Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 522 521 Dreams and Tomorrow!

Chapter 522 521. Dreams and Tomorrow!

"What's wrong? You look distracted?"

"The national competition is approaching, are you nervous?"

Turning on the computer, he looked at Atobe who was in a bad mental state in the dialogue window and asked.

"Huh, I didn't expect you to make such a joke."

Compared to the indifference of the other personality, this Akashi seems too humane.

"It's nothing, I just had a strange dream when I was sleeping recently."

After calculating for a while, Atobe took a sip of coffee to refresh himself, glanced at the countdown of "1 day" on the calendar, and then explained.


It was rare to talk about these things. Akashi stopped the information he was preparing to send, and then became curious.

“It looks like I’m cornered in the World Championships.”

"I was hit hard by some kind of embodied move."

"Then I felt a little unhappy and had a fight with 'him' myself."

Recalling the strange scene in the dream, Atobe felt a little angry for no reason.

Can't you deal with the Black Dragon's Sevenfold Slash, the Earth-shrinking Technique of the Ball, etc.?

It looked so cowardly that Atobe couldn't help but take action.

Overthrow all those so-called illusions and fight that "self" personally.

"It sounds amazing."

"I just feel sick."

"Why are you so weak?"

Compared to Akashi's serious hearing, Atobe seemed much more dissatisfied.

After fighting with that self in his dream, he felt ridiculously weak.

There is nothing like the Eye of Ice, the Virtual Image of Ice, the Time and Space of Ice, or Haki.

If you count them down, Ice Kingdom and Ice Emperor are the ultimate moves?

What else is good at protracted warfare?

When did he, Jibu, fall into such an ink-like style of play?

No wonder he was so suppressed in the so-called World Championship.

"The results of it?"

Other people may not take this kind of situation seriously at all, but as Akashi, these mysterious things may or may not be real.

"I just educated him, but he took away some of my experience and ability."

"How greedy."

Thinking of the ending, Atobe also felt a little relieved. Fortunately, at least the guy's personality didn't make him hate him. He still looked like that. He just didn't train enough and couldn't keep up with him.

"There hasn't been anything like it since."

“But I still feel a little tired looking back.”

"It's as if the strength has been drained from the body."

After telling him the reason for his lack of energy recently, Atobe rubbed his eyes with one hand.


"That's probably similar to what I've encountered."

When it comes to this, Omo Akashi also has a say.


Hearing this, Atobe was surprised and waited patiently for the rest of the story. Even if he had such a strange dream, had Akashi encountered it before?

"The other me in the dream is not playing tennis, but playing basketball."

"So when I met him in my dream, it seemed a little... um, strange?"

"Then I tried to play basketball with him for a while, and I won easily."

"It seemed like he took something from me after that."

"So much so that I would feel a little weak physically or mentally at that time."

"However, that has not happened now."

After silently speaking about this experience, Akashi actually faintly noticed something.

That might be me in another time and space, but the path I choose is different.

What made him more concerned and curious was that when he asked Riakishi to cooperate with him in playing the pendulum, the other person seemed to have a mental breakdown and his eyes turned red.

Visible "acidity" to the naked eye.

As for why we meet across time and space in dreams, it is difficult to explain.

But there is no doubt that like Atobe, their side is stronger.

However, the other person also had a dual personality, which really shocked Akashi for a while.

Even if the world was different, I would still be infected with this "disease".

"To put it bluntly, we are probably using our strength to fight accordingly."


"The symptoms are like a temporary charger that lasts for a while."

Atobe, who understood, also understood that it was rare for him to understand why this happened.

But since it has occurred, there should be a corresponding explanation.

He felt empty emotionally because he had been "borrowed" his strength.

However, fortunately it happened during this period, and the feeling of weakness has gradually subsided a lot.

Otherwise, if something happens like this in a crucial game, something might happen.

"This world is really full of wonders."

"Yeah, I don't know if it's real or just a dream."



"came back!!"

Everyone in Shanbuki who was practicing suddenly heard Tan Taiyi's shout, and they were all startled.

But when they turned around and looked over, they were all frightened.

"Yes, just throw it over there."

I saw Akutsu instructing a group of porters to talk. If it was just like this, they didn't mind very much.

Mainly because this group of people is a bit scary carrying a lot of rackets.

"Senior, what are you...?"

Haohei and Yohei ran over together, looked at Akutsu and asked curiously.

After staying here for a long time, they are already familiar with Akutsu's character, so they are not as afraid as the new students.

"A gift in return for the smelly old man."

After curling his lips and saying something, Akutsu felt very confident.

He is now a person with a serious income. There is no problem in making some money by starting a career and repaying old debts.

"Oh, Akutsu-senpai is so generous."

"These are some fine rackets!"

Before I could ask any more questions, someone had already quietly taken advantage of it.

"Hey, it looks like it will last a long time."

Haizaki was picking the racket he wanted to use in the basket next to him, and then spoke politely.

For them, as long as the racket fits their hand, they can use it without worrying about whether it is customized.

"I thought you would come back before the game."

Qianshi came over from not far away, looked at Akutsu and smiled.

"There's no point in staying there and there won't be any games in the near future."

"Might as well come back here."

His attitude remained as arrogant as before, Akutsu said disdainfully.

To be honest, in the so-called professional competitions, he doesn't really feel much pressure.

Perhaps it was because the opponents he encountered were too weak, and there were opponents who could retaliate with light strikes, but when he couldn't resist and used the Nine-headed Dragon Flash, those people started to be beaten directly into silence.

Thinking of the domestic national competition, he rushed back directly.

This was also his initial idea, to explore the career first, and then come back to compete in the national competition when the time comes.

Don't fall on either side, grab both with one hand.

"Today is also the last day."

"Go to the venue tomorrow to announce the groupings, and the competition will start immediately."

"Ah, the last national competition of the third year."

"Hopefully I'll have better luck."

Qianshi smiled, but he was looking forward to tomorrow's competition.

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