Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 523 522 Nationwide Opening! The first battle is over! Unexpected visitor!

Chapter 523 522. Nationwide opening! The first battle is over! Unexpected visitor!



"This set was won by Diguang Kaibin"



"It's amazing. Is this year's Emperor Guang as strong as the first grader?"

“It always feels like something extraordinary”

“Every other school seemed to have a winner in a very short period of time.”

The onlookers couldn't help but marveled at the impressive results on the score board.

If you are from the Kanto region, you may have been used to this scene for a long time, but for people from other regions, this is the first time you have seen it this year.

"Tachikai Dai, Seigaku, Hyotei, and Yamabuki have all received their results."

"I heard that the Shitenhoji Temple and Hikachu Temple in Kansai are about to end."

"By the way, I heard that there is a school established by foreigners participating this year."

"They seem to be quite powerful."

The sound of discussion continued to come from around the stadium, which also made many people pay attention to the key issue.

"It sounds like everyone is very motivated."

"The first battle was so clean and tidy."

Kise naturally stood outside the stadium and said as he watched Kaibin returning from the victory.

"After all, there will be a fierce battle soon."

"I guess they are all holding in their energy."

Bai Jin looked around and found that no personnel from other powerful schools were watching the battle, and then he roughly understood their mood.

We are all old acquaintances. Who doesn’t know how many kilograms and taels there are?

Moreover, in the first round of the game, nothing can be forced, so there is no need to watch the game.

"Cherish the few opportunities you have to play."

Takao looked at Kaibin who came back, patted his shoulder and said.


Hearing this, Kaibin suddenly fell silent. He knew that the national competition was the real stage.

That was a battlefield belonging to the seniors, and it seemed impossible for them to get in with their seniority.

(Although I have become stronger, whether the minister and deputy minister can allow me to play is still a problem.)

He really wanted to fight Ryoma again, but with the current situation, he really couldn't be willful.

But if he were to let such an opportunity pass by as a spectator willingly, he would definitely not be willing to do so.

After all, Qingxue happens to be on this side of Diguang's competition area.

If nothing else, they will collide in the semi-finals.

"Your desire to confront Echizen Ryoma is written all over your face."

Suddenly, Kise put his hand on his head and expressed his inner thoughts.

"If you want to appear so much, why don't you ask for it."

"Although the match against Seigaku should not be underestimated, as long as the other party agrees, it should be no problem for you and Echizen Ryoma to play against each other in a certain singles position."

"While there is still a chance."

Giving a good proposal, Kise pointed at the figures of Akashi and Shirazu while hinting at it.

He understands Kaibin's current mood very well. As a senior, he will naturally support the other party's actions.

After all, from his perspective, Kaibin already has enough confidence.


Hearing this, Kaibin suddenly became energetic. He really didn't want to let go of the opportunity to confront Ryoma.

It was also their agreement before coming to Neon to compete with him in a national competition.

Then, after everyone returned to the tournament's residence, Kaibin took this opportunity to find the room where the temporary meeting was held.

"Minister! Deputy Minister!"

"I have something to ask for!"

"Please allow me to appear in the battle with Qingxue!"

It's a straight-to-the-point statement, without any awkwardness or clumsiness.

He also knew that this request might be unreasonable, but he wanted to try it anyway.

Even though they haven't reached the so-called semi-finals yet, in his opinion, Qingxue will definitely reach the semi-finals.

It was just a matter of time.

"Okay, okay."


It was so easy to get such a response that Kaibin didn't come back to his senses.


"As much as I want to say this, you can't be so willful."

Seeing Kaibin's confused expression, Bai Jin gave up for a moment and then changed his words.

"Of course Akaashi and I won't be so stingy as not to let you play."

"But the battle with Qingxue cannot be relaxed."

"Because this will involve the issue of formation in May."

He also slowly explained it to him. Both he and Akashi were quite patient.

"So, let me give you a chance."

"If you can convince Qing Xue, then I wouldn't mind vacating a singles spot for you."

Akashi looked at him and made a very subtle condition.

Want to show up?

Yes, but you have to fight for it yourself.

After all, once they meet Qingxue in the semi-finals, even if they want to give Kaibin this opportunity, they have to see whether Qingxue's side can cooperate.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste if we were given a singles position but couldn't meet Ryoma?

"I see!"

"Please give me some time!"

After calculating the number of games, Kaibin felt relieved and was not as nervous and restrained as before.

The semi-finals will not be until the day after tomorrow at the earliest, and two days are enough for him to operate.


Seeing Kaibin rushing out of the door, Akashi and Bai Jin laughed.

"That persistent look, but without any distracting thoughts."

Akashi was also very relieved to see through Kaibin's current nature.

Following Kise, he has grown to this point in just one month, both in terms of strength and mentality.

Even though he really wanted to compete with Ryoma, Kaibin was not "obsessed" and was treating this matter with a normal mood.

If it really doesn't work, he will give up on his own initiative.

"That's why you gave those conditions, isn't it?"

"It's all for nothing."

Sitting on the table and continuing the conversation leisurely, Bai Jin spoke very naturally.

The reason why I said that to Kaibin was because I wanted to give everyone a reasonable explanation.

Otherwise, it would be very unfair to others to make changes in the overall situation just because of personal requests.

As minister and deputy minister, they still have to maintain the so-called "fairness" to a certain extent.

Let Kaibin negotiate with Qingxue himself and get a reply, which will make it official.

In the eyes of Akashi and Baijin, this is actually not difficult at all.

Because according to the upright personalities of Qingxue and his gang, nine out of ten people will agree.

After all, they are all a group of "good old guys".

"Necessary changes still need to be made."


Just when the personnel from each school returned to the accommodation arranged by the competition room, Atobe met an unexpected person on the street outside.

"haven't seen you for a long time."


Looking at the people appearing in front of him, Atobe was slightly startled, and memories from two years ago began to emerge.


"Why are you here?"

He once played against the Jabberwock team as a representative two years ago, and for the first time Atobe experienced one of the powerful brothers of high school students.

Noah Gorgias.


Traces and traces

Akashi and Akashi

It’s time for the extra chapter of these two people’s special chapter.

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