Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 524 523 Overseas exchange students!

Chapter 524 523. Overseas exchange students!

gorgia brothers

If anyone had a deeper impression on Atobe, it would undoubtedly be these two brothers.

After all, this was the first time I experienced a huge gap.

He plotted against Noah, and was beaten violently by his brother J.J. Gorgias.

And now we can actually see Noah appearing at the player's residence, which is a bit meaningful.

"Well, didn't you know?"

"Neon has a special school for overseas exchange students."

"I was very curious about your current situation, so I took the time to come over."

Maintaining a friendly attitude, Noah replied with a smile.

"Nagoya Seitoku"

"Although I know they have introduced foreign students to participate in this national competition."

“But I didn’t expect it to be like this.”

After coming back to his senses, Atobu suddenly thought of the key point and said thoughtfully.

"Is it just you?"

Frowning slightly, Atobe spoke tentatively, and then asked again.

If it was just Noah, it wouldn't hurt in a group competition.

After all, no matter how strong the king is, he cannot complete the reversal if the chess pieces in his hand are not strong enough.

Atobe has the most say in this kind of matter.

Although he still doesn’t know Noah’s current strength, he agrees with Noah’s thinking level.

"Well, in a sense, I did come alone."

There was no full response, Noah thought about it for a while and then said.

"Oh, it seems you are well prepared."

After hearing these words, Atobe knew that things were not that simple.

However, he didn't worry about anything because he vaguely remembered

"Your opponent in the next match is..."

"Teiko Middle School, the second consecutive No. 1 in the country."

"I'm looking forward to playing against them."

Before Atobe finished speaking, Noah had already spoken out.


"You look so confident. You are very sure of the chess piece in your hand."

Atobe stared at him for a while, his calm attitude was really curious.

"No, you misunderstood. I don't have any chess pieces in my hand."

"They won't follow my orders."

"After all, we are not companions."

Hearing this, Noah thought of the somewhat chaotic environment and smiled bitterly.

Although he is already known as Australia's "genius tactician", the foreign students who came through Nagoya Seitoku this time will not be convinced by him.

Those guys from other countries hold the stubborn belief that they are the "strongest". How could they follow the arrangements of their peers?

"That's a shame."

"I can't compete with you on the field this time."

Holding his pocket with one hand, Atobe felt a little pity when he thought about the current situation.

He quite enjoyed the tactical and mental game with Noah.

"Haha, but chess should be fine."

"Well, I still have plenty of time, so I can kill it a bit."

Following the invitation, the two of them found a suitable location with Hua Di following them.

"To be honest, your venue seems a bit too luxurious."

“Is Neon such a luxurious country?”

Sitting on a soft single sofa with chess pieces placed, Noah asked curiously.

It's not just that he will have doubts, but it doesn't matter that the venue of this national competition is so brand-new, even all kinds of facilities and entertainment venues are available.

Even the hotels prepared for the players are quite high-end. It is hard to imagine that it is just a domestic competition.

It's no wonder that the players here want to go all over the country to enjoy it. Even if it's just for one day, it's probably worth it.

“It’s just someone investing.”

"And as the organizer, we are also afraid that some unknown things will happen in the urban area and cause bad repercussions."

Atobe started moving the chess pieces around, but he didn't hide anything. After all, why the arena here was established is clear to anyone who has experienced what happened in the past years.

"Unknown things? Sounds exaggerated."

He also pushed the chess pieces with his hands, and Noah heard the implication.

Are the organizers afraid that something will happen downtown and cause a bad reaction?

What kind of situation would cause this strange scene to happen?

After going through it in my mind, I realized that perhaps only the red dragon I witnessed two years ago had such an impact.

I vaguely remember someone saying later that the entire urban area was in a power outage, which caused huge agitation.

"You guys, why do you suddenly appear here?"

Atobe deliberately put an accent on the word "you" and asked.

Although some junior high school students can know the new rules of the World Championship in advance, not everyone is qualified to have access to them.

It's not surprising that Noah knows, after all he is the brains behind the Australian team.

It’s understandable that you want to explore the situation on Neon’s side again.

But junior high school students from other countries?

For what reason did they come to this school in Nagoya?

"Well, the specific reason is Germany."

"They are inviting various countries to hold training matches."

"At the same time, we are also waiting for opportunities to promote your strength."

"Then, as you saw, it attracted a lot of, uh, demons and monsters?"

There was no hiding it, this kind of thing would be known sooner or later, so Noah said it directly.

"So that's how it turned out to be."

"Does the king of Germany actually waver?"

"Doing this will only show that they lack confidence."

The hand playing with the chess pieces paused for a moment, and Atobe found it inexplicably funny.

Recalling the confrontation between Polk and Tezuka, that alone should not make the opponent feel like a formidable enemy.

There must be a deeper reason for this

A reason that forced Germany to "unite" with other countries to defend itself.


Students from Neon Junior High School sensed the threat of being able to attack the throne, so they had to announce the news and attract everyone's attention.

Whether it's testing or attrition, Team Neon can't have such a smooth performance in the World Championship.

After all, the World Championship clearly stipulates that three junior high school students must appear in each competition.

As for Germany's such attention and "care", it may be that their Neon Junior High School students were too strong and broke the balance between each other.

(Tsk, the opponents in the World Championship can’t be that weak, right?)

Recalling the Spanish player he saw in his dream, Atobe frowned and shook his head.

Although he rationally felt that something had happened, he still hoped that his opponent would not be so vulnerable.

Otherwise, winning the championship will seem no fun at all.


At the moment when he was distracted, the chess piece was pushed down by Noah. He came back to his senses and looked at that place.

"If you are careless, you will lose."

As if he saw something, Noah put his hand on his chin and smiled.

"Hmph, it makes no sense."

Without caring about the immediate gains and losses, Atobe laughed and took the next step without hesitation.

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