Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 516 515 target!

Chapter 516 515. Target!

"Sure enough, I feel like more and more strange visitors are coming recently."

Kise was playing with the ball on the court, took a look at the situation outside and said.

"That's obviously a foreigner, right?"

Kagami asked next to him, pointing to a person with obviously different hair and skin color.

"I don't know which country they are from, but they seem to be here to collect information."

“Have we become high-profile enough to attract foreign attention?”

"It shouldn't be possible. We have no direct relationship with those guys. Why are they paying attention to us?"

The two of them were communicating with each other, but they didn't quite understand the reason.

In their view, they have no point of contact with foreign countries at all, so why would they attract the attention of others.

"What nonsense? He might be a spy from somewhere."

"I came here to observe after hearing the name."

Qingfeng stood opposite, looking at their confused looks, scratching his head and saying boredly.

Speaking of which, the reputation of their junior high school students has indeed become bigger and bigger recently.

Especially as the titles of the four major ministers, each one is more "tough" than the last.

What kind of emperor, king, god or something like that.

Those who didn't know thought this was a deliberate competition to build momentum for each other.

"It would be okay if it was just like that."

Heizi is not too optimistic about this matter, it is really a bit of a coincidence.

He had noticed before that there were always strange looks in the crowd.

When you go to explore the source, you will find a foreigner carrying a video recorder and recording it.

And it's different every time, so it's not a coincidence at all.

"There's nothing to worry about, right?"

"If there was really any problem, Shirazu-chan and Akashi-chan would have spoken out long ago."

"Since they can let us practice here, it means they don't care at all."

Kise looked at everyone's different expressions, then shook his shoulders and said nonchalantly.

"Huh, if you have time to worry about boring things, why not think about your own shortcomings."

Midorima was playing ball with Murasakibara on the court next door, when he paused and said.

"Greenboy is right. With that kind of mentality, it would not be fun to lose another national competition."

Murasakihara rarely agreed with Midorima's statement and swung his racket to hit the ball back.

If they were really afraid of any intelligence leakage, they wouldn't have practiced in school in the first place.

Although the training ground prepared in the mountains and forests in the past has been destroyed by them, and even repairing it is very laborious, there are still many similar places.

After all, Akaashi has always been an energetic guy. If you really want to, you can still find a lot of unmanned training venues.

The reason why I did not continue to arrange training in isolation was because I felt it was no longer necessary.

Physical exercise depends almost entirely on oneself, and the effects of the courses that are carefully prepared are now very little.

It can be said that everyone has reached a state of saturation. Waiting for an opportunity, there may be another huge growth.

And precisely, they all know what that opportunity is.

That is to encounter a strong enemy, and in that extreme confrontation, the pressure that breaks the restrictions.

In the past three years, each other has come this way.

Now in their last year in this country, they also hope to have a perfect ending to their journey.

Leave no regrets.

"Hey, I'm almost at the end before I know it."

“The memory of when I entered school always feels like it was yesterday.”

“After the national competition, it’s a bit hard to let go.”

Continuing to cooperate with the doubles, Kise looked at the familiar teammates around him and said fondly.

"Idiot, don't you plan to go to high school?"

Kise's abnormal nostalgic language could be heard from a distance, and Midorima sneered at him.

"Yeah, our tennis doesn't end in junior high school."

Vulcan said in agreement, then waved his clap and shouted.

The ball spun violently in the air and then hit the front.

"There are still things to play in high school."

Aomine ran to the position, holding the racket with both hands, easily hitting the ball back and then said.

"This is not entirely true. As long as we play tennis, we will meet one day sooner or later."

Heizi glanced at everyone, and then smiled happily.

"Hei Zai, saying this is like a curse."

"Murrasakihara-kun, that's too much to describe."

"Haha, but I have to say, I am very satisfied with this curse."

Watching Murasakibara and Kuroko's exchange over the air, Kise laughed while replying.

In such an atmosphere, they seemed to be more active than usual.

"Akutsu, are you serious?"

In the club room, Bai Jin was startled when he saw Akashi typing on the keyboard with his hands, and the data and information recorded on the laptop.

"What's wrong?"

Momoi looked over curiously, but she was also stunned.

"What's wrong?"

Akashi didn't stop what he was doing, and Akashi didn't mind that this kind of confidential information was seen by Shirazu and Momoi.

The two of them just stood behind him, looking at the information inside and feeling a little subtle.

"Not to mention that the national competition starts in half a month."

"At this time, you and Atobe plan to arrange Akutsu into the professional league?"

"League events just need to be staggered with national competitions."

"That's not a difficult thing."

His friend's doubts can't make Akashi worry too much. He and Atobe have already coordinated everything.

And the reason for the arrangement at this time was because that guy Akutsu took the initiative to find him and Atobe.

(I will use my own ability to get it from you.)

(I want to participate in national competitions and professional competitions!)

He and Atobe rarely took the time to deal with Akutsu, and then they both agreed.

"That's really nothing."


"I can still understand Echizen Ryuya. He is at least famous around the world. Akutsu is really a nobody in the world."

"Even if you and Atobe want to introduce you directly in the name of a sponsor, it will be difficult, right?"

This was a completely new plot and development, so much so that Bai Jin felt a little incredible for a while.

"The opportunity has been given to him anyway. Whether he can seize it or not is his own problem."

He picked up the tea next to him and took a sip. Akashi didn't care at all.

"However, can Akutsu-kun's strength really be used in the league competition?"

Although Momoi also had a stereotype of how powerful that man was, he still had doubts about whether he could gain a foothold in the highest competition.

You know, the professional players they have seen in the past are rarely weak.

Retired Nanjiro, active Alex and Polk all fully demonstrated the strength of different classes.

"No need to worry about that."

In this regard, Shirazu knew what was going on. He could just imagine what Akutsu would be like after passing the trial training.

As long as he doesn't meet a particularly powerful professional player, Akutsu can live a comfortable life with his abilities.

"This can be regarded as fulfilling the goal he has always wanted."

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