Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 520 519 Fight for it!

Chapter 520 519. Fight for it!

"Ah, it's so refreshing."

"Hmph, you still have to practice."

After the sparring session ended, Bokuto still maintained his cold demeanor as he looked at Kintaro standing in front of him laughing.

"It seems that your efforts were not in vain."

Chitose walked up to him, looked at Mu Shu and said.

He really didn't expect Mu Shou to hide such a skill.

In the past, I just used "Okinawa Martial Arts", but now I have studied other schools of "Okinawa Martial Arts".

No wonder this guy was always so confident before, maybe because he had mastered new moves and gained confidence.

"That's of course. It's different from you who are so stubborn that you end up on the same road."

"I have seriously considered scalability, unlike you."

"It's absolutely impossible to compete with those guys from Kanto in that form."

Taking care of the tattered racket in his hand, Kute was actually very dissatisfied with Chitose's behavior.

In order to pursue the limit of the selfless state, I kept studying, but the result was that I only opened two doors.

The so-called seamlessness meant that he had no clue or opportunity to enter.

In Kite's view, most of Chitose's training, apart from improving his own basic skills, was nothing but a waste of effort.

How can we fight against those monsters in Kanto if this continues?

Maybe by then Tachibana Yoshihei, who is also a member of the Kyushu duo, will be at a higher level than him.

"You may be right."

"But for me, this is a path I will never give up."

There is a reason why he is called a "selfless madman". Although Chitose knows that the probability of him being able to come into contact with Tianyi Seamless is very low, he still will not give in.

If you just know that the road ahead is difficult and don’t go ahead, you will definitely not succeed.

I may be wasting my time and talent, but I definitely don’t want to look back on this moment and feel regretful in the future.

Having opened the two doors you dreamed of, how to conquer the last door depends on your ability.

If you succeed, you will have success and fame; if you fail, you will have nothing.

Ever since he took the initiative to embark on this path, there was no point of looking back.

"I really don't know whether I should say whether you are firm in your beliefs or simply unwilling to give up."

Having said this, Mu Shou did not intend to interfere with the other party's choice. The reason why he persuaded him was because of the friendship between the two parties.

If Chitose can really activate the perfect match, that would be a good thing, but if he is afraid that he will waste too much time and cause himself to fall behind, that would be meaningless.

It is precisely because the efficiency of the effort and price is too low and the risk is too high that Mu Shu cares.

Otherwise, he would not mind his own business when facing strangers.

"Well, didn't my mother-in-law say that too?"

"Everyone has a perfect fit."

"It's not something to worry about. Just try your best, Chitose."

Reaching out and patting Chitose on the shoulder, Shiraishi came over and interrupted the exchange between the two.

He also knew how difficult it was to open the last door. After all, even though it was so easy for Kintaro to get in, he had the talent and character to do it.

But Shiraishi will also respect Chitose's choice.

The mother-in-law didn't take the initiative to persuade him to give up, so what could his peers do to stop him?

"Oh, how are you doing, Granny Shan? Shiraishi."

Kintaro asked happily when he heard the familiar voice.

"I'm very energetic. I heard that you would be back today, and I also said that I would prepare some special greeting gift for you."

Looking at Kintaro bouncing in front of him, Shiraishi smiled and responded.

"Huh?! A special gift for my mother-in-law?!!"

Upon hearing this, Kintaro felt as if his balloon had deflated, and his whole body suddenly deflated.

He was chilled and trembling slightly.

"What's wrong? Xiao Jin, you look very scared."

Chitose looked at him and immediately found it funny. The child who was so lively and fearless before now became so "well-behaved" when he heard the mother-in-law's words.

"Ah, it must be like that again."

Thinking of some bad memories, Kintaro pouted and muttered.

"The national competition starts in three days."

"Mushou, have you really thought about it?"

Shiraishi didn't continue to pay attention to Kintaro's scared look, but turned to ask Kite.

"It makes no sense."

"We Higa will fight until the end."

"No matter who the opponent is."

Hearing this, Mu Shu walked towards the door while talking.

"Then I wish both of us good luck in martial arts."

Until Mu Shu left alone, Shiraishi didn't stop him.

Only their Kansai players know how much pressure they carry.

How difficult it is to keep up with the pace of Kanto and not fall behind.

Shiraishi himself is confident, but that doesn’t mean every team member can keep up.

After all, talent does affect everyone's upper and lower limits.

It doesn’t mean that if you work hard, you will get good results.

While you are working hard, others are also making progress, and the gap may not be getting smaller, but it may be getting bigger.

This is the most cruel thing

As for Shiraishi and Kite, they are already in the third grade this year. If they don't make a difference now, their final junior high school career will be over.

In the past two years, they failed to show themselves due to lack of strength.

But this last year will never be as unknown as before.

"As an opponent, he is indeed admirable."

"It's a pity that we belong to different schools after all."

Chitose looked at Mudou leaving and felt somewhat regretful.

If Kite and Higa were members of the Tentenhoji Temple, they would be more confident in competing against others in the national competition.

After all, the competition in today's era is not only for top combat power, but also for mid-range personnel.

Just look at Teikou and Rikkai Dai. They can always cope with all competitions with a good full lineup.

On the contrary, Qingxue and Hyokui will always be weaker overall.

Except for Teikou, the quality of staff in other schools may not be much different, but their quantity becomes a problem.

This would not be a flaw in a normal competition, but once it confronts a strong school, its weakness of insufficient strength will be exposed in an instant.

Maybe the outcome of the game will be decided at this moment

Teikou's personnel also let other schools know the benefits of all members being strong.

It's a pity that in the past three years, only Rikkai has been able to truly keep up and achieve this.

Even last year's Ice King had to advance to the finals with his life hanging by a thread.

Otherwise, with a normal configuration, they might have been stopped by Rikkai in the semi-finals.

"The last three days."

"I always feel a little nervous."

"Haha, I feel a bit hopeful."

"Xiao Jin, let's go to see my mother-in-law together and bring some gifts along the way."


Just when they were talking and about to leave, Osamu Watanabe stood on the top of the teaching building and read the whole story.

He held a toothpick in front of his mouth, as if he was thinking about something, and then reached out to lower the brim of his hat, revealing only a twinkling look in his eyes.

"Maybe we still have to fight for it."

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