their team met its fate.

Fortunately, they relied on their so-called strength to make amends after the incident and continued to build new reputations around the world, which allowed the entire team to survive.

"Long Ya went for revenge, and I heard that he was beaten badly."

"However, he seems to be much more cheerful than before."

"Don't be so weird, that guy is not a masochist."

Several people couldn't help but care about Long Ya's performance so far.

Today's Long Yadu already has the strength to enter the profession, and there is a clear gap with them currently.

"Having him in this year's World Championship is really reassuring."

Since his professional debut, Long Ya has only lost to Amadeus.

There is no doubt about that power.

Although they already knew about Long Ya's multiple nationalities, they still believed in him.

"Having said so much, I haven't fought with him for a long time, and my hands are itchy."

"Then I'll make an appointment with Dudu and see how long you can last?"

“Are you kidding me?”

"Come on, if Long Ya is serious, you won't be able to hold on for more than a few seconds."

Without giving Xi Bo any room to speak harshly, Chico directly blocked the rest of his words.

Now Long Ya is recognized as a strong person by both Reinhardt and Nash.

Although Xibo also has special wild power, he really wants to fight Long Ya, but the chance of winning is extremely low.

"Nash, have you been a little impatient lately?"

"A little bit."

"But it's nothing serious."

Swinging the racket to the side, Nash was distracted and failed to catch the ball. Reinhardt looked at him and asked.

"The reason why you are like this is that you care about what Germany said before, right?"

Reinhard stared at him, and then expressed his anxiety.

"Ah, information about students from Neon Junior High School."

"Let's not care whether it is true or false."

"I have been subjected to something like that, no matter what, I have to find my place."

During the scheduled training process, Germany will come to the United States for a training match in half a month.

But before coming, Reinhard had specifically asked about the other party's purpose.

(It can be regarded as preparation for the strong opponents we will encounter in the World Championships.)

(That’s right. Those are the Neon Junior High School students who once defeated your team.)

That day, sitting indoors and hearing what he said almost made Nash a little nervous.

What happened two years ago is still remembered by people. When I meet him, I will always say, "Your team was broken up by junior high school students."

It's really hard not to feel red and warm.

It's a pity that Nash's mentality is much more comfortable than before, and he will not do anything inappropriate.

If it were him who was still impulsive at the beginning, he would teach the other party a lesson no matter what.

(They have grown beyond your imagination.)

(This is not a joke.)

(So ​​we also need external stimulation to find out.)

Hearing the German head coach speak so solemnly, Reinhardt felt something was wrong.

Why has Germany, its ninth consecutive hegemon, become so "strange"?

You suddenly came out and said you wanted to play training matches, and did you say it was because other countries were too strong?

This is obviously not the attitude and statement you should have as a team that has won consecutive championships, right?

But since this opportunity was so rare, Reinhardt finally accepted it.

After all, there is no way that the German team would be negligent in the training match. Whether it was for the purpose of exchanging experiences or observing intelligence, they would not lose anything.

This is why Nash has been restless recently.

He desperately wanted to know what happened over there in Neon.

Judging from the news that Long Ya brought back two years ago, it is already too outdated.

Nash still remembers the "surprises" brought to him by Akashi and Shirazu.

When he learned that middle school students could also participate in this year's World Championship, he knew there was a chance to meet again.

After becoming stronger, he had the confidence to clash with those two guys again.

Reinhard could understand his thoughts, but whether it would work or not was another matter.

At least judging from Long Ya's attitude, those junior high school students were not players that could be easily dealt with.

(I’ve become so strong, and those guys can’t be too weak.)

(That guy Nash is too confident in his own ability.)

(Although it is a good thing, if it goes too far blindly, there will be problems.)

Recalling what Long Ya told him, Reinhard was somewhat more willing to believe Long Ya.

After all, intellectually speaking, Long Ya, who has more contact with neon, is definitely more trustworthy.

"It's useless no matter how anxious you are."

"Wait until the German team brings the so-called video."

"Maybe we can learn each other's information."

Trying to comfort Nash, Reinhardt then continued training with him.



"Are you really used to it?"

"No matter what, I won't be scored by you many times, right?"

"So you guys who know special moves are disliked by others."

"Are you talking about yourself?"

"Hey, come on."

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