Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 519 518 New ancient martial arts!

Chapter 519 518. New ancient martial arts!

"This world is not that easy!"


"That guy with wooden hands really dares to say that."

"It's obviously quite difficult to deal with."

Chitose couldn't help but comment as she looked at Kite who was fighting with Kintaro in an incomprehensible manner.


As the last door to the realm of selflessness, its efficacy is unquestionable.

Especially Kintaro, who was already a talented person, seemed even more outstanding.

After going through all kinds of training, Mu Shou can only resist reluctantly now.

"In the past, Mu Shou would have lost long ago."

This is not to say that Kute is too weak, on the contrary, Kintaro's excessive growth makes him look inferior.

Coupled with the seamless influence, Mu Hand will be at a disadvantage no matter what.

"Hey, hey, hey, Mu Shou and I don't have any good ideas when faced with a perfect situation."

"He can fight Kintaro a few more times with hard power and reduced ground techniques, but I can't do that."

Chitose shook her head, smiled bitterly and said.

On their Kansai side, the only person who can truly fight against Tianyi seamlessly is Mu Shu.

The only one left is Shiraishi.

Chitose himself did not fumble for that door. He has only managed to master two doors now.

"Yes, it seems that there is no dawdling in Kanto."

He spoke as if he was speaking harshly, holding the racket with both hands and hitting the ball back before speaking.

"Haha, come again!!"

The figures of the two people were flickering in the venue like ghosts.

They have mastered the use of Shuchi method to perfection.

"You're wrong, Chitose."

"Although Mu Hand is at a disadvantage, it doesn't mean he has nothing to do."

Shiraishi looked at Mushou who had entered the headwind for a moment, but he wasn't worried at all.

Recalling the education from that mother-in-law, they did not live under her guidance in vain.

The special training Osamu Watanabe mentioned last year was the addition of Granny Shan to guide him.

The old man who should have died long ago in the main drama is still alive and in good spirits for some reason.

Kintaro's proposal to go to Kanto was also a decision made after discussion between Osamu Watanabe and Grandma Sugi.

Otherwise he wouldn't have that kind of confidence.

After Kintaro left, almost everyone from Shitenhoji Temple and Higa stayed at his home to take care of the mother-in-law.

Likewise, each of them received corresponding guidance and made good progress.

Just like Chitose who opened the double doors, he broke his own limit.

As the best among them, Shiraishi and Kute naturally have their own abilities.



Looking at the ball that bounced off the ground quickly, Kintaro was a little confused for a moment.

"That's why I said it."

"This world is not easy enough for you to do whatever you want."

The attitude was so calm, even though there were a lot of sweat on his cheeks, the wooden hand still showed its strength.

"Flawless clothing is not a panacea."


Then, as if his own limitations were lifted, Mushou continued to score.

“He’s adapted and taken it seriously.”

When Shiraishi saw this, he knew that Mu Shou had begun to take control of the situation and gradually regained his body's rhythm.

(Mother-in-law, how should we deal with the perfect situation?)

(Huh? Perfect? ​​Oh. The one that kid Nanjiro often used before)

(Block out irrelevant thoughts and ideas and just focus on playing ball.)

(What’s the principle?)


(It hurts!)

(You have too many little thoughts! Focus on me!)

(They are all people who have practiced martial arts, how could they be so stupid?!)

The sight of being beaten while sitting upright was still vivid in his mind, and Shiraishi couldn't help but feel that it was too mysterious when he thought about the hard training he had gone through.

He and the others were fine, but Mu Shou was a typical "looking for trouble" person.

Using the Kanto group as imaginary enemies, he constantly asked his mother-in-law, who was experienced in tennis, for advice on various countermeasures.

Seamless is just one of the things mentioned.

"Negishi-ryu Shurikenjutsu!"

The wooden hand swung out, and the ball flew to the sideline at great speed.

Kintaro used the Shuchi method to reach the target in one step, and then swung away.


But at that moment, there was no real feeling that the racket was hitting the ball. When I blinked, I realized that the ball had broken into more than ten pieces and landed at different angles before it touched.

"Oh oh oh, what is that?"


Kintaro came back to his senses, looked at the tennis ball that had transformed into another, turned to the wooden hand holding Pose and asked excitedly.

"Ancient martial arts."

Chitose murmured in silence as he silently watched Mu Shu's strange movements.

The only one among them who has a clear path is Mu Shu.

Under the guidance of that mother-in-law, Mu Hand Specialized developed the "Okinawa Martial Arts" he mastered in greater depth.

"Takeda-ryu Aiki no Jutsu!"


"Yagyu Heart Eye Fluid Technique!!"


The situation was completely turned upside down. Mu Shou, who had been suppressed seamlessly, turned to the defensive and launched a very exciting attack.

"It seems that our killer from Kansai is more powerful."

That completely unremarkable performance allowed Chitose to roughly see the result, and he always said that he had never seen such a wooden hand.

No wonder Shiraishi didn't stop his duel with Kintaro. It turned out that he was prepared.

Facing such a wooden hand for the first time, Kintaro had no means of dealing with it.

Not to mention adapting and seeing through it, you will be faced with a new ancient martial art in the next moment.

It seems a bit difficult for Kintaro to avoid "killing at first sight".

"of course"

Why do you dare to say that you want to defeat Kintaro?

That's because Mu Shou himself has that kind of confidence. Otherwise, if he talks casually and gets slapped in the face, wouldn't he become a clown?

He had known for a long time that Kintaro had activated Seamless Clothes, and he came today with the intention of testing it.

The methods taught by Granny Shan and the "ancient martial arts" he learned from reading historical books and documents were the greatest confidence and achievements.

"Araki-ryu Fist Technique!!"

"Bang bang bang bang bang!!"

"I know this!"

The ball seemed to fly over in five pieces. Kintaro's eyes lit up. He was no stranger to this. He then waved his arms and hit the ball back one by one.


But the next moment, there was a strange roar in his ears.

(Eh? The sound of cannons?)

The sound of the explosion was undoubtedly the legendary "cannon".

When he came to his senses, Kintaro realized that his racket had been penetrated.

"Yangliu Cannon Technique.!"

He raised his glasses with the back of his fingers, and his dangerous eyes reflected under the reflective lenses.

"Times have changed."

“You cannot keep up with the new era by clinging to the previous concepts.”

The results of the training were gradually revealed, and the strength of the wooden hand also aroused Kintaro's high fighting spirit.

"Sure enough, it's the same no matter where you play!"

"Tennis. It's really fun!"


Mu Shou has become stronger in the most serious way.

There is more than one type of ancient martial arts in Japan.

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